>only made one good movie.
>basically capeshite with kungfu but pretty dated for what it was
>going to be a huge woke fest
Why are people excited again?
Wasn't the story over with 3?
They need to pull a Logan and pass the torch on to a transgender kid. The time of white hero/jesus figures like Neo are over.
keanu is japanese
You wish, chink.
And the time of using out wallets is over too tranny. Good luck supporting the franchise with your neet bucks
doesn't it end with the oracle and architect staring at the sunset? thats pretty open
the story was over with 1
hardly hes quarter Hawaiian-chink
>basically capeshite with kungfu
>And Lana Wachowski
What happened to the other "sister"? Not on board for this sequel? Too busy dilating?
Because neo will finally go trans and get pegged by trinity now that his age matches lana's at the time of her transition.
Too high on ketamin and tied up by their dominatrix to partake in the writing process.
isn't Trinity dead?
they stop working together starting with sense8 season2. the hormones probably made them catty
>only made one good movie
That is to say, Speed Racer
>Keanu's father, who is an American from Hawaii, has English, Native Hawaiian, Portuguese, Scottish, and Chinese ancestry, with distant Dutch roots. Keanu's mother is English.
>the real world is a simulation
>everyone is actually both genders
>only woke people make it to this level of the matrix
Anyways, pretty sure they're going to give it the ol' star wars treatment and butcher everything for 3 movies straight
>h-hey everybody
>its us
>you do remember us?
>we made the Matrix trilogy twenty years ago
>we are women now
>I'm Mickey Mouse. They don't know who's inside the suit.
Is this the most colourful IMDB bio ever?
>why are people excited again?
name one person I respect who's excited about this
the matrix was barely contained proto-woke, back when they cared if the goyim knew
the original was literally a metaphor for coming out as gay
There better be a really cool tranny orgy. In the future what if everyone has a pussy and a cock but the anus is gone due to evolution and we process food more efficiently so our genitals are purely for pleasure and procreation.
season 2 was so bad I felt sorry for the white & spic actors
I only watched the first season and I dumped the show, there's only so much gay/tranny sex orgies I can stomach, which is why I had no idea about this whole falling out/break business, I haven't kept up with anything regarding that show.
>In the future what if everyone has a pussy and a cock but the anus is gone due to evolution and we process food more efficiently so our genitals are purely for pleasure and procreation.
I stuck through the whole 'finding your identity' narrative in season 1 b/c I figured it was being used as a vehicle to develop the characters. Turns out lolnope the characters were the vehicle all along to pontificate the same tired shit throughout season 2. It's a damn shame too since Lito's actor was one of the more enjoyable members of the cast.
Brave New World
>two DUDES make a movie
>fantastic one of the best movies ever made
>one of then becomes a tranny
>both sequels suck ass
>both of then become tranies
>never make another good movie speed racer was alright
unless they glue their balls back on again i doubt it will be good
animatrix>>>dumb tranny movie