Lesbian movies

Beside blue and Mulholland Drive what are the best lesbian movies?

Anything with older women preying on younger and innocent girls?
A bit like that:

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>the fucking savage eating bitch who cucks her blue haired girlfriend because she is bored she has to work to pay bills

yellow can get warm if you know what i mean (:

Attached: Large_bonfire[1].jpg (800x533, 130K)

>Anything with older women preying on younger and innocent girls?

what are you user, some kind of weirdo?

Attached: elle.webm (1280x720, 1.12M)

>best lesbian movies
The Children's Hour

Attached: dead lesbian lol.png (1792x1080, 1.24M)

What are some essential Lea Seydoux films lads?

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was it rape?

looks nice.
too bad Kristen Stewart is not that much older tho.
is it good?

more like this pls

Attached: oh no, a boner.png (319x326, 49K)

Illsa She Wolf of the SS

Attached: Nazi Ilsa_she_wolf_of_ss_poster_02.jpg (1574x2403, 715K)

Bound is dykino

>kristen stewart
i've always wondered what it was like to be autistic and not able to recognize faces

But I'm a Cheerleader (1999)

>not able to recognize faces
oh no.. I didn't not recognize the girl that looks pretty much the same that other girl I've seen in one or two movies so far...
I must be autistic I guess.

This. Do the normal rules of male/female interaction work the same way, where anything unwanted is automatically rape, or is it all kosher?

>Anything with older women preying on younger and innocent girls?

Attached: Eva.webm (1280x694, 2.52M)

Madchen in Uniform
Portrait of a Lady on Fire
Watermelon Woman
The Handmaiden
The Favourite
Je, Tu, Il, Elle
Professor Marston and the Wonder Women
Desert Hearts

Any kinos where this happens but the woman resists longer because she doesn’t want to be a lesbian and thinks its wrong but then finally gives in, likes it, and it ruins all relationships and family ties she has just as predicted because the slippery slope of dykery is real and yet she was unable to stop herself because the other woman wouldnt let up because lesbians are at heart vampires who will shatter my heart to get what they want, which is once virginal young women with bright futures?

>nobody mentions DEBS, which is pure cheese and bad in the best ways

first time I hear about that movie... I'll check it out

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That's basically Carol. Cate ruined Rooney's life with her bullshit.

french people have gross skin

all i could see is blemishes and acene throughout this whole movie

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bro you're in for a treat


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To be fair kstew has a distinct, unlikable face

Room in Rome

downloading... must be good since there're still people seeding it.

>Thinking that's a real photo.

user, please.. let me show you what a REAL woman looks like.

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I don't think that thing in the right is a woman

>french people have gross skin
It's true. Their questionable hygiene causes their breakouts and their smell, which isn't a meme. They're almost as bad as indians when it comes to smell.

What? She has no “essential kinos”. She is a literal french who.


This wasn't a good film. They met in a bar and didn't even talk that much. No chemistry and all that shit that makes a good romance film. It's kind of like porn really.

for me it's the sequel Black is the biggest colour

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>The Handmaiden
this to be quite real with you my nigga