The mouse always wins!
Disney is now in discussions with Sony about purchasing Spider-Man
Other urls found in this thread:
Nothing in that tweet indicates any of that
>Disney will throw Kevin Feige under the bus
>mousefags trying to cope
> Sonyfags seething this badly
nothing in that another tweet indicates Disney is trying to purchase Spider-Man from Sony either
>"Marvel Stuff"
lmao the mousefag cope
>Disney and Sony’s deal does goes through
>Disney buys out Sony anyway as an extra precaution
>mfw this shit actually happens
>Marvel Stuff
Oh the tears are delicious.
Damage control
How the fuck did Venom make over $800million?
That's why Sony is so cocky. It's your fault if you saw Venom in theaters.
>with a snap of its fingers, sony can make it all go away
You're welcome.
>tweet from 6 hours ago before Deadline published that Sony was out
they also made Jumanji BTFO Star Wars
into the spiderverse is what has their cocks hard
i seriously doubt disney jews are willing to drop a few shakels for spidey
this is basically they saving face and blaming sony for losing their most beloved character
Thank you Sony for saving the movie industry.
I didn´t. It was an ok movie. Feel dated but, well, ok.
Pretty much, with the Spiderman IP they can effectively maintain and control their own capeshit franchise. I mean who's left in the MCU that anyone actually cares about?
Spiderverse is getting a sequel and a TV series too.
they just need to let the mouse do the live action and focus on their own cartoon multiverse series.
>mfw I single handedly killed the mouse
based me
I'm glad it's over for MCUfags.
Haven't seen Venom yet
Gonna buy a blu-ray copy now though
Marvel shot themselves in the foot, Sony has the rights to the only Superhero at least relatively untarnished by SJW bullshit.
It would be kino if this actually started killing the MCU.
>watching movies wearing sunglasses
Sony is honorabu Japanese company. They wont get bought out by the mouse.
Love seeing the Big Rat get even slightly inconvenienced. Imagine how hard MovieBlobs seething right now after celebrating James Gunn getting rehired for months.
This picture is gold.
>A literal who has insight into a multibillion deal
Sony won't sell. Spiderman is their highest grossing movie.
Lot of mexicans went to see the movie. I went to see the movie twice on opening weekend and the room was packed both times by mexicans.
>simply over a producer credit
>One source said that a deal might still be reached between Disney and Sony. Disney is believed to have expressed concerns that Feige was spread too thin due to other Marvel projects plus original projects for Disney Plus.
it's pathetic how the disneycucks they don't want to say that "nameless producer" is Kevin Feige, pathetic
Not only that they spent a decade getting the film rights that’d been tangled up in legal hell for years. Why it 40 years after his creation to get a movie
>what if I just BUY Sony?
>like you have $4 million dollars laying around
Those are 3D glasses. How likely is it that everyone owns the exact same pair of sunglasses??
>I mean who's left in the MCU that anyone actually cares about?
MCU still has a wide variety of stories they can tell. Spidey fatigue will hit.
>He thinks Avengers has more classic stories than Spiderman
Kek. Nobody even cared about them a decade ago. Spiderman has decades of classic stories.
>still holding out hope for that spider-man/fantastic four movie!
Holy fuck capeshitters are sad.
>Nobody even cared about them a decade ago
and now global audiences do, same with GotG.
what matters in comics doesnt matter to movies. There's so many different characters and stories you can tell with the variety of Avengers and world.
With Spidey, that doesnt exist. Fatigue will set in.
You're probably mexican too
Kek, this just proves that if you unironically liked Venom, you're probably a smelly immigrant.
Because Mexicans only watch kino.
>Disney owning Playstation
Yea Forums would fucking lose it
mother of soy, holy shit
yeah sure they do. unfortunately they've decide to instead focus on the shitshow that has been the last ten years of marvel comics instead
>How the fuck did Venom make over $800million?
Because he's /ourguy/
Any non-pleb would know it
Raimibros it was meant to be our time
>Person is exited for thing that I personally don't like
that would be fantastic. We would finally get Kratos in Kingdom Hearts!
It's finna boutta be our time yet. Just wait fren.
Faggy out. Next Spider Man movie has Mary Jane Watson. Beats Endgame
>Venomverse could potentially overthrow MCU if played right
Truly based timeline.
>destroys Endgame in box office
This is the story Sony is heading towards and they need Spiderman back for it to make sense.
I wonder how much is Pascal trying to weasel into maintaining control.
Disney own all Spider-Man shit save for the movies and can easily fuck everything up for Sony. Sony will crack and give Disney Spider-Man back and they will probably get Venom too. The Mouse always wins.
The Mouse Always Wins
They tried the same shit with Xmen. And they failed hard with Inhumans. Sony has nothing to worry about
Sony has the rights to over 900 characters.
>there's gonna be carnage
We can finally get Spider-Man in a good venom symbiote suit
How are they going to explain Spidey's absence?
Holy fuck it’s happening, Harrelson Holland and Hardy are going to be amazing
They already did in venom, also Venom is in California
"succumbed to the floppy slippers man"
I mean in future MCU movies.
Whatever happens, I'm hoping it's the worst possible decision that fucks both sides in the worst possible way.
Tencent money laundering. Like Captain Marvel, it didn't really make a ton of money.
25cents has been deposited into your shill account
end of next spiderman's endcredits he probably falls through the multiverse into venom's world.
I've never been into actual comic books but I always thought those Carnage and Venom mcedgelords looked cool when I was a teen. Still I don't even know the origins of Carnage, only hearsay that he's a serial killer who somehow got infected with a different variation of the symbiote or some shit. Is there a "definite" portrayal of him and his relation with Venom in the comics? There's so many universes and versions and stuff I never bothered reading them.
>"sorry, but there are multiple NY neighborhoods that need his help at the moment, he can't come"
>the villain turns out to be the hero all along
sony and venom complete their redemption arcs
>That's why Sony is so cocky.
No fuck that. The deal Marvel offered them is dogshit. going from 95% profit to 50% will see Sony making less even if profits increase. It's a terrible, terrible deal from their end
Not hard to once over with a couple of lines of dialogue
so this is the many soifaces of america
How, by making some shit comics? Well they've been doing that for years and it hasn't hurt the MCU. Ironically Hulk is their best current comic and he can't get a movie.
It's amazing to see all the DCfags come out of the woodwork over this.
It just proves that they were in hiding, crying and seething, licking their wounds. Blood just boiling over after one Marvel success after another. Hiding in the dark like some stinkin rat jews.
Well, enjoy your moment in the sun, because negotiations are ongoing and when a deal is reached, you'll go running back to hide in your holes crying, like you always do.
sony pictures is so comically greedy and inept, they're like a corporate villain from an 80s movie
Yeah, I'm thinking its time to go get em.
No need for that, she is not even at Sony Pictures anymore and she still has a ironclad agreement making her a producer on everything related to Spider-Man.
She cucked everyone from Arad to Feige
He shared a nearby prison cell with Eddie Brock. When the symbiote apeared and escaped with Eddie, it left a small part of itself behind, that got into Cletus Kasady's bloodstream. Thus was born Carnage.
>releasing a movie where there are like 10 Spidermen, both stablishing there are more Spidermen than Holland, and watering down Holland as the only Spiderman in the collective minds.
>take away Spiderman from the mouse after and purchasing insomniac
Damn 4d chess from Sony desu
Why does everyone says it's Sony's fault? From what i read, Disney is the one who doesn't want work out things with them.
>thinking the mouse can be defeated by cultural barriers
Holy shit, I'm based.
they're more like affable villains who don't realize what they're doing wrong
comically greedy is disney
>Possibly return to Spider-Man 4, recast Toby Macguire and Dunst, convince Raimi to return and write/direct
It won't be so different than the fox deal. The major IPs and infrastructure of Sony Pictures and Columbia. The rest of Sony will still go on.
Not their film division (Sony Pictures) and their music division (Sony Music).
And also, the headquarters of their video game division (Sony Interactive Entertainment) recently moved to California (which explains why they are censoring a lot of games) so Disney can also buy it now.
Disney can still buy American subsidiaries of Japanese companies.
Why would Sony sell to Disney if they just had a billion dollar movie? :^)
>Disney can still buy American subsidiaries of Japanese companies
seriously, you have autism? lmao
>relatively untarnished
Can somebody explain how and why Disney lost Spiderman?
this was over 4.5 years ago
The best part is Disney can't do anything but watch as Sony destroys the MCU right in front of their eyes.
They never had it. Sony leased the character to them. They are taking it back.
It's great that someone's standing up to Disney at least. Though isn't Holland supposed to appear for like 1 or 2 more marvel movies?
How? what was the agreement?
>Stan Lee needs money
>sells off film rights under moronic deals to anyone who'd buy them
And here we are.
What Sony KINO are you expecting the most SonyChads??
Made sense at the time. Super hero movies were kinda shitty until The Dark Knight.
One of the litty variety.
Apparently some of the recasting was because of loopholes Sony had. Like if they had Mary Jane or Harry, Sony could use those characters outside of the MCU. They needed to make the supporting cast as far from the source material as possible. Also it is disney, so SJW diversity.
Until X-men you mean. The sell of off X-men to Fox was what started the super hero movie boom.
>sony pissed off the mouse
>moved to commiefornia recently
Sony gonna get bought out by the mouse, they fucked up hard, you don't fuck with the mouses bottom dollars.
Who cares? We're not going to get good live-action Spider-Man movies again, at least not for a long time. If he stays in the MCU, then we'll get more formulaic adventures of Iron Man Jr. If he goes to Sony's knockoff spiderverse MCU, then we'll get more shitty films, like ASM and Venom, produced by that ghoul Amy Pascal. There's not even a possibility for us to get something on par with Raimi's films until the MCU ends and/or Amy Pascal slinks back into whatever hole she crawled out of.
Antitrust laws would take a fat shit down the mouse's throat if they tried that
Will we finally get the MJ we deserve?
most of whom are Spidey-redux characters
I don't think Disney would or could buy all of Sony. If anything they would just buy Sony Pictures from them (which, by the way, is the weakest branch of Sony).
well they moved out of japan, so they arn't protected by jap laws anymore, their fucked m8, face it.
Fate/GO alone has Sony set up for the foreseeable future, they can do whatever they like
That's aunt May.
It was refreshing. Felt like a throwback to 2000s chronically pissed culture. Appealed to people who like buttrock, mountain dew, and call people niggers on Xbox Live. Complete with an Eminem song. DC doesn’t really put that much out and Marvel puts out 5 movies a year that are all the exact same movie so by doing something different at all it was able to stand out.
God, I hope so.
>Emma Wifustone
>Hot Bella
>bros material
>More litty
Sony is based as fuck
Spider-Man vs. The Sinister Six as we were promised.
I used to hate Sony, but with the correct management they can do well. Disney is much worse and harmful.
Granted but you get Soi Kratos
They’re publicly traded
Venom was miles better than Homecoming, which in-turn was somehow marginally worse than ASM2. That said: capeshit films are cancer, so as long as the most corporate suits suffer, the better. Let Sony keep their cash cow so Disney can starve out.
It's lines like these that make me like the MCU Spiderman even more. I don't care that it was a different time, racism and anti-antisemitism must never be tolerated.
The Spider-Man deal, if memory serves, is one of those old shitty Marvel movie deals they made for a quick buck where they get 5% and even then creative accounting dictates the 5% to less than 5% (or something like that). The Spider-Man deal is extra shitty for Marvel because they don’t even get all the merchandise gross, they have to share it with Sony. All Sony has to do is continue making Spider-Man movies to keep the license.
But the news is saying that the Mouse tried to strong arm them for 50-50. And that’s what this is all about. That was the starting point and Sony came back with lesser amounts (for Disney) and Disney stood their ground. They want at least 50-50..... or else. They have some tricks up their sleeve I would guess
I honestly want this to happen lmao
>Spider Man 4 with Tobey Maguire and Raimi
>The Amazing Spider Man:Sinister Six PART 1 and PART 2
>The Amazing Spider Man 4 PART 1 and PART 2
Greedy, greedy, greedy
>Spider-Man vs. The Amazing Spider Man with Andrew and Tobey
This could have actually been interesting
It seems like the films that actually did come out of these plans were Infinity War, Civil War, Venom, the two standalone Spider-Man films, and an animated film even if it wasn't The Amazing Spider Man 3. Is Sinister Six still happening in any form though?
Unironically Little Women
3D glasses
Well, at least there'd be the slim chance they'd make games instead of interactive movies
Mysterio and JJJ outed Peter as Spidey. He can't even stick around NY anymore. He needs an alias. He and May need to move to San Francisco.
>Based Sony
Has everyone already forgotten about fembusters and MIB4? What makes you think they'll go back to raimi days instead of doubling down on sjw shit.
X-Men and Spider-Man were both sold around the same time (1997-1998) before the first X-Men came out. When Marvel sold perpetual film rights, capeshit was a joke because of the latter Batman and Superman movies.
They are doing damage control
No, by holding the videogame rights hostage, just after Sony purchased insomniac
You... You do realize the Raimi trilogy isn't actually racist and antisemitic right?
Kevin Feige gets BTFO yet again
No Spider-Verse sequel
Yes but it still didn't have poc all over the damn place.
And now Disney has leaked the news, and BoycottSony is trending on twitter...
All according to the Mouses plan
the fact that Sony can think they can do with Hollands Spiderman without the MCU is beyond me. Feige even had consulted for Venom. If Sony keeps it you will only see villain spin offs until they try and execute a Sinister Six movie. And that shit will be worse that Suicide Squad.
I wonder if it's because Spider-Man will have a big role in the next MCU arc and they can't really afford to replace him
>How the fuck did Venom make over $800million?
Tom Hardy
That's a name normie drones will watch regardless of what movie it is
Honestly what the fuck is Sony thinking
Marvel wants spiderman bad
Just let them do it and take in the cash
venom enem
kill yourself nigger
Sony really dropped the ball. Could have had a tidy Spider-Man Fantastic four centered marvel universe of their own.
>Honestly what the fuck is Sony thinking
>Marvel wants spiderman bad
By not letting them do it, Disney caves to protect the mcu and Sony gets to take in more cash than they would otherwise.
literally why not?
I dont want to jinx it, but, is sony /ourguy/?
Man this entire thing breaks my heart. My ultimate dream was finally getting Spider-Man to meet other heroes in the MCU. But the entire MCU Spider-Man thing felt so shoehorned and not that amazing in the first place and after watching Far From Home it just felt.. Weak? I kinda wanted him to stay so I can see Tom Holland meetup with the Fantastic 4 and X-Men one day but as of now it seems like they're still negotiating. At the same time I would love to see Sony bring him back now.. But I am conflicted. It all sucks really.
imagine being this much of a basedboy
Based, 30 Rock was so on point about entertainment corporates you wish it was still on the air so it could have Donaghy's spin on the latest era of corporate/studio politics
I can't imagine they have any trick that will keep Spider-Man. Sony just bought the guys that made the spider-man game too. This was not out of nowhere they have a plan for multimedia content for years down the road for this licence.
duh, Spider-Man is the only thing along with James Bond that makes money for Sony
Have you read a Spider-Man comic in the past 10 years?
No trick to keep Spider-Man, but don’t be surprised if you randomly see a major Disney blockbuster or blockbusters come out the same week of the next Spider-Man movie.
>yeah sure they do
sounds sarcastic, but they have hundreds of characters to use
>they've decide to instead focus on the shitshow that has been the last ten years of marvel comics instead
I don't recall Shang-Chi, the Eternals, or Doctor Strange multiverse shenanigans being from recent Marvel comics
>miles morales
Yeah the best course of action is to reboot spiderman AGAIN
fuck off mouse shill
This guy doesn’t look too impressed
Not really. Sony Pictures is basically just Columbia Pictures under the nip umbrella.
>Implying they can afford it
Funny how Tom Rothman went from fucking up X-men movies at Fox for Marvel to fucking up Spider-man movies at Sony for Marvel. This is the same fucking moron that said giant robots like Sentinels were too unrealistic for movies, the year before Transformers came out. He also said no one would want a Deadpool movie and kept canceling it until Reynolds leaked that clip he had filmed.
we wanted to see them fuck
MCUcuck on suicide watch! hahaha.
Now we can see Venom, Carnage and Spidey on one movie. Can't wait.
If they can hire some of the writers of Spiderverse, PS4 game and put it into movies, Sony can make a good Spidey movie.
He was also the dumbass that got Barakapool made in the first place.
FF. Spidey. Xmen. Literally the best 3 parts of marvel comics. Would have been awesome.
Fuck that, I just wanted Spider-man and Deadpool.
Where's the designated shooter?
fuck fuck fuck mouse
its california
see how bright it is indoors?
Stan Lee wasn't even at Marvel anymore when that shit went on.
organic web shooters
they already did fuck up spider man.
I still haven’t seen Venom and probably never will if this Sony bullshit goes through. I don’t even like Spider-Man like that but he’s apart of the MCU and it’s gonna be so fucked to just drop him.
No, its just how many producer credits, and more importantly the main production credits are split between Sony and Disney.
Heck, I have a producer credit solely since my agent negotiated that for me a credit since I sold a right that I obtained in a bankruptcy proceeding.
He had to go back to his home planet.
>Stan Lee dies
>Disney goes full jew with the Marvel movie plans
At the moment, Sony can’t make any spidey movies without Marvel producing them. They can only make spin-offs. They signed a contract that said “Let us (Disney) produce and you still keep 95%+ of the box office and we can use spider in the MCU*” and they ignored the * part. Sony has the film rights to Spider-Man and doesn’t lose them so long as they continue making Spider-Man films. But so long as Disney uses spidey in the MCU, Disney has to produce Sony’s movies. That’s the gotcha. If Sony says fuck you to the mouse the mouse says fuck you back and keeps Spidey as an MCU character just not in any solo movies. But Sony can’t make any solo movies while Disney does this and spinoffs don’t count. They will lose the license over time because of it. Or they can agree to Disney’s terms now. Or they can sell it back for pennies because Disney will force them. Sony can’t even make a Raimi Spider-Man 4 right now. The mouse holds all the cards.
They seriously are arguing over that shit (seems more important to them than percentages). It's baffling, especially in a day and age when they easily hand out executive producer credits to actors as a signing bonus. In the end, neither party will kill the Golden Goose. It's too profitable to keep the partnership and too devestating to break it.
At least we finally know why they made Iron Man (and the MCU) so integral to Spidey's story -> Sony will be unable to rip him from that universe and continue with his story in their own. Nice chess move, Mouse.
This is incorrect. Deeply incorrect. As in stupidly incorrect. Hold on while I get the info.
the COPE
>Me in the front row on the left wearing a hat
This is what going on.
Sony owns the right to spider man and associated characters (like Venom) in movies.
Marvel owns the Merchandise rights.
The Sony deal was for five films, were Sony paid for the films, Marvel produced it as part of the MCU, and Marvel took a 5% cut. Till those five films were up, Sony could not make a spiderman movie without marvel.
With Spiderman: Homecoming Spiderman now has been in 5 Marvel films, so Sony and Marvel have to come to a new agreement.
Marvel disney wanted to go 50/50 on the film and have producer rights. Sony said Nope, and Pascal is going to be producer.
Since Sony has several spin off movies in the works, they are no longer sweating under the "produce a movie in X number of years" and now they told Disney to shove it unless they want to play ball with Sony.
So unless they get a deal, sony will produce spiderman films, they cannot use Marvel people that are not spiderman charicters (Such as Ironman, but he dead) and Spiderman no longer can be in MCU movies.
Kenneth: Well sir i'm a white male and i don't feel powerful.
Jack: Socio-econimically speaking you're an inner-city Latina.
His ass.
The Sony/Marvel deal was for spiderman to be in five films. They used it up with the two spiderman films and Civil war and Avengers 3 and 4
>Venom was miles better than Homecoming, which in-turn was somehow marginally worse than ASM2.
Fuck does Yea Forums have the shittiest taste in actual television and films.
Spiderman Fantastic 4 needs the OG Fantastic 4 group. Multiverse can make Chris Evans return as an alternate universe counterpart that ended up as Human Torch and not Captain America. Deadpool acknowledging it would be funny along with the rest of the avengers looking at him confused when Peter introduces them
marisa tomei is a milf
Except that Marvel doesn't want to pay what sony is asking for spiderman, and Sony owns the movie rights.
I mean if 95:5 deal is working, why would you do a 50:50 deal?
Money is Disney
You're honestly worse.
Disney begins incitement with SMN
How do you do a Sony Holland Spider-Man film? They can’t reference any MCU story so where does he go next? How does he not mention Iron Man or the snap?
Wouldn't they just make a new japanese company and have it buy Sony? Or work with another company already in Japan, turn them into a puppet, and use them to influence and purchase the company?
Based. Spideys come home, back to Marvel baby!
I mean the best Spidey movie isn't even in MCU.
I assume they covered this in the last spiderman film, idk didn't see it but it seem like all that shit would've been discussed their
I am a Sony Stockholder. Sony is actually a Life Insurance company That sells electronics and movies.
They cannot use the MCU characters but they can reference the Spiderman films, as sony owns those films.
So they can reference the snap for example, but they cannot show iron-man or Fury.
Well now the news is premature and everyone hates Disney for it that Disney now HAS to take a deal
Except what he said is completely wrong user.
Spiderman makes billions of dollars a year. Unless Disney is ready to go bankrupt to purchase him, it's over.
It's great to see disney getting outjewed, Spiderman is the MCU's new linchpin, and Sony have all the leverage in the world, I'd be demanding fucking intellectual property.
Chris Evans doesn't wanna do superhero films though
this needs to happen
They wave his entire existence away with a sentence and continue making Spiderverse films. Sony literally announced their new franchise in the title.
Only about 2/3rds of capeshit profits are real. The rest is just laundered money.
Holland contract is with Sony, not Marvel, They can reference the previous two spiderman movies with Holland.
Just that they cannot have guest appearances by MCU characters.
I'd still prefer they just wave him away. Miles and Hobo Parker are infinitely more likeable and charismatic than the schmucks populating MCU, Holland included.
Profits are, just that the production money is just a tax shelter.
>Have 100 million dollars in profit
>I can pay 30 million to the tax man, and keep 70 million.
>Invest in movie
>Due to TV rights and so on I can expect to get 80-90 million back even if it a so-so film as long as it has big stars to sell TV/Streaming rights to it.
>Movie does okay, get 90 million dollars back, but since I started with 100 million, I get to write off not only my 100 million dollar profit, I have 10 million in losses for future taxes.
>So instead of getting 70 million, I get 90 million and a 10 million dollar loss on future taxes.
And it a hit like venom, I just reinvest and keep the ball rolling.
Ment for
Imagine Venom pounding Spiderholland's boipucci..
Sony is just going to make Spidey universe films and have Holland who is spiderman at the moment make apperences, and plan to make a 3rd spiderman movie with him unless disney plays ball.
The current deal is a win-win for all, but sony is not going to bend over as they are doing fine now, when they were really struggling when they signed the first deal.
>different mexicans both times you went
>you were the loser that watched it twice
you only showed what a retard you are by trying to BTFO mexicans
It’s over
This was the last time they spoke as friends.
I been a spidey comic book fanatic all my life and i love Garfields version
ASM 1 and 2
Wish they would make 3
How are they going to explain him being gone after building up his importance this much?
Get the fuck out of here shill. You make me sick
> writes off 90 million in profit as an expense
are you retarded, user?
Apparently you are not good at accounting.
>Have 100 million dollars in profits in cash.
>Invest it in a movie
>Gets 90 million back
>On paper you lost 10 million dollars, and you do not pay taxes.
>In reality, you turned you 100 million from a 70 million post tax income to a 90 million post tax income by sheltering in making a movie.
>see shitposts about Sony on Yea Forums
>leave because fuck Yea Forums
>oh let's see what Yea Forums is up to today
>it's still shitposts about Sony
I can't escape
lmao at the MCU fans. The panic is setting in fast that all they have left is Captain Marvel, Black Panther and Female Thor
Bailey Jay?
You seem to not grasp accounting user. This is how movies are made.
For example, return of the king.
A german company (consisting of germans who needed to avoid a tax bill) gave New line 150 million dollars for the copyright of the movie, then they leased it back to new line with a agreement for new line to make and distribute the film. New line takes a cut (about 10%) for there profit, and then uses the remaining 135 million to fund the movie production.
On release, the German investors get a immediate payment that was pre-arranged at the time of the investment (that covers the interest cots of the money) and then the german investors get the first 10 years of TV/Streaming rights for the first 100 million or so, (about 10 million a year) and a small cut on new line income from the movie up to the money invested.
It complicated but basicly what happens is that the investor of 150 million dollars gets a steady stream of 130-150 million plus intrest over 10 years, which sounds odd, till you look at what they pay in taxes, which is much less then if they took the 150 million in one lump sum. if they have good accountents and the movie isn't a huge hit, sometimes they pay no taxes.
I'm not even that big into it and I've wasted my past hour reading all about this hoping for a resolution. I'm concerned for our future.
Yet Sony still made venom, new spiderman game, new animated spiderman movie which were all successful
To be fair, that is pretty terrifying
They have a crippled hulk that dabs and selfies with the fans.
Aquaman made more money than Captain Marvel
not really blade was more in the action vampire thing that was also coming in, it was x-men and spider-man
>The Mouse always wins baby
>Solo bombed
>Galaxy's Edge bombed
>paid 53 billion for Fox and they only had bombs to show for it
>got caught making shit up
>got cucked by Sony
That's a yikes from me
Venom came out at a right date with no other competition. Also it felt like an early 2000s action movie and was overall pretty fun. It felt almost refreshing compared to the shit we get today.
Disney's monopoly is gonna topple. They are spending too much.
>imagine the smell
What about all of the new supporting cast of MCU Spider-Man? Not-Mary Jane MJ?
>i-its OK we have Dr Strange
its gonna get the plug pulled once it gets another low box office similar to Ant Man 2. The average marvel fan wants more Captain Marvel
They LITERALLY had Jeremy Renner begging Spiderman to comeback.. I'm like.. this is so bad HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
They are part of the spiderman universe, not the MCU.
Morbius, Silk, Jackpot, Black Cat, Venom, and a few others movie rights are also owned by sony.
>cuckstation getting more faggier than what already is
and they bought fox kek
I they really feel like fucking Sony, Disney can release the rest of the Spidey story on Disney+ as they own all the rights to TV/streaming for Spiderman, so if they feel like paying Tom a shiton of cash to start in a shitty Disney+ just to fuck with Sony they might get away with it. The mouse is fucking diabolical
Jesus Christ I didn't know that Yea Forums was just movie studio executives now, what the fuck do you all care about movie studio negotiations and this bullshit for?
>he doesn't know
Is Sony retarded?
They had a stream of free money from the most reliable franchise in the history of film
This is like the Kojima/Konami shit all over again. Deranged nip companies bombing their own business through the floor.
>I didn't know that Yea Forums was just movie studio executives now
>now don't know?
You forgot Joe Blow, Sam Sneed, and Spiderpocalypse.
Kek, why do Yea Forumsfags pretend to assume Yea Forumschads know or give AF about an ly character you listed. Silk?! KILL YOURSELF NERD.
Get fucked capetards.
Nobody cares about stupid boys wearing spandex, grow up, losers
Sony always win, baby.
They'd probably only legally be allowed to buy Sony Entertainment like they did with Fox. Plus, Japanese laws are very strict about foreigners purchasing culturally relevant companies and such. Nintendo literally can't be bought by a foreign company, same with Sony.
>disneyfucks who don't remember the Star Wars and Fox failures they just went through
They made money before Spider-Man was in the MCU and they’ll continue to do so without it.
Intellectual property needs to be abolished.
Blame Disney on that one, my friend
Mickey still isn’t public domain because of Jew trickery
It's fucking Spider-man for gods sake. It will still make money even if it's trash. The worst Spidey movie was TASM2 and it sill made 700million dollars.
It always comes down in money with these companies.
Jesus Christ so many cucks and nogs. This is the face of the modern capeshit fan. disgust.
>I contributed to this
sony is publicly traded
if gisnep wanted to they could buy 51% share of the company and have instant shareholder control over the board of directors
As bad as Venom was, it would be in the top 10 of the MCU. The majority of those movies are fucking terrible.
>The panic is setting in fast that all they have left is Captain Marvel, Black Panther and Female Thor
Imagine if DC and Sony's films are actually good on top of this. I'd drop the MCU instantly if they expected me to care about Angelina Jolie and Brie Larson if Robert Pattinson is making Batkino