Carlos Mencia (pbuh) is a comedic legend and a hard motherfucker. He smokes big trees and fucks mad bitches and makes serious bank, yo. I've even seen Carlos (pbuh) beat up hecklers after his shows. Put those haters in the hosptial, and that's no lie. Let's talk about all the ways that this Mexican-American treasure has shaped modern comedy and personally impacted your life on a personal level. Haters and deet-dee-dees GTFO. The Punisher and his crew ain't got time fo yo shit. Negative comments will be deleted.
Carlos Mencia (pbuh) is a comedic legend and a hard motherfucker...
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Dude was one of the biggest names of comedy and literally disappeared over night.
>over night
Nah, people bitched and moaned about him for ages.
He's not even Mexican you faggot.
He was Guatemalan, bro.
Well he still had his show and specials in 07'
Then in 08' he just dropped off the fucking map. Hell he even hosted a podcast that has been inactive for over two years.
Did he have a sitcom? or am I thinking of someone else
Same shit.
THE MASK(pbuh)
Honduran, actually.
Not really. Only if you considered Americans and Canadias the "same shit", too.
Joe Rogan ended his career.
Forgot link.
he had a sketch show
Louis CK is more Mexican than Carlos Mencia
The fact that Carlos (pbuh) steals jokes just makes him cooler, imho. It means he gives zero fucks and plagarizes like a boss, yo.
How old are you?
His name is not even Carlos but Ned. He changed it to appeal to Hispanics.
he didnt change it, he just uses a different stage name like a faggot
Joe should have him on his podcast
Yes really.
Literally the same putrid mixing of Sp*nish and Ind*o blood.
>americans and canadians are the same
>french and germans are the same
>british and irish are the same
welp glad we're on the same page then
I really wanted to go to a show of his a couple years ago for the sole purpose of heckling him. Him riding chappelle's (and really anyone he thought he could get away with ripping off) coattails at a cut rate pretty much sums up his career and latinos in general.
Old enough to know that smoking weed and plagiarizing is the bees muthafuckin knees! NAH MEAN YOU?
The only one on that list that isn't valid is fr*nch and g*rman. Entirely different ""people"" with nothing in common.
What differences do they have that really matter? Neither has contributed anything worth a shit, so basically we just have that they talk a little differently, eat different food, and live in slightly different shitholes everyone tries to escape for the dream of working in a slaughterhouse or committing fraud to get a legitimate job in america.
Why, you interested yo?
Mexico has contributed way more to culture than Honduras, though. Like, way more, it's not even funny. There are Nobel Prize winners, Oscar winners, Olympic champions, etc. No Mexican I know legitimately wants to go to the US. Maybe in the 90s.
The same could be said about Americans and Canadians.
It would be awkward-kino
Heckling Carlos is pretty dangerous. He apparently beats up his hecklers.
>latinos in general.
It doesn't sum up me, faggot.
He is a big fat spic an I would Batter his fat sweaty face bloody mulch an then NEED to castrate him an stick dick mouth =Grass
Dont go raping kids an the Go USA an expect comeback
>Let's talk about all the ways that this Mexican->American treasure has shaped modern comedy and personally impacted your life on a personal level.
Mencia taught me that being a thief will end your career. That's all he'll be remember for.
I mean put him I front of any sized crowd of drunkards who know what a Mexican is and he will crush.
>Oscar winners
>Olympic champions
>Nobel Prize winners
All three things you think are large contributions to culture are objectionably wrong.
Carlos sucks.
>Literature isn't culture
>Cinema is not culture
what the fuck do think culture means?
always felt like Carlos lost the crowd as soon as he started saying “they don’t even know what the fuck I do! they don’t know shit!”
seems like an idiot and would’ve lost them eventually anyway, though
They aren't wonders of the world, but what does Honduras have to add from their list?
based strokeposter
i heard a story about Carlos opening for some comedian who does an arabic guy accent for his closing bits; so for some reason Carlos changes his set and goes up before the guy and starts improving some shit with that accent, completely fucking this guy over because he is gonna go on after Carlos and he can't do the voice cause Carlos just did it. So the guy doesn't want to go up, and Carlos tells the crowd that the guy has a similar bit to his and that they should still clap for him or something and forget that Carlos did it. He purposefully changed his set just to fuck this guy over, and then acted like nothing happened. then Carlos wants this guy to tour with him and wonders why the guy doesnt want to do it.