ITT:We help Raimi write Spider-man 4 by giving suggestions of possible conflicts and morals for Peter to face and learn

ITT:We help Raimi write Spider-man 4 by giving suggestions of possible conflicts and morals for Peter to face and learn.
For me, its Peter dealing with growing older and learning that there are more ways to be useful then to wear a suit.

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The Lizard and Scorpion as villains

Spidey starts the Day of the Rope. Simple, but powerful and in tone with his previous movies.

I want to see stilt man as the villain

The villain is Morbius, a blood drinking Jewish vampire. Spiderman must cleanse the earth of this monster. Morbius' goals are to drain the Aryan race of life, make a cape of foreskins, wreck the economy, and to use his hypnotic gaze to cause people to practice degenerate behaviors worthy of death such as pedophilia, crossdressing, homosexuality, and miscegenation.

bold, even for raimi

I just want Sam Raimi's Warcraft

Isn't Tobey's Spider-Man old enough to have a child? And if we think about it by this time she/her/they/them would be about in their teens if Spider-Man 4 ever comes out. Do you think they married, MJ?

>Peter learns that he doesnt need to wear a mask to make her daughter proud

he'll call it Day of the Web

>Peter and MJ have 5 white children together
>Peter learns how to be a hero to his family and his people


I'd love to see tobey manage being a father and spiderman

spider man has to fight an animal-themed villain

>Its himself

>It's a hot furry girl

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Spider man with the giving tree plot
Dies at the end

Peter has been in the game for 18 years
Hes taken down the biggest and the baddest
A veteran in herowork
MJ is gone and BDH(gwen) is his main ho and they have a kid together
Everything is well until hes swinging and mid swing he feels his neck in pain
He grabs his neck and pulls out a dart
Spidey feels dizzy and falls
Wakes up inside a bamboo cage and looks around
Different animal heads are on the walls
Rhino head, Vulture head, petrified Beetles on the shelves, etc.

there was a really cool spiderman comic i remember reading as a kid where kraven dresses up as spodermin

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a 4 hour long take of Peter Parker being lewded by Aunt May, futa or otherwise.

bump for interst

>Peter Parker is now a dad
>He has finally proved his worth at the Daily Bugle so now he has a secure job
>Married with MJ
>He now has a teen daughter
>She struggles with her own powers
>It's basically about facing the responsibilities of being a father and being Spider-Man while dealing with an edgy angst teenage daughter



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>I offered you friendship and you spat on my face, like if I was some kind of dirty nigger!

Words escape me, somebody should have stopped Raimi there and then. Still, they better add it in the new film just as a nice little wink to the old fans.

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Spiderman is older, happily married to mj and finally at peace. dont make him a miserable, disillusioned and have him be divorced by mj, there's too much of that today. Its a fantasy world he can be happy and have a perfect life. I dont know what the story can be. They can do what the rocky series did and just repeat or have spiderman fight aliens for the cia idk.
parent stuff is so underwhelming and boring. Not as great a theme as choosing between responsibly and a life.

Three words:

Kraven the Hunter

And he's been studying Spidey footage for years, mapping out ranges and patrol patterns.

Fuck yes. Cast him. Personally, I'd go with Stephen Lang.

>By Sam Raimi

What the hell?

If Raimi adapted this somehow, it would be guaranteed kino. Especially if he follows through with the dark ending.

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Why do you guys jump straight to wanting a Kraven story when we want to fucking know what happened in the past decade since Spider-Man 3?

>Peter and MJ are married
>They have a young daughter named Mayday
>Peter eventually moves out from under Jonah and gets hired as a science teacher at his old highschool
>Peter is still Spider-Man, but feels himself getting older and time catching up to him

>Meanwhile the Daily Bugle’s sales are at an all time low
>Jonah’s acknowledged that Spider-Man is old news, and he’s losing the battle to internet news outlets
>Jonah is approached by Allistair Smythe, a weapons developer that has flourished after Oscorp went bankrupt, wishing for additional funding to create a new, Daily Bugle exclusive superhero that will replace Spider-Man and become the new dynamic hero for NYC
>Wanting a personal stooge, Jonah volunteers Mac Gargan, a lowly intern that desperately wants to be recognized by his peers, but like Peter is constantly mocked and bullied
>Peter follows a string of crimes that lead to Smythe, revealing he has been studying Spider-Man in hopes of duplicating him

>Max is experimented on, creating the Scorpion, who is physically superior to Peter in his prime, with a mechanical tail and additional armor
>The experiment gives Mac a god complex, and he seeks out to kill Spider-Man to replace him, and to kil Jonah for always mocking him
>Peter is badly injured in the first battle, and only wins in the climax when Mac slowly succumbs to his cells breaking down from the tests, and tries to take Spidey and Jonah with him
>Jonah, after being saved by his own mistakes, thanks Spider-Man, and accepts that times are changing

>End credits shows Mayday crawling on the walls

>we want to fucking know what happened in the past decade since Spider-Man 3?
One doesn't negate the other. Leave it to /ourguy/ Raimi to spawn kino once more.
>mfw there's going to be nightmare sequences and flashbacks to the Green Goblin
Yes baby. Sony always wins baby.

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I forgot
>After the battle, Peter reflects on how Scorpion only happened because of Spider-Man, and decides to use his time as a teacher to help out kids and give them the shoulder they need and hangs up the costume

>>Jonah, after being saved by his own mistakes, thanks Spider-Man, and accepts that times are changing
Kino. Make it happen Snoy.

make his costume look like this and its guaranteed kino

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I was thinking something along the PS4 design.

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I haven't played the PS4 game yet. That's a pretty nice costume

It's NYC but everyone's jewish.

>It's a Peter learns he's the last white man in New York episode

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It's White Rabbit

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