>make two perfect Terminator movies >both have intros of what the 3rd one is supposed to be >a fucking apocalyptic lightshow of lasers and explosions, a terrifying machine army and AI, and a dilapidated Humanity on its last breaths harnessing all the rage and mania of Human history into one final all-out bloody apocalyptic war for self-preservation jacked on roids times 1 000 000 >basically Band of Brothers/The Pacific/Starship Troopers except Terminator style >have enough money now from those two movies and more to expand that intro into 10 movies >the 2nd one wraps up well enough to take it there >all the fanbase is now waiting for the final finisher or two which are basically
>fuck up 4 times instead and deliver worse and worse dogshit after dogshit How do you fuck this up? How does one fuck this up? How do you manage to be given a toilet with two times the circumference of the average toilet, perfect positioning in front of it, aim assist, hand assist, perfect pissing pressure, Heavens and Hell both giving you blessing and support, and you still fucking miss the toilet, HOW?
I think the future war stuff works best in those small snippets. a full film set there would probably ruin it.
Christian Brooks
>a full film set there would probably ruin it. It did, see: Terminator Salvation
Chase Sullivan
The first two Terminators worked so well because the 80/90s had this particular idea of what an apocalypse should be. It should be grim, metallic, with loads of big guns. Nowadays, we live in the era of smartphones, our idea of a dystopian future is more like what you see in black mirror, aka Gay Shit. You just can't reconcile the two, they tried doing that in Genysis with the Skynet being some sort of gay app, and John Connor being this sleak nano machine terminator. Terminator needs to be greasy and heavy, and that's something that has disappeared from science fiction altogether 20 years ago.
Dominic Reed
Salvation is not that bad, honestly.
Angel Martinez
fighting against transformers in broad daylight is a far cry from what cameron showed in his two films
Lincoln Kelly
It's fucking awful. It killed its director's career
Nolan White
Well we got the future war with Terminator Salvation but it sucked, and it will suck every time that they try it again.
Because the "we are the resistance" plot (and cliches) always sucks, and Hollywood can't make a post apocalyptic film without that kind of plot.
Just say goodbye to the franchise, the scenes are there and T1 & T2 are great, just move on.
Jacob Cook
Terminator Salvation is not a WW2-like though, which is what the small snippets were that Cameron portrayed.
Isaac Martin
Terminator 3 is underrated. It's not as good as the first 2, but it's a solid 7/10. And Salvation was very okay. It didn't have the right aesthetic that everyone was jerking off over, but it otherwise worked. And it was supposed to be a trilogy. Literally, if that film was just set at night more and with more lasers, everyone would love it
Hudson Flores
I don't think the studio ever managed to ween themselves of the whole cat and mouse formula that worked so well for the first 2. Ever since judgement day it's just been a saga of milquetoast attempts to replicate the brilliancy of 1 and 2. Hell, even Salvation had that lame Sam Borington which had the potential to be somewhat interesting.
Charles Parker
It's patently obvious this is the case. Salvation didn't do as well as they hoped and it convinced them that they needed to keep the formula the same. Cameron should've been able to fix this...
Elijah Richardson
Kek. I remember watching it when I was like 13 and I still thought it was shit
Easton Roberts
Terminator 3 is the worst thing that has ever happened to the Terminator franchise. I was on the T3 forums at the time. Lots of Terminator fans sharing cool insights into how they thought the story could move forward. We were all excited as fuck about the film. There had never been a bad Terminator movie, and if that was what some fans could come up with, imagine how cool and intricate the stuff professionals wrote would be. The slow realisation that the movie was shit, made by people who don't give a fuck about Terminator was heartbreaking. What's worse is that it made money. It convinced Hollywood that nostalgia for T1 and T2 is enough, so they kept making shit movie after shit movie, and we all just swallowed it. I detest T3. I really do.
Mason Cook
I'm so sorry user...
Noah Moore
No one cares about your nerdgasms online. T3 was fine
Oliver Campbell
Terminator sucks. It is a boring film.
Brayden Carter
Ironically it is only Terminator movie than Cameron didn't shilled and best Terminator movie after T1 and T2.
Jaxon Mitchell
It is not. That is fact.
Levi Brown
You saw a film you personally didn't enjoy lmao, Arnie didn't rock up to your house and rail your wife in front of you.
Zachary Scott
You're wrong
Oliver Adams
>basically Band of Brothers/The Pacific/Starship Troopers except Terminator style >>have enough money now from those two movies and more to expand that intro into 10 movies >>the 2nd one wraps up well enough to take it there >>all the fanbase is now waiting for the final finisher or two which are basically
Just in case any researchers want to distill pure autism, here you go...
Jonathan Wilson
thinking the terminator franchise is about that apocalyptic fight is like thinking the alien franchise should be about hunting the alien both franchises used small snippets of background information of a larger, purposefully unknown and inaccessible story to tell a niche, self-contained story that only exists integrally in those specific conditions actually making a movie about the terminator wars ruins the whole franchise, because there's nothing there
Bentley Gomez
>both have intros of what the 3rd one is supposed to be do you understand how time works, the 2nd one is a fucking retcon
Charles Rodriguez
Time is a flat circle
Colton Cruz
Fucking this. God how I've waited for a T3 with a fucking battlefield like this
Grayson Fisher
based post
Ian Hall
T2 is great but it shits all over the perfect closed loop of the first film.
Evan Miller
They almost got there in sarah chronicles.
Besides giving me the best faps of my life (that scene where she lays down on the bed and theres a closeup of her cummy tummy) it fucking made me REEEEEEEEEE SO FUCKING HARD WE FINALLY GOT TO THE FUCKING FUTURE WHY DID IT HSVE TO BE CANCELED WHH
Dominic Butler
Since T1 Skynet is destroyed by Tec-com, it makes me wonder what the aftermath was like. It'd likely be Mad Max with plasma guns since there's hardly any food or drinkable water left for the remaining people. Although, the people seem to be largely unified so maybe things wouldn't fall apart right after their decisive victory.
It also turned Sarah Connor into a cunt. I know she is supposed to be more cynical and all after what she went through but she was still sweet at the end of T1 with the kid wanting a photo. Tier-1 waifu material.
Matthew Jenkins
This post made me laugh
Lincoln Hall
Explain why Furry Road did so well/was so well liked, then.
Jordan Ramirez
>Dropping a book on my infected toenail is not that bad Sure thing.
Julian Gutierrez
Mad Max was always set in daylight.
Evan Gomez
Because its greasy and heavy
Joshua Young
Bevause mad max at its worse was miles ahead of the terminator movies
Blake Rogers
The original idea behind the Skynet apocalypse was that there was this metallic nightmare hellscape constantly, inevitably looming on the horizon and no possible way to stop it. Then T2 changed the themes up and made it about self-determinism and fighting back to prevent the worst future imaginable. At no point in either of those movies was the apocalypse ever written as anything but a way to motivate and contextualize what's going on in the present day. You weren't supposed to see too much of it. It wasn't conceived that way, and if they had to continue past T2, it should've lived on in glimpses of scary looking shit with hardly any context.
>It doesn't work because we can't tell the same story over again if we change the setting. No shit dumbass. The problem is it also doesn't work if you keep the setting the same and keep repackaging the same story either you lazy back.
Kevin Reyes
I don't get it, if the first two movies are perfect why are you clamoring for a total departure from them with your future war bullshit? That's not what made terminator good you retard.
Oliver Morales
I really wish Cameron had made T3 set entirely during the end of the Futurewar.
There's a lot of potential material that could be done with it -- especially lifting from comics: new HKs, human slave camps, etc.
But, we'll never get a good Terminator again because every new movie is essentially bent on trying to recreate the first two -- with Salvation being an exception, but still not as good.
Julian Thomas
based satan Riker
Noah Edwards
Franchisefags / worldbuilderfags need to be gassed.
Chase James
Expanding into other parts of the setting isn't a total departure from it moron. If I want to watch Terminator over again, I'll watch it over again. I don't need some dumbass Hollywood bugman to remake the fucking movie in a slightly different key signature.
Oliver Walker
Robert Gonzalez
>everything gritty and practical Yes, everything that we could have had in a Terminator "future" film. Like the scene from T1 where the kid is watching a TV, but it's acutaly a fire inside a TV. Pure kino never attempted again.
Wyatt Gonzalez
And terminator future could be always night. They switched up the formula, and that's where it all went wrong.
Gabriel Price
Jackson Cook
>>expanding Lmao all you shitters talk about it's always expanding. Fuck you and fuck expanding. Terminator is about robots from the future coming to kill people in modern day, where they take a full movie length to stop. Le derp le epic le lasers war with robots movie is not that, its same blockbuster shit for shitters like you.
Landon Turner
>thinking the terminator franchise is about that apocalyptic fight is like thinking the alien franchise should be about hunting the alien It isn't about what it "should be", but about what it "could be". You can definitely make a competent and compelling film about the future war, even keeping the same cat and mouse thing of the first 2, maybe even making it more desperate, and you can definitely make about hunting the alien, and if oyu think not you have no imagination and also shit taste.
>total departure >the fucking war scenes were what everyone was anticipating and the main selling point of the movies >if this small shit is this good, the war will be glorious YOU DENSE BABYFUCKER
Parker Campbell
You're right. I think if they approached it like that alien game, essentially going full analog, they could make it work.
Nolan Hughes
I know you can't conceive of that user, but a sequel doesn't sNEED to be a rehash.
Justin Barnes
>>main selling point Imagine being too stupid to breathe, so stupid you actually believe this. Kill. Your. Self.
Camden Thomas
That's how it is you dumb babyfucking midge, the first Terminator movies were literally advertising for what everyone wanted to see as the final Return of the King before the Return of the Kings, all out fucking war, the intro war scenes rolled out into an entire movie. Your brain is too small to comprehend the ambition everyone had based on those scenes alone.
Josiah Carter
the depiction of what a future war should look like in the first two is SO 80's and all the grease and metal gives it a dieselpunk quality imo
James Watson
Tscc wasn't a rehash and is the only true sequel. The primary setting was still modern day, except now in the 2000's with some backstories shown from the future. The core of terminator is not future war and never was. A terminator isn't personally dangerous if you can fight them on a battlefield.
Hunter Scott
b-but muh lasers and doom and gloom
Juan Miller
It's very cool aesthetically and I dug the casting choices. But it's boring and unfortunately had an amazing trailer to love up to.
Noah Robinson
t1 is a self-contained low budget horror movie fucking moron, it's not an intro
Fucking die you shitposter. Two of the best action movies are not advertising. First thing I'm doing when I get my robowaifu is telling her to kill you for your opinions.
Logan Myers
Yeah it's fun and very rewatchable but it lacks the gravitas of the 2nd film
Joshua Rivera
because its in australia
Jonathan Phillips
I need a war and guns and soldier lads and big tanks with manly MEN! What is this baby shit about a woman running for her life? Daddy needs some combatkino you faggots!
Adam Lewis
T1 is a self-contained low budget horror movie which grew into a high budget horror/action movie which gave glimpses of a possible high budget Humanity vs Transformers movie, you dumbshit low IQ cerebral midge.
They were fucking advertising for anyone who watched them before the expectations were broken by 3 and onwards. The only reason you don't consider them advertising is because you've never experienced the expectations everyone had for the final successor to T2 based on the intro alone. T1 was good but not spectacular. T2 was cannabis. T2's INTRO was the Cocaine. Watching T1 through T2 was getting that prep for the drug you really want, the better the prep feels the more awesome the final drug. The final drug never came, we got Krokodil instead.
Anthony Rodriguez
You will die retarded and obese if you keep this up.
Jackson Jackson
Keep projecting cerebral midge.
Benjamin Wood
wtf. Why's the thumbnail Riker? I posted the gatekeeper of Bree.
Aiden Richardson
>>drug analogy for film Futurewarfags, everybody.
Ethan Garcia
T2 is what fucked it up. It replaced horror/ dread atmosphere for flashy action scenes. Every sequel has followed it instead of the darker original.
It really should be remade with The Terminator being Cameron’s original concept. An ordinary looking person who could blind in. Cameron did this with Robert Patrick in T2 but they should do it for the original
Oliver Brooks
Just Yea Forums things. It's a bug that's been around for years.
Hunter Williams
>is like thinking the alien franchise should be about hunting the alien Just like in the best of the series,"Aliens"?
Jordan Garcia
>>he wants humanity vs transformers movie It's pretty obvious you weren't there in the 90's, let alone in cinemas for the first terminator film.
Brandon Lopez
Movies are a distraction and waste of time as much as drugs are, you are as dumb as druggies for your addiction.
The aliens were hunting the marines almost immediately.
Nathaniel Rogers
>the first terminator film No expectations for a sequel. >the 2nd terminator film Exploded expectations for a sequel. >the sequel Never came since what was wanted was Starship Troopers with bugs replaced with terminators. You are the dumbest brainlet on this board currently. Get the fuck out if you don't know shit about what you are talking about.
Nolan Jones
don't care about all the noise, the new one will actually be good forget the Ryan Reynolds humor, Miller can direct a decent action scene: youtube.com/watch?v=gKc6PyU_O2s
Jackson Gomez
And yet I'm not the one screeching about the lack of a sequel that panders to a few select scenes as though I need to satiate a fucking addiction.
Alexander Walker
Exactly. The Terminator is a sci fi version of Halloween. The scene where Arnie pulls his eyeball out the mask he’s wearing looks like Myers. Terminator also kills the last girl’s friends, just like Myers. And the scene of Terminator getting out of the truck on fire is similar to Myers walking down the hall towards Laurie in flames
Evan Barnes
No, you are projecting your low expectations and your low brainlet standards onto a generation that had more standards than you, and you then screech about getting obese because that's what being a TV addict gets you while druggies at least have to move their ass to satiate themselves. How does it feel that you are less healthy and even less intelligent than literal drug addicts?
Blake Parker
>>what we wanted What some give year old wanted doesn't impress anyone, and I doubt you were even that old at the time. Especially since T2 is a closed ending where J-day is prevented. Are you deliberately using shit arguments?
Owen Brown
So what sci fi franchise has fucked up more overall? Terminator, Alien, Predator? Is there one worse I'm forgetting?
Ryan Cooper
They should send a resistence fighter thru time to kill this cunt,.
Again, you were at most a sperm at the time and larping like a boomer isn't gonna change that. Neither is trying to bait people on Yea Forums. All its gonna give you, at most, is a slow and agonizing death.
Justin Richardson
the mythical female audiance
David Bennett
Keep projecting brainlet.
Kevin Garcia
At least I'll survive the next decade, you will not be so lucky.
Easton Gutierrez
if skynet had never sent the t-800 kill SC , kyle would not have been sent back , no JC , skynet wins .
Ryan Cruz
Quite the contrary, there's no black or latino people where I live, and Muslims were kicked out over a century ago and bled rivers on their way out, while we have no history with Jews whatsoever. So i'm in a better position than you boyo.
Wyatt Thomas
my favorite shot is how fucking casually he draws the pistol at 0:20
Jeremiah Martinez
salvation was better than 3 and genesis so whatever
Grayson Clark
You know he could've killed those guys if he hit the femural artery.
Aiden Murphy
Luckily he's a robot so he knows exactly where to aim to not hit any arteries
Xavier Carter
All skynet needed to do was send Chad terminator with lots of money to seduce and fuck all the Sarah Connors and she'd just think Reese was some fucking incel.
Jaxson Butler
Good thread OP
Did anyone ever see the Terminator ride at universal florida? That was as close to T3 as I'll accept.
Jonathan Edwards
It was lame as fuck "lets fly around in a blackhawk helicopter and use M4 assault rifles" where the FUCK were the laser guns and laser technicals and ground made out of skulls
All skynet should've done is instead of extermination camp provide pristine glaubots to any man surviving the apocalypse and let them fuck to extinction.
John Brown
They're probably all crippled for life since they got kneecapped.
Blake Smith
tough one, but I would say Terminator. Although I think reading this thread has made more inclined to hate this franchise more right now.
Thomas Garcia
I actually enjoyed Salvation. It would've been a great film without the John Connor scenes.
Camden Jenkins
Yeah but even in daylight, Terminators are fucking terrifying like those motorcycle bots and the giant human harvester.
Daylight gives you a sense of security compared to nighttime, but I'd argue shit going down in sunny hours is far more terrifying because you have clear fields of vision as well as the thing that's trying to kill YOU.
Gavin Smith
>John Connor being this sleak nano machine terminator I hated John being turned into the T-3000 but the nanocloud Terminator was a neat concept. It's a step above liquid metal and realistically, John T-3000 should've annihilated Pops in a minute.
Jace King
It would've been good if it solely focused on Marcus traveling around with Kyle and the kid, learning how to survive, and making sense of Marcus' place in the post-apocalyptic world and realizing he got turned into a cyborg.
Connor Anderson
Did anyone play Dawn of Fate? Now that's what the movie should've been.