Is there anyone more based than the Brigadier?

Is there anyone more based than the Brigadier?
>Doesn’t take the Doctor’s shit, and even takes him to task for his ego
>Stood against everything from Cybermen, the Master, and countless other threats
>Doctor tried to threaten Morgane’s son, and it didn’t work. Brigadier threatens Morgane’s son and she immediately panics because she knows he’ll blow her son’s head off if he has to
>Faces down a destroyer of worlds with no hesitation
>UNIT still begs him for advise when he’s retired, and still kills an alien
And of course
>”Get off my world.”
>”Pitiful. Can this world do no better than you as their champion?”
>”Probably. I just do the best I can.”

Fuck Moffat, Brigs died peacefully in bed.

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Is that Brian Butterfield?

>Chap with the wings there. Five rounds rapid.
Top ten line

I hate Moffat but what would have been a better death?

Moffat should have left it be. The Brig's death didn't need addressing.

The Doctor literally mentions that the Brigadier is supposed to die peacefully in bed. That’s the perfect way for him to go. He served his country well and saved the universe. He doesn’t need some big final sacrifice or to be turned into a Cybermen.

Sure...but I was hoping someone would have suggested he put a gun in his mouth 3 minutes after meeting the female doctor.

A female Dr Who isn't an inherently bad idea. The obnoxious politicising, awful writing and the poor choice of actress are what made it so terrible.

I’ll be honest, I quit during Matt Smith’s tenure, so Nu DW is so dead to me that the female Doctor thing didn’t even bother me. The show died hard during series 6 imo.

bruh look at this saluting cyberman dude OHNONONONONONONONONO

It is, though. It was pretty established already that Timelords may regenerate their bodies, but key fixtures stay, and it was very given gender was one of those things.
If anything they should’ve had that female clone get a spin-off series.

Established schmablished. It was also established that Romana could regenerate into a blue midget.

Doctor Who walks all over "established" stuff all the time.

While I agree, there are things that have stayed put, and the basic mythology of Gallifrey (minus Rassilon randomly popping up) has generally been consistent. If anything the Timelords are the show’s constant.

The Time Lords didn't exist until 1969, Gallifrey didn't until 1974, and the Time Lords were changed completely in the Deadly Assassin in 1977

Changing sex isnt even that far genetically wise.
Its just the actress that did the female doctor seemed to not care/didnt even try.
Holy shit, half the time its like she didn't want to be there or was distracted by the studio lights, she somehow looked like someone with autism or severe ADHD.

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>wears a bomber jacket
>has a baseball bat
>hits daleks with baseball bat
She was Dr Who's Harley Quinn

I kind of like the idea of a political drama spinoff set around Gallifrey, with the Timelords being a load of backstabbing, conspiring cunts, as usual. You could cast Romana in the lead role.

>doctor who

Isn't that basically what the big finish gallifrey series is? I'm just guessing. I cannot into ear stories.

Haven't listened to that particular series, but Big Finish's Timelords are always up to some backhanded shit.

Pre-RTD/Moffat the Timelords were pretty consistent. Even RTD just built on earlier stuff, except Rassilon.

Rassilon was supposed to be dead, but you can at least infer that something crazy went on during the time war, to resurrect him.

But The Master regenerated into a woman and it worked fine.

They didn't explain how, and the Master is a bit more flexible anyway. He could have snatched another body, or pulled some bullshit to prolong his life. The Master turned into a slime snake once.

Because they chose the right actress for the job. I'm not familiar with any of Whittaker's other work but her performance as Dr Who is cbeebies presenter tier.

>The Master turned into a slime snake once.
Which went against what had already been established so therefore your argument against a female Dr is null and void.

It was established that the Master was in possession of many abilities regular Timelords weren't. He was like an occultist with access to all kinds of weird arcane shit that goes beyond other Timelords. If anyone can bend the rules, it's the Master.

You still haven't addressed the established and canon fact that Romana was able to discard several regenerations, one of which was a blue midget.

The idea of the Master in the original series being like this dark inversion of the Doctor who has to steal bodies to "regenerate" was really clever. I don't know why they dropped that. Maybe they forgot.

It was Douglass Adams. He didn't give a fuck. That's not really an excuse though. The core mythology of the franchise should not really be reduced to a joke like that.

This shit sounds boring as fuck because Time Lord politics isn't interesting. Would be like all that shit from the Davison era like Arc of Infinity

I like those episodes though.

Well, here we go again

Arc of Infinity was good

Doctor Who is a shitty show for literal children. You people are worse than Bronies.

It was too interesting, so we needed Not-Joker instead.

The debate never ends. And Arc of Infinity was boring crap.

Was that the one with the weird pterodactyl/roast chicken carcass monster?

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I enjoyed it.
>Cool monster
>Gallifrey shenanigans
>Good side characters

but I am a Brony
way more than I am a Whovian

>>Good side characters
I specifically remembering them being horrible, those backpackers that get caught up in the plot

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I liked them

Reminder to watch Nimon

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