Best movie mom ever?

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Google "Spending Mother's Day with Mrs. Parr"

There's two versions: A vanilla one and a futanari variation

Let me know what you think (and none of my stories feature niggers)

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From previous thread

>can you do a romantic one with Helen and Violet

Eh. Lesbian stories are kinda boring.


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Your still a nigger for spamming futa shit, faggot

Truly based

Just don't read the futa ones

there was a previous thread?

What about it?

I'm just asking if someone aldready made a thread like this before

Enjoy your ban

What a big ol' gay you are

I think so, yeah.

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I like reading hit fanfic sometimes
But knowing it's written by a futa loving faggot who jerks off to chicks with dicks and shitposts about them on Yea Forums and Yea Forums fucking annoys me to high hell, so, no. I refuse to read your ramblings, dickshit

>I like reading hit fanfic sometimes

Indeed, they are big hits and are generally popular, satan

Hot, I meant hot

Oh hot. Anyway, you might like them regardless. The hate for futa seems random and forced, like you try to make it an aspect of your personality as opposed to it actually being abhorrent

Is it weird if I want her to give birth to me, but in a sexual way?

i might end up reading it on the site it's on. There is a 0 (zero) percent chance I will choose to read it from your unrelated shitposting on my SFW Mongolian basketweaving board


>i might end up reading it on the site it's on

I appreciate that, man.

Good, now fuck off of Yea Forums

She could manage it


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cant you make this thread with a different mommy? it gets boring when you only use helen

based smut spammer

I'll see when I finish another

Also you could post examples



Shadbased, I think you mean

