Are there any films about cavemen?
Are there any films about cavemen?
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Yeah, there's lots of movies about Jewish lies
every movie set in Africa
quest for fire
>that's right, goy. You used be a spear chucking Savage just like those nice African boys. See? You're not so different after all. Now LET THEM IN
10,000 BC
The only savages were the whites, after they were created by Yakub.
Just wait for some retard from pol to post and laugh at him
Let me guess, you flunked high school.
How is that? Was thinking of checking it out
The Man from Earth
Quest for Fire is kino, and left me with a life long caveman sex fetish. Also the language was created by Anthony Burgess, who wrote Clockwork Orange.
One Million Years B.C. is pure grugkino
no idea I remember my parents watching in on tv when I was a kid and me being very scared about a scene in wich the more beasty humans try to kill human babies in a cave lalthogh this could be a false memory cause Ive never seen it since
Holy shit you're an idiot.
Genndy’s Primal is dude to be out soon
if you can resist getting autistic about how the film depicts several evolutionary stages as living side-by-side it's the best prehistoric kino available
has the added bonus of also being a doggo flick
isnt just neardenthals and sapiens?
The Clan of the Cave Bear, starring Daryl Hannah
Both scratch that paleolithic kino itch.
Cavemen are so unfortunately ignored by pop culture, its really quite sad. 96% of human history has been set in a bitter battle against nature with nothing but stone tools and our cunning. And yet there have been less than 5 big budget paleolithic movies ever made.
Black Panther.
No, there are literal apemen at the beginning too.
Archaic hominids likely survived up until as recently as 10k years in all parts of the globe.
There it is
imagine mel doing one with an approach similar to what he did with apocalypto
>watching a young Dawn Chong run around naked for over an hour
Imagine the Revenant but set in the paleolithic
Clan of the Cave Bear
muh evolution
muh out of africa
Is this some advanced bait
second this
Imagine the smell
For me, it's Homo Ergaster
Just look into a mirror
Gotta get back, back to the past
>The entire world is rules by cavemen Jews
This is some advanced retardation
Quite a few, really:
How do I live a true paleolithic hunter-gatherer lifestyle?
Almost all of them are:
>Direct to video mockbuster
>Have a single scene that takes place back in time
>ywn have a cute girlfriend that teaches you about civilization
any caveman kino with this aesthetic specifically?
Quest for Fire is pretty much the only kino. 10,000 BC exists but it is unanimously shitty.
eat berries and rape
Wander into the woods naked. Done.
Very well. My destiny awaits.
10000 BC is kino as fuck. Dont pay attention at all to the story, just get drunk and take in the visuals.
I saw it in theaters and I was high. impressive visuals but otherwise meh.
You literally can't anymore.
I can't run off into the woods and hunt animals and eat berries to sustain myself?
You'll get shot for trespassing.
What about national parks?
The European man used to be savage and free. Civilization was invented by the Semites.
You'll get detained and thrown out. Trust me, I've tried.
Sure. You could scrape by for a time before dying of exposure and malnutrition. That isn't an authentic replication of the way paleolithic humans lived, though.
They don't let you hunt or squat there? That's lame.
Would be unironically epic. Would love to see the makeup and costume people from Apocalypto do their take on prehistoric art, clothing and bodypaint
Hunt? Yes, with a very expensive permit.
Squat? No
There's Broken Arrow, which is a murder mystery movie about cavemen. Pretty ebin.
Is the air still free in America, or is it private property already? I expect private property.
That sucks. Gotta keep everyone in the cities where they can buy stuff.
As much as I hate the /pol/ schizos, it really is awesome how much they trigger red-dit. I feel like they are the only thing preventing a full on invasion. A necessary evil I think. We used to have other measures stemming the tide, but now it’s just them. A sad state, may be time to just give up
Nah, air and water are free. Land is not.
Not in Canada
Timothy Treadwell? Posting from beyond the grave??
Because our laws don't allow you to forcefully evict trespassers. Also because some of the parks here are bigger than our provinces and are nearly impossible to patrol with the limited resources.