Do people like this movie ironically? I just watched it yesterday and it was cringe
Do people like this movie ironically? I just watched it yesterday and it was cringe
why won’t the spoiler image go away?
its great, you're just a sensitive snowflake who cringes at everything.
reported for underage
Most people younger than 50 haven't actually seen it , but it's one of those that everyone is just supposed to like.
You're right though, it's shit.
kys zoomer
It's comfy
i kinda like it but i think becauce of nostalgia
but yeah the story is all over the places, the pacing is weird and the jokes and sadly bill murray are pretty cringe
No blockbuster made today would ever attempt doing some wacky and fun shit like have a giant marshmallow man be a world-destroying monster so it deserves a pass just for that.
Yep. Last watched it the first time it came out on DVD (early 2000's maybe?) and it was horribly dated then. It's more a people-remember-it-being-good than it is actually good.
I hope you're talking about the 2016 movie being cringe.
>old popular thing bad
You zoomers are an embarassment. Go back to capeshit.
The new film will be Kino and will finally wash away the putrid abomination that the previous film amounted to.
Ivan Reitman is the jewiest looking jew
>Who you gonna call?
>Your mommy!
Friendly reminder zoomers have no culture and will never know the glory days of pop cinema like based Millenials.
It's also why they hate the Simpsons so much.
i saw it at the cinema during its original release run. i was six years old. that makes me...old. good times, happy memories. how do i get back to the 80's. i hate this timeline.
Good bait, but not good enough for a (you).
ITT: people who have eaten Tide pods
If you don’t like ghostbusters you are probably not human.
Most 'mainstream' movies from the '80s are bad by today's standards.
It's to do with the kind of improvisational acting and delivery which feels totally artificial, combined with the repressed conservative values that makes everything feel somewhat juvenile, because even when they seek to venture into more provocative territory it feels like the safety gloves are on. Horror movies being the exception to the last point.
First time I watched the Indiana Jones original trilogy I was surprised at how shitty they were. They didn't hold a candle to movies like The Mummy which came after nor comics like Tintin (and a whole host of other adventure stories I guess starting with King Solomon's Mines and stuff by Verne) which preceded it.
It wasn't until the '90s that they did away mostly with the improv, and realistic acting combined with a more realistic and cynical portrayal of the world gave us true timeless classics like Jurassic Park.
I thought the sequel was pretty cringy, but I liked the first one.
The all-female remake was kind of pointless.
>Disney has been exposed for faking their profits
>this is how you are coping