Have you ever cosplayed as a character from an Television or Film?

Have you ever cosplayed as a character from an Television or Film?

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Yes, infact I'm boner Robin.

me on the right

>that's his mom
h... hot

>skinny faggot has bigger dick than you

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based chadcel

Can I help you with coping? It's just proportions.

what’s wrong with his fucking face :/

Does Halloween count? If yes, then yes, 30 times.

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me on the left

Me on the right

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i fapped to this picture once


was it his ears that did it for you?


>the plot was literally getting out of the Manlet Pit
It all makes sense now, holy shit.

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>manlet who only works out arms is bane
cant tell you how many times ive seen this


Yeah man. I roleplay as Walton Goggins rapey character from Predators at any dress up I'm invited too.

Could be worse

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clever desu ne

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That dude is very lucky he has that bulge going on or he would look one step up from DJ Qualls.
At least we know why she's got that smile. Dude's packing some heat.

>tfw no wheelchair cosplay qt gf

This event will imprint itself on him for all time. His every future relation will be linked to this act of feigned bullying through a sort of phantasmal umbilical cord transcending time and space.

Fuck no.

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You get to cut all the lines and everything, not to mention the recumbenating!

yo that's a man on the right

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Now I'll watch Titans.

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>tfw bulking but forgot to lift

guess he didnt lose his sense of humor after all

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post more cingeplay

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No, but when I was 16 in a anime convention I got an unfinished BJ from a cosplayer. Only because I hit on her and I was wearing a shirt from the anime she was cosplaying as.

cosplayers are the easiest pussy to get for us ugly failures at life, just give them a little attention and flash some cash and they'll eat out of your asshole

That is my fetish. Full greentext pls.

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>no amount of muscles will make you taller

/cursedplay/ thread?

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>roiding sub 5'7"s

Attached: bane workout.webm (400x400, 2.74M)



That fat boy needs to lose weight

i would buy that shirt

Nice. What's it like, owning a cosplay porn site?

Fatso and faggio

The fact this dude runs a cosplay porn site and is basically a giga-chad irl BTFOs like 90% of the incel posts here

should have stuffed his pants 4/10

Good man


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No but I ordered a $300 captain America endgame suit with my custom measurements to wear with my shield at New York comic con. My gf got me tickets so I’ll fuck around, see some cool costumes, meet the first pink ranger (first crush) and the voices for Goku and vegeta, maybe the 3 hobbits who are there (no frodo), and maybe find cute cosplay sluts that wanna have a three to fivesome with me and my gf (no way I can satisfy more than 4 women at once).

Hoping cosplaying is based and not cringe

>biggest douchebag and faggot

Poor chap.

the more dirty the feet the more turned on I get, djstill pls come back

Giv tiddy

>she’s cute
>good character choice
>costume is well done
>the wheelchair works for this specific costume
>I really hope no one fucking bullied her for this pic
Cute picture desu hope she had a nice time

Same Shinji, holy shit

what did james may mean by this?

He does own the site but he is definitely not a giga chad if you've ever met him

I'm going to Fan Expo and already have 3 hookups locked in (one with a power girl which is going to be amazing), kind of want to keep Saturday's hookup open instead of having it planned out because sometimes orgies break out in after parties and I wouldn't mind getting in on that but I don't know -- rather have a solid costume girl to fuck than not y'know

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Dwarf mode surprisingly looks cool

selena quintanilla got thicc


>djstill pls come back

He knew what was up that one.

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Do you let your gf fuck other guys or have other guys in threesomes with you guys?

>visible pasties

Not a really interesting story, I think I just was a decent looking teenager.

>chubby, 6/10, dressed as Lucy
>was wearing an Elfen Lied shirt
>walking with two friends in the event
>we were eating something and she and her friends sit next
>we start talking, I come with some line like "do you want me to be your Kouta or something like that"
>my two friends leave with two other girls and I leave with Lucy
>we start kissing
>this event is on a college and it has a lot of open spaces, we go to a isolated place
>after some kisses and touching she pulls my shorts down, she starts going down on me
>one of the staff saw us, but he thought we were only kissing and tells us to go back to the event cause the place we were was too isolated
>we go back, and after the event we eat some mcdonalds.

Attached: Lucy_(Elfen_Lied).png (350x568, 420K)