>says the word nigger all the time and always gets away with it even though it endlessly pisses off the blacks because he has a lifetime n-word pass >pisses off christian fundamentalists by having lots of violence and cussing in his movies >pisses off feminists by having sexy women in his movies and not ruining it by letting them speak >pisses off asian-americans and hapas by destroying their idol >loves feet >not a jew
>lifetime nigga pass Why would it piss them off? That doesn’t make sense
Jason Brooks
The world's most ugliest man
Alexander Perez
That's just to keep his n word pass and appease his overlords a little bit.
Adam Hill
I remember going to see Hateful Eight on film and during the intermission a black guy stood up and said "I'm so mad at Quentin Tarantino right now" and he didn't come back after the intermission.
I realize that it sounds fake as fuck but it really happened. I live in a majority black area and no one else seemed to have that reaction for what it's worth.
Cooper Sullivan
probably because he added racial tension scenes for no apparent reason
Josiah Williams
>pisses off the blacks The niggers.
Blake Adams
he's a shit director but he's a Master Troll, so he gets my respect.
>damage control The only damage control I'm seeing is from Tarantino fanboys who can't handle criticism.
Angel Turner
He wasn't even "beaten" in the context of the movie. They both knock each other down and immediately get up, then they match blows until some Australian cunt starts yelling.
Sebastian Turner
I'm glad I saw this movie at the first possible screening and realized how based this scene was before the internet threw a shitfit over it
Yes. Bruce knocks Cliff on his ass. Cliff goads him into doing the same thing and counters. They match up blow for blow, until they're stopped. My point is, you fucking nigger, the trannies screaming on twitter about 'muh asian unbeatable man being beaten by the whities' doesn't even hold up as an argument when you watch the scene.
Colton Rodriguez
>hates white people >strange obsession with black people >that scene in the hateful eight >footfag >pedo >just copies other films but makes them worse >hates David Lynch absolutely not based
He's like the only one in Hollyweird who isn't a Jew. It's a strange thing. Also Mel is a million times more baste and roeldbilled.
John Cox
>>that scene in the hateful eight w-what do you mean user?
Easton Rodriguez
>Yes. Bruce knocks Cliff on his ass. Cliff shrugs off the kick
>They match up blow for blow, until they're stopped. No, Bruce Lee couldn't land a punch at Cliff but Cliff is able to block all punches and punch him in the chest.
How about you stop being in such denial because you're assblasted by twitter SJWs? You're as blind and embarrassing as they are trying to make a counter point.
Charles Bell
Based Quentin "Race War Now" Tarantino.
Kayden Bailey
IMAGINE being dependent on the reputation of your father because you can't get monies in any other way.
Nolan Diaz
>How about you stop being in such denial That's rich coming from a guy who imagined Bruce Lee delivering a punch at Cliff Booth at the same time when that's not what happened in the actual movie. Your headcanon isn't canon.
Evan Ramirez
>posts a cheese-eating surrender monkey as the representative of le white race
lol ok
Aiden Cruz
War veterans are known for their combat prowess instead of their trauma and PTSD, after all.
Let's be real, Bruce lee was a manlet ricedick actor and would get btfo by any huwhite man. That's why Gene lebell choked the shit out of that gook and made him piss himself. Wing chun is fancy dance moves and nothing more. Cope
You realize only white people get offended at people saying nigger for no reason, right? People only care when it's an insult, as much as they'd care being called a retard or whatever.
Matthew Thompson
>tfw 10 minutes of you terrorizing the Japs worse than Godzilla
>His single lose to a gook is his second fight due to a submission the ref made a bad call on >He KO'd like 20 other Japs HAHAHAHA Cope. I had to pick Bas because he slapped so many Japs in Pride. I have to go back to Pride because Gooks can't even get into the UFC in any significance.
>Bass Rutten's record has it as a loss COPE. MORE.
Jose Barnes
>BTFO 20 gooks >AKTUALLY if you see his record he loss one because a bad call HAHA WE'RE REACHING LEVELS OF COPE THAT SHOULDN'T BE POSSIBLE RICE CLIT BOI
Carter Watson
>he can't cope lol
Bentley Butler
Joseph Jackson
>>not a jew he's married to one though
Samuel Baker
Only niggers and faggots are afraid of the police. Lick my hairy balls mongoloid
Jace Foster
Why does he look like aged Uma Thurman? The nose and jaw
Jackson Baker
Chuck Norris is a real martial artist though, not a little faggot like Bruce Lee.
Josiah Jones
Jackson's character was baiting that old general to draw. His character lied about the Lincoln letter so why wouldn't he lie about killing the general's son?
Evan Russell
Is, and always has been, /ourguy/
Don't forget cunny apologist
Christian White
The weirdest thing about the Bruce Lee stuff is all the people who now assure me he would definitely have beaten Muhammad Ali in a fight. Genuinely retarded opinion
Jaxson Jackson
>Hates the Police Literally nothing wrong with this, ultra based
My nigger roommate from college was in jail and from chicago. He gave me an N word pass and my minority friends have called me an honorary minority. Not sure if I should be proud.
Josiah Fisher
Well ... he definitely ain’t Asian either, user. And those pass that you user mentioned, Amazon may have something on that !!! Would you care hit their site ?
in my country everyone laughed at based stunt man and his shennanagins. the home invasion scene was hilarious and every normie in the theather was laughing and cheering. america has been consumed by identity politics, im glad people can still enjoy a movie where im from, dont know how long it will last.
Lucas Morris
Extremely based and redpilled
Kevin Anderson
how did he get the nigger pass? did he find the holy grail or some shit? was it in the dead guy storage?
Ayden Ortiz
>YO NIGGA FUCK THE POPO AAAAIIIGGHT lmao grow up little kids, cops do good work >MUH BOOTLICKERS You're the one bootlicking a millionaire celebrity
Zachary Perry
>angelika waigand Yo barber, fuck my name up
Aaron Ross
nigglodyte, MUH BRUTALITY
Liam Fisher
>pisses off asian-americans and hapas by destroying their idol The interest in Bruce Lee has spiked because of his movie. And the retarded trashing of Lee by white incels is only helping.