Says the word nigger all the time and always gets away with it even though it endlessly pisses off the blacks because...

>says the word nigger all the time and always gets away with it even though it endlessly pisses off the blacks because he has a lifetime n-word pass
>pisses off christian fundamentalists by having lots of violence and cussing in his movies
>pisses off feminists by having sexy women in his movies and not ruining it by letting them speak
>pisses off asian-americans and hapas by destroying their idol
>loves feet
>not a jew

Is there any filmmaker that's more based?

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Other urls found in this thread:

wtf i love tarantino now

Based Tarankino.

Mega based

I'm gonna say no.

yep im thinking im backtracking from hatting his shit movies he based n sheet

He participated in at least four BLM anti-police rallies, yeah, real based....

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I can't think of any

,>"Foot Fags deserve to go to hell with the Jews"

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>lifetime nigga pass
Why would it piss them off? That doesn’t make sense

The world's most ugliest man

That's just to keep his n word pass and appease his overlords a little bit.

I remember going to see Hateful Eight on film and during the intermission a black guy stood up and said "I'm so mad at Quentin Tarantino right now" and he didn't come back after the intermission.

>not a jew
nice try there rabbi

And everyone clapped

>implying he isn't cancelled

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I realize that it sounds fake as fuck but it really happened. I live in a majority black area and no one else seemed to have that reaction for what it's worth.

probably because he added racial tension scenes for no apparent reason

>pisses off the blacks
The niggers.

he's a shit director but he's a Master Troll, so he gets my respect.

he's trolling everybody you retard



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>all the YT videos repping Bruce Lee have increased in views

Holy shit. When you put it like that... Fuckin based.

>Rise Up!!!!!

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>young women who don't respect the Hollywood old guard
>oh and they murdered a pregnant woman too, whatever

Feminism is a disease lol.

>tranny name

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What did he mean by this?

now i really need to see it

Why does he look like an old lesbian?


all valid points, this made me reconsider QT as a real director and auteur

>famous for being unbeaten

You can't beat someone who has never competed.

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>current year + 4
>fundamentalist Christians existing or relevant

Edgy tier director.

14 year old white kids love him.

Shut uuuuuuuuup there keeping us atheist folk down!!!!!!

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Is that Roger Federer? He needs to retire. He's looking rough.

Damage Control: level 9999

Bruce Lee is an actor and not a real martial artist. Why are people so sensitive over him being beaten up by a war veteran?

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>damage control
The only damage control I'm seeing is from Tarantino fanboys who can't handle criticism.

He wasn't even "beaten" in the context of the movie. They both knock each other down and immediately get up, then they match blows until some Australian cunt starts yelling.

I'm glad I saw this movie at the first possible screening and realized how based this scene was before the internet threw a shitfit over it

That he's as real as a donut motherfucker.


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reminder kill bill is TWO separate movies

>Cliff shrugs off Bruce's kick
>slams Bruce down a door
>blocks all his strikes
>twists his arm
>counterpunches his chest

Did you watch the movie?

>We're supposed to like him because he might've killed his nagging wife

Unironically based.

They both punch each other in the chest in the end.

>tfw Quentin Tarantino does in one movie what having your cult members murder a pregnant movie star couldn't--start a race war

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No they don't. Don't make shit up.

Yes. Bruce knocks Cliff on his ass. Cliff goads him into doing the same thing and counters. They match up blow for blow, until they're stopped. My point is, you fucking nigger, the trannies screaming on twitter about 'muh asian unbeatable man being beaten by the whities' doesn't even hold up as an argument when you watch the scene.

>hates white people
>strange obsession with black people
>that scene in the hateful eight
>just copies other films but makes them worse
>hates David Lynch
absolutely not based

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Lmao fucking gooks

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He's like the only one in Hollyweird who isn't a Jew. It's a strange thing. Also Mel is a million times more baste and roeldbilled.

>>that scene in the hateful eight
w-what do you mean user?

>Yes. Bruce knocks Cliff on his ass.
Cliff shrugs off the kick

>They match up blow for blow, until they're stopped.
No, Bruce Lee couldn't land a punch at Cliff but Cliff is able to block all punches and punch him in the chest.

Watch it again:

Doesn’t piss off jews though and that’s all that matters

>makes fun of a dead Chinese guy because they don't have real white heroes anymore, they've been replaced by Michael Jordan and Floyd Mayweather


Sam Jackson makes a white man suck him off.

U mad ching chong?

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How about you stop being in such denial because you're assblasted by twitter SJWs? You're as blind and embarrassing as they are trying to make a counter point.

Based Quentin "Race War Now" Tarantino.

IMAGINE being dependent on the reputation of your father because you can't get monies in any other way.

>How about you stop being in such denial
That's rich coming from a guy who imagined Bruce Lee delivering a punch at Cliff Booth at the same time when that's not what happened in the actual movie.
Your headcanon isn't canon.

>posts a cheese-eating surrender monkey as the representative of le white race

lol ok

War veterans are known for their combat prowess instead of their trauma and PTSD, after all.

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The YouTube link shows the actual scene in full. NONE of what you claimed happened actually happened.

Was it psychosis that made you see a different outcome?

Once Upon A Time in Hollywood 2: Mike Tyson vs Brad Pitt.
While we are at it.

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You wish nigger athletes were seen as heroes, seething mudskin.

la creatura.....

Better than that gook bruce lee who got bfto by brad pitt

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>You wish nigger athletes were seen as heroes
Still seething that John Wayne was cancelled for being a white supremacist, huh?

>Brad cucked prime mike tyson right after he got out of jail
I'd watch that kino

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>Bruce Lee Look-alike being scripted to lose to Brad Pitt is the same as Brad Pitt taking on Bruce Lee

Even Quentin Tarantino isn't so deluded.

Leave your twitter bubble and go outside so you learn nobody cares about your movie and sports "heroes" but everybody knows shitskins are inferior.

First time I've seen a black bull get cucked by a soiboi. What timeline was this?

Absolutely baste

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Let's be real, Bruce lee was a manlet ricedick actor and would get btfo by any huwhite man. That's why Gene lebell choked the shit out of that gook and made him piss himself. Wing chun is fancy dance moves and nothing more. Cope

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>nobody cares about your movie and sports "heroes"
Says the guy defending "Cliff Booth" lmao.

No I'm not and I don't know who that is you greasy nigger.

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>Bruce lee was a manlet ricedick actor and would get btfo by any huwhite man.

Meanwhile, in reality...

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Mike has become quite the funny guy.

>/pol/ letting niggers live in their heads rent-free
>the Jews are the ones collecting rent



Little ricedicks can't claim pacquiao he's hispanic

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uno farto @3:17

it's a black male thing


all of a suddaaaaaahhh...


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Basically lol.

You realize only white people get offended at people saying nigger for no reason, right? People only care when it's an insult, as much as they'd care being called a retard or whatever.

>tfw 10 minutes of you terrorizing the Japs worse than Godzilla

Gooks can't fight

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Niggers still get offended by being called nigger. This hasn't changed somehow in 2019.

I'm scared of China men.


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>His single lose to a gook is his second fight due to a submission the ref made a bad call on
>He KO'd like 20 other Japs
HAHAHAHA Cope. I had to pick Bas because he slapped so many Japs in Pride. I have to go back to Pride because Gooks can't even get into the UFC in any significance.

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2nd ugliest. You’ve managed to dethrone the king.

>single lose
>b-bad call

lol seethe

>Proving my point
Gonna cry into your rice paddies little chinkoid?

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Who is this guy?

SJWs hate him!

Meanwhile, Bas Rutten was already beaten by an Asian.

>women are equal
>no no nooooo, no violence! Doesn't matter if the girls are would be murderers, no male in female violence!
wtf is this

>Coping this hard over a bad call
>He Btfo like 20 of them

put it down, what's going on here?

>pisses off blacks

The fuck are you talking about blacks love tarantino

>snow looks yellow

nah, ain't gonna do it... *sips* mhhhhhhmmmmmmmm

I'm sure you'd know, nignog.

I agree, that is based. US police are psychopaths and most of them deserve to be fired. Even if you hate niggers, we should be able to agree on that.

He's honestly a fucking meme for generation X and boomers. It's like if millennials sincerely believed in the chuch norris memes.

pisses off christian fundamentalists by having lots of violence and cussing in his movies
Things that are happening only in your head

Millennials are human garbage though

Blacks have it all figured out

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Look at his big fucking chin and massive noggin. Guy's a sexualized genius

thats some weak bait, and if its not bait lurk moar newfag

Fuck police and fuck boot lickers like you.

The bigger meme is twink Brad Pitt at 55 beating up a young Bruce Lee.

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>Bass Rutten's record has it as a loss

>BTFO 20 gooks
>AKTUALLY if you see his record he loss one because a bad call

>he can't cope


>>not a jew
he's married to one though

Only niggers and faggots are afraid of the police.
Lick my hairy balls mongoloid

Why does he look like aged Uma Thurman?
The nose and jaw

Chuck Norris is a real martial artist though, not a little faggot like Bruce Lee.

Jackson's character was baiting that old general to draw. His character lied about the Lincoln letter so why wouldn't he lie about killing the general's son?

Is, and always has been, /ourguy/

Don't forget cunny apologist

The weirdest thing about the Bruce Lee stuff is all the people who now assure me he would definitely have beaten Muhammad Ali in a fight. Genuinely retarded opinion

>Hates the Police
Literally nothing wrong with this, ultra based

Uhm hi sweety

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He didn't lie. Did you watch the movie?

This. Hypocrite Christian Fundamentalists are the reason for 90% of the problems in the US.

next question please

He pisses off conservatives by talking shit about cops too.

He is Weinstein-adjacent though, you know he knew what was going on.

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My nigger roommate from college was in jail and from chicago. He gave me an N word pass and my minority friends have called me an honorary minority. Not sure if I should be proud.

Well ... he definitely ain’t Asian either, user. And those pass that you user mentioned, Amazon may have something on that !!! Would you care hit their site ?

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so based


in my country everyone laughed at based stunt man and his shennanagins. the home invasion scene was hilarious and every normie in the theather was laughing and cheering. america has been consumed by identity politics, im glad people can still enjoy a movie where im from, dont know how long it will last.

Extremely based and redpilled

how did he get the nigger pass?
did he find the holy grail or some shit?
was it in the dead guy storage?

lmao grow up little kids, cops do good work
You're the one bootlicking a millionaire celebrity

>angelika waigand
Yo barber, fuck my name up

nigglodyte, MUH BRUTALITY

>pisses off asian-americans and hapas by destroying their idol
The interest in Bruce Lee has spiked because of his movie. And the retarded trashing of Lee by white incels is only helping.

Good god, you white incels are so delusional LMAO