Just watched Bone Tomahawk. The wife was totally raped by the Troglydytes, right...

Just watched Bone Tomahawk. The wife was totally raped by the Troglydytes, right? It felt implied by various things but I wasn't sure.

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Why would they even bother?

Don't know. But I'll tell you that much, it is implied that in Willow Creek, bigfoots capture human females for pure sexual use. Women get fuck so much, so ugly, so raw, that they turn feral like the fat chick they see by the end of the movie

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A. They only had two breeding females
B. They're savages

Respectable white women secretly want to get raped by troglydytes, savages, bush people, and blacks

I'll have to watch that then

i wish we got to see her getting the trog dick

Well of course

its SHIT! Basically Blairwitch with ape sounds. But, you can jerk off to the thought of pic related getting used as a fleslight for months by bigfoots.

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Do you actually see anything?

not at all. Basically these 2 get stalked during the entire movie by a couple of bigfoots. By the end I think (watched it only once), they panic, run around in the woods and end up facing to bigfoots, and some fat feral cunt, who obviously has been kept around by the apes for some time.
They kill the boyfriend first, so I assumed they kept females to fuck them. Gave the whole movie a different flavor for me

I don't think that was implied at all. Wtf are you on about?

Trash movie


They'd have removed her extremities, no? It would've saved them a lot of trouble I'm sure.

thanks user for this new fp material

Not him but the dialogue is top cringe.

They might have been saving those for later. They had two more guys as meat.

no it's not

you both need to see a shrink

The movie is literally about cannibal savages

she pretty was cute in true detective. thats just a bad pic

are you retarded? they literally removed the arms and legs (and eyes) of their mothers to procreate.

>Willow Creek
I don't know what's stranger, that I've seen two different 'bigfoot rape' movies and not this one, or that I've seen three 'found footage' bigfoot movies and not this one.

Nothing worse than when rape is only 'implied' in these movies. Every rape scene should be full penetration.

When they are all captured Russell asks her how many there are, awkward pause, and she tells him 7? and the 2 limbless females.
This is my first post and I assumed the same as OP. Remember these are heathen troglodytes. Why would they not rape the female.

'Boggy Creek (2010)' was even worse. Three hot-ass-bitches, bigfoots that were confirmed to keep the women for fleshlight purposes, and still not even one single bigfoot rape scene.
Come on, movie-makers, get your shit together. Watch 'Humanoids from the Deep' and just straight-up give us the monster rape.

dude i fucking LOVE rlm

Whats the other bigfoot rape movie?

yeah my friend jay and his friend convinced me to watch it

user, your mom isn’t really what I’d call “respectable”

Not quite sure if it counts, because it turned out to just be a normal dude gone feral , but The Cavern. It was terrible. There was also The Geek, but that's a straight-up porno I think.