Not quite my tempo

Not quite my tempo

Attached: file.png (705x734, 533K)

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Actually, it was his tempo. I isolated the audio track and ran it through several different BPM counters. The difference was within the margin of error of even the most professional musicians.

It’s irrelevant, the whole point of this character is how he squeezes and pushes his students to their breaking point and while his methods are fucked he is inarguably capable of producing geniuses as seen at the end of the film

shut up prag

>you isolated
you mean you watched a youtube video which isolated it

notice he says “my” tempo

>It’s irrelevant
Ok, asshole, you know what? I am gonna stop you right there.

It is absolutely, positively NOT irrelevant when a musical instructor either is too fucking incompetent to assess tempo or flat out LIES about it, casting unwarranted doubt into an otherwise aspiring and talented musician.
As this guy himself implied, he wanted to push people to the max and the half hour of this shitstain sperging out about WHAT CAN MATHEMATICALLY BE PROVEN TO BE ON-TIME could have been spent with more productive work, like rehearsing the music they were about to play in front of audiences.

A conductor pulls ONE PERCENT of this shit in front of any orchestra comprising professional musicians and he will be BEATEN INTO THE NEXT HOPSPITAL on a minute's notice.

So maybe stick to capeshit, in the future. You clearly show that you prefer unrealistic, shit-tier fantasy.

No i mean i dumped the audio track with ffmpeg and ran the audio file through several BPM counters.

It's alright, it's alright. Let's try again.

If by "my", he means a tempo other than the one he is showing by his gestures, then you have a point.

Daily reminder that dudes like this end up getting the ol private pyle soap treatment in real life

Not quite my tempo

Any more movies about characters being obsessed with some thing in their lives?

Well then, retract your uniformed bullshit opinion, apologize for it and try again.


I think he was secretly queer

Not quite my tempo. Let's go again.

How did the movie end? I forgot but didn't the drummer make a fool of himself live in the end?

>implying your seeing his hands the whole time
share the raw footage with us, bro

If he did that to any real (actually existing) musician, like half-way through this insufferable fantasy scene, three to ten other musicians would jump him and beat him within an inch of his life and that's a best case scenario for him.

>jazz isn't about improvisation or artistry, it's about drumming as fast and as mechanically perfect as possible
Why didn't this faggot just get a drum machine?

I wanna see THAT movie

He literally claps the rhythm in. You know what, maybe step back a little and let the people talk who actually remember the film and were not in a drug-induced haze while watching it.

Write it, user. I believe in you.

>are you rushing or you dragging?
>neither, im within the margin of error of any professional musician
>congrats, you pass the test

Because even babies who never hold a drum stick in their lives can 'improvise

you’re still interpreting it too literally, my child. He wasn’t looking for a robot. Your kung fu style is innapropriate for the situation

why didn't the drummer just get a more constructive teacher lol

I've never seen someone miss the point this fucking hard.

Attached: oTNS9iT.jpg (370x349, 31K)

Well it just seems odd to me that someone working in a professional environment would maliciously lie to a professional musician just to fuck with him. If that was the point of what was going down during that scene, it is an unbelievably unrealistic film because, as I said, professional musicians will not take that kind of shit for even a second. If that was not the point of the film, this has to mean that the tempo was indeed off. Which I have empirically proven to be not the case.

Your move, asshole.

I want tomato sauce with that pasta

*laughs in gay nazi rape*

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you have autism

>A conductor pulls ONE PERCENT of this shit in front of any orchestra comprising professional musicians and he will be BEATEN INTO THE NEXT HOPSPITAL on a minute's notice.

Yeah, professional musicians are absolutely savage

Attached: 1560502565995.jpg (592x841, 60K)

his groove probably sucked

Not an argument.

I wish I had a teacher like him. So I would whoop his arse and learn nothing.

>what are drugs

>didn't the drummer make a fool of himself live in the end?
initially, then he manned up and gave a great performance. Outstanding finale.

>Waaaa my movie about made up characters isn't accurate about real life jass bands
Everyone is autistic in their own fields.

He was a student you retard.