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>read the Illiad
>Achilles is a cunt

Why didn't he just shoot him?

bad casting
its swift footed achilles not hunky looking achilles


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Something something battle of honor even though his """""cousin"""""" was an absolute retard for larping as Achilles and 100% deserved to die

Gods were being dicks

The war started with his bitch brother stealing a king's wife, and he interfered in a one on one duel to murder the other participant. Honor went out the window.

lol i thought this was the juggernaut from the thumbail

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northern greeks do not look like this

I tried reading the illiad once but that fucking rundown of the ships was so fucking boring I never made it past it

you know you could have skipped that part right?
also, it's not that long

You really can just skip it since Homer mentions specific attributes or background details about characters EVERY time they are referred to, the catalogue of ships is basically like the credits that the storyteller would go through hyping up the story and telling all the audience how fuckin cool this war was for being such an all star affair.

>Achilles vs Bruce Lee

Who wins?

its only 20 pages you pleb but why skip it anyway? it explains who certain characters are, where they are from and their ancestry

I'm Hector, what you want?

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>there are anons on this board RIGHT NOW who actually unironically read books
have sex nerds

only southern greeks do
especially athenians

Dude Egyptians don't look like that, let alone any Greeks

I read The Odyssey while fucking your Dad's ass

I refuse to believe this guy was never in The Shield

there is literally no reason to read a book today, all the "good" and "classic" books have been retold in movies and tv shows wich are objectively superior mediums
anyone who reads a book in modern day only does it for pretentious points

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you are either 18 years old, trolling or the stupidest person in the entirety of this website's history

>he doesn't like the ultra chad types
confirmed apollo faggot

Why did they cut out the romance between Achilles and Patroclus, Yea Forums?

Attached: Achilles-and-Patroclus.jpg (525x700, 55K)

>tfw retard brother causes a war over a woman
>tfw you fight in said war
>tfw you accidentally kill a faggot achilles larper
>tfw achilles kills you because you killed the faggot achilles larper

Hector was best boy and did not deserve this suffering

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He lost my respect when he killed based Menelaus "IS THISSS WHAT YOU LEFT ME FOOOOOR?" for his closeted brother

Was it autism?

there isn't any romance in the book

It's called mourning, something a friendless incel would never know

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Menelaus LITERALLY did nothing wrong.


Agamemnon was the cuntiest cunt who ever cunted. The entire moral of the Illiad was to not be a cunt king or you will get cunted in the back by a cunt goddess

Didn't want to show Achilles as the eromenos

>still pushing this faggot narrative

Rage induced, yes.