BATWOMAN Poster, Character Portraits & Pilot Stills

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Jesus Christ...

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looks like a tranny


>A lesbian ex-soldier and the cousin of Bruce Wayne, Kate returns to Gotham City after being discharged from the military and finds a new purpose in defending a city on the edge of chaos following Batman's mysterious disappearance three years prior. Armed with a passion for social justice and flair for speaking her mind, Kate soars onto the streets as Batwoman, but in a city desperate for a savior, she must overcome her own demons before embracing the call to be Gotham's symbol of hope.

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Did they cast her only because she is lesbian?

SOPHIE MOORE (Meagan Tandy)

>Kate's former lover, a high-ranking private security agent and one of Gotham’s fiercest protectors. Feisty and charming, with incredible fighting abilities and a softer side beneath her regimented exterior.

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>menstrual blood because whamen
Feminists are disgusting creatures

LUKE FOX (Camrus Johnson)

>The son of Wayne Enterprises' R&D director Lucius Fox, the man who provided Batman with his equipment for years. In the Dark Knight's absence, Luke is the one keeping the long-abandoned Wayne Tower secure. Brilliant with technology, but lacking in social skills, he considers himself the guardian of Batman's legacy and symbol, but soon begins to understand Gotham City’s need for a new hero, and finds one in Kate Kane.

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>Armed with a passion for social justice and flair for speaking her mind
Jesus Christ this is gonna be awful


>Kate's excitable, talkative and scrappy stepsister. An influencer-in-the-making, Mary carries a lovely and heavy demeanor, which makes it easy to view her as an airheaded amateur. But what she lacks in a filter she makes up for with her compassion for Gotham’s underserved communities, proving she has more in common with Kate than she thinks. And like her sister, Mary will have a secret life of her own in Gotham City.

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Do they really say she's a lesbian ex soldier?
I need a link, this can't be real.

period blood?

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Looks like a shitty Beyond rip off with the symbol. I'm guessing this is how she looks in the comics though?


JACOB KANE (Dougray Scott)

>Kate's tough, political and emotionless father, who is haunted by the death of his wife and one of his daughters years prior. A former military Colonel with a grudge against Batman, Jacob now commands Gotham’s elite private security firm The Crows, and has made it his mission to protect his city better than the Dark Knight ever could, all while keeping his surviving daughter at an arm's lenght. But it’s only a matter of time before Jacob's unwavering disdain for masked vigilantes puts him at odds with Gotham’s new caped crusader, who also happens to be his own daughter.

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Nasty Woman: The Show


>Kate's knowledgeable, motivated and ambitious stepmother. Catherine made her fortune as a savvy, bullheaded defense contractor, even supplying weapons for her husband's paramilitary activities. One of Gotham’s most powerful residents, Catherine effortlessly pulls the strings of the elite to advance her frequently less-than-legal enterprises. For her, it’s a matter of the bottom line: Batwoman is bad for business and must be struck off the board.

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I laughed so hard at the trailer where she's like "I don't need Bruce. I can do this on my own!" but she's using his suit and his technology. The reason she puts the red wig on is because she can't stand being mistaken for Batman.

of course the only white guy in the main cast is a piece of shit

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The trailer is fucking unreal, it feels like a parody specially with that song they used.

it's literally her backstory in the comics. she was in the army but got busted during the "don't ask, don't tell" era and got a discharge. she had an encounter with batman that inspired her to do some vigilantism of her own. her dad (also former military) helps her with intel and tech

yeah. they are even writing batman out just so she can literally take his place

The true hero of the show.

>The absolute state of capeshit

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>hair coming out of the top of the mask
>a lesbian
stopped reading there

RED ALICE (Rachel Skarsten)

>The psychotic leader of the Lewis Carroll–inspired Wonderland Gang, which emerges from the shadows to terrorize the city. Swinging unpredictably between maniacal and charming, Red Alice has made it her mission to undermine Gotham’s sense of security, and holds a secret connection to Kate's past.

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Oh you poor soul, this is nu-CW, there are much worse out there. Try looking for nu-Charmed character intros and stuff.


In the comics he starts out as an asshole because of his dead family but mellows out with time, and the show will follow suit.

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she wears a mask in the comics (along with a wig). but here she's actually wearing batman's full cowl. so did she cut it open to let the wig out? no idea but yeah it looks retarded

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i cant wait for the cringe

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>>I am a woman!

Why does DC suck so bad at writing superhero’s? Isn’t that their business?

DC Comics fag shit killed the comics. New 52 Harley Quinn killed the only character that fans legitimately liked.

People who watched it at comic Con said it was godawful

>Swinging unpredictably between maniacal and charming

and with a wicked sense of humor

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the ironic thing is nu-52 Batwoman had a legit good comic and they fired the guy writing it because he wanted Kate to marry her girlfriend. no idea what her comic has been like since then

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>First two words are A Lesbian
It's over

He doesn't seem like an asshole user. He's got a similar personality to miles Morales' dad.

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>and holds a secret connection to Kate's past
they're sisters. it's not even a fucking plot twist

>not posting the trailer

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sweet jesus, this is some reddit incarnate shit going on

this looks like shit and it's sad cause i like this bitch, she always look cool and fierce in any movie ive seen her in, she is extremely photogenic

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Dude look at her, look at her body size/weight. she has no super powers etc.
she couldnt even lift 20 pounds.

Well, I want my entertainment to be fag free so I'm happy it's dying. I show my kids fag statistics and I promise them a day is coming when lefties will push for civil war and then Militia men and women will legitimately take over the country. And when that happens it'll be a free for all. In thirty years there will be a new society where the banks and the currencies used will be controlled only by work for pay or pay for legitimate trade.

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"We need more black representation but we don't want him to be a dumb brute stereotype because that would be racist."

"Say no more. We'll use the effeminate geeky black male ARCHETYPE instead."

Furries huh

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did they make her character Jewish too?

God I want to see Kate dickpilled

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>Why yes, I am a nihilist with a wicked sense of humour, how could you tell ?

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I hope this negress will show tiddies in it

It does sound like her Batwoman is going to spend time beating up man spreaders and mansplainer while huffing "men..." grumpily.

It's so painfully fucking obvious why CW didnt simply create a universe where Batman never existed and it's just Batwoman. They're gonna have a story arc where Bruce returns from his self imposed exile, he's gonna see what Batwoman is doing, and he's going to give her his official Batman seal of approval. He's going to say "You're what Gotham needs now" and disappear again so they can BTFO all the incel gamergators.


looks like freddie from icarly


Holy fuckin disgustin

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>social justice and flair for speaking her mind,
I bet she fights The Batmanspainer at some point.

She's obviously the "dead" sister. Come the fuck on.

fucking LMAO hahahahahahhaha oh no no no hahahha

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Batmansplainer, that is

Why do the faggots at CW get the DC license to do fuckever they want. Out of the whole DC universe they keep doing shit like this.

I just dont see him being Batwing

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No. They did it because Batman is popular. Warner won't let them use him right now, but things could change in the future, just like they once were not allowed to use Superman in "Supergirl" and now their version is very popular among fans and might even get his own spinoff.

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It's always Alice in Wonderland programming with these fucks isn't it?

>one hour long schizo background noise
Just what I needed. Thanks user.

you're welcome, jidf

>Applying realism to capeshit

>The stand in for soft headed soft science majors has daddy issues

what a fucking surprise


What's with that bulb head?


Ugh. Looks like a bleached version of that revolting poo in Silicon Valley (Kumail something).

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He has a nice ass though desu.

I thought they used photoshop for their posters? This bitch's face looks like a 50 year old lady.

Man, DC really loves to drive all its properties straight into the ground. They can't do anything right.

Shoo, shoo, luster of poo.

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So the only straight white male in the entire series dies in the pilot.
Never thought I'd see a show out-liberal Supergirl, but here we are.

>And like her sister, Mary will have a secret life of her own in Gotham City.
The secret life is that she's straight.

jesus fucking christ

The question is, how many seasons until they end it. Keep in mind they will keep it running, spending ungodly amounts, despite bad results, just cause "muh diversity, muh waman, muh empowerment" .

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3 of bad ratings, 4 if middling.

ratings won't be bad, this show crosses EVERY possible box. People will hate it but rating sites will cover for it

>ratings won't be bad, this show crosses EVERY possible box
Charmed did too, aside from being capeshit, how'd that end up? Although being connected to the rest of the "arrowverse" series will give it an advantage for sure.

This is going to suck so fucking badly.
Absolutely no chance I'll be watching.

yes but to be fair she was a Jewish lesbian in the comics before this.

would quite enjoy having sexual intercourse with ruby rose

>Tranny batman

Because Berlanti is behind both the CW and DC Universe shows.


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But this is going to go full “let me speak with your manager I am ma’am” right out of the box. Supergirl didn’t go full tranny until a few seasons in. That might affect the ratings.

wtf was that?!

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What if I invited you to my place and let you hold my benis during viewing?

Are you a qt twink?

oh i see

Jesus Christ

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I look like batwomyn but with a beard and a bulge.

Still wears a herosuit

When will this trend die out? I'm at a point where I'm actively hoping for mass societal chaos so that this type of shit gets buried hard into the ground and never rises up again.

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Acceptable. LONDON?

It started in the late ‘80’s and early 90’s and was tamped down. It seems to be out of control now, and I fear we’ll never see a return to non-faggotry in my lifetime. Being able to say nigger without losing your life was kino though.

Is that emblem done in her period blood or something?

Can you travel to Kenya, my friend? Make sure to bring all of your organs.

I guess that's closer than the US, but no unfortunately, can't come over there, sorry user.

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no way this isn't a tumblr fanfiction

you can tell that someone with no critical thinking made this

He was pretty good as the chad baseball captain in Everybody Wants Some

Hey fuck you I was gonna post that

>these characters description
>the fights
>1000 cuts per minute
>the acting
>lesbian shit
>garbage music
i feel like is an insult to life itself

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Unironically looks worse than the porn movie. This might be a first

>Armed with a passion for social justice and flair for speaking her mind
This shit is going to be more insufferable than Supergirl


>if you ignore them, they will go away

The Cultural Appropriation perpetrated by The Cultural Marxist Progressives is about the wanton destruction of the Familiar. These people are literal cancer!

Why are dykes so absolutely disgusting and repulsive?

what about mad hatter?

...only just noticed this...where are his boots? and at what point does he put them on?

>this entire thing

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Germany tried that and the entire world declared war on her.

>official Batman seal of approval.
This unironically happened with Thor and Captain Marvel. I cringed out of the cinema and shat all over the restrooms.

Well, they sure can't procreate.

The beautiful thing about the Cultural Marxist Juden's plan is of how Globally they've already destroyed so many peoples. In Sweden and Germany and France and Britain and Italy and many others has suffered the Juden's wiles in one way or another.

And thats why theyre actively trying to infect children. And that's why ((they)) (the enablers) all have to die.

It looks like Michael Keaton, da fuck is this gay shit

fuck all you haters
ruby rose is hot as fuck

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flair for speaking her mind





Welp, they're definitely gonna have male viewership on lock. Men love all those extremely desirable qualities in a woman. Now they get to listen to loud-mouthed psychos in real life AND when they turn on the TV for a little escapism! Oh joy!

For real though, a television show goes through an extremely long list of people before it actually gets made. How did nobody stop and say, "hey this is a terrible idea and we're going to lose a lot of money."

this one actually works

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>*notices bulge*
seriously though, these tats are fucking shit, who is the nog on her arm?

>Batwoman, I'm CIA

You already look like shit, why would you cover yourself in shitty scribbles too? What's this condition called?

What a revolting Creature.

Degenerate fuck up/10

this one works desu, barely any cringe

>lesbian who fights for social justice
>the diversity quota
>the white villains
This movie fucking sucks.

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>Armed with a passion for social justice

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5"11 vs 6ft

>implying you have sex

>Gotham was cut short for this
>Swamp Thing died for this

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Its not hard.

isn't the most beloved batwoman the preppy, happy-go-lucky, shittalker? or am I getting her mixed up with batgirl? either way, this sounds horrible

>it’s based around a Gotham where Batman left three year prior
Why didn’t they just make a Nightwing or Red Hood show? There’s a massive fucking market for prettyboy characters.

Wrong on both accounts.

>stop right there mr 265lb criminal

Gotham died due to dwindling ratings and the Fox/Disney merger, and Swamp Thing died due to tax disputes with the Georgia government.

Batgirl is Gordon's daughter.

This looks like dudes profile


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The raped crusader

jesus who could have predicted that the CW lady batman show would lack nuance

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sneesus who could have predicted that the Fox feed seedman show would lack gucci loafers


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well well, look at the shitposter pulling up with his fancy reddit meme, pardon me mr. facebook catchphrase.

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I got this meme from a Yea Forums shitposter

And this teaser

>Homeless girl
>Clean clothes
>Well kept and clean hair. Is even dyed
>Wears make up
>Clean and groomed fingernails
>Looks healthy
She either bought drugs for that watch and overdosed. Or some other homeless saw her with it and killed her for it. People who give money to homeless don't really care about them. They just want the rush that they are doing something altruistic for someone in need. Also, Batwoman wanted to make a point to that white evil man.

who the fuck writes this fucking trash??

Looks great!


I would unironically fuck the brains out of ruby rose until neither of could walk

This chick is 100 pounds soaking wet, look at her fucking legs lmao, she wouldn't even be able to overpower a 15-year old.

>Batman's Gynecomastia suit.
Wtf is with that obvious underboob on the bat suit?

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>she isnt even a ginger

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Okay this is e p i c

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Why she got a massive quiff


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>every character is the son/daughter/relative of a more well known canon character
I hate this meme

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Sidenote: I watched four episodes of "Pennyworth" and it fucking SUCKED.

I don't even think the Yea Forumsfags are talking about it.

How else can they cash in nostalgia value when they don't have the actual characters? Just make them related to the characters you actually cared about!

might watch an episode or two just for alice

Yup, definitely a Pajeet.

It's the same goddamn shit show after show. Damaged womanizing protagonist with a tough-as-nails ex-gf with a gooey center.

Literally human garbage.

They should give Black Siren her own show.

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yes, she licked a few ratty muffs to get her dream dyke nerd role

>not red

>her nudes

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