How can she seed?!
oh my god fuck off
xDDdd epic!!!!
stonetoss is literally an incel right? who else could think up such a shit comic
When the discord is at full speed
pretty baste
This comic is worse than loss.jpg
I don't get it
He was aborted
I thought it was the man who would have married her
The man who would've married her was aborted
women fart very rarely
so he was aborted by his mother
The slap back is kino.
Why did she think it was ok to hit him?
Because he was acting like a prick
Yea but you just can't hit somebody when they say things to you. That's assault.
I think so.
I don't hate all his stuff, I think some of his strips are good, but that one just screams cringey incel
>t. toastie roastie
so he never got a chance to even propose marriage to that girl
everytime a woman fucks a man before marriage the good man who would've married her fades away, since no one wants to marry a woman who has fucked tons of men
the more men she fucks the less quality man she will get
Not in India
Daily reminder he became a giga-chad model and actor.
it's legal?
ummm sexist much???
There's seldom a more lovable and cute creature than a sensitive male pajeet. They're cosplayer thot tier.
If you had to pick girls who didn't have sex before marriage for a wife you would have a pick of like 10 girls for the entire United States
This is a new thing, not something that has been true for all of human history
I think it's the same guy that did redpanels and he outed himself as a retarded (ancap) autist in some debate before rebranding.
I only did anal 2 times and give a blow job one time. My hymen is still in tact tho. Virgin or not
>seething nonwhites
never fails to amaze me what you people latch onto
Do you expect anybody here to believe you are a girl?
I work for the mercenary.. the maskata man
Nice try but I’m not posting a pic of my boobs
Discord is the worst thing to happen to this site
Just watched this for the first time and it was somewhat disturbing because I look just like this guy, at least in OP's pic.
Based for hitting her though.
not, virginity is purity of soul too
you cant marry a woman who has done anal and expect her to raise great kids
Discord is fucking gay. Maskposters are a part of it as well, probably even worse, you don’t get a free pass
>not realizing that the only reason non whites used such heavy spices in the first place was to cover the taste of off meat
Why does stonetoss trigger the tanny discord so fucking hard? It's uncanny.
Pointing out the failures in their logic with some Dreamworks-tier napkin sketch giving a look to the viewer speaks to them, they understand gay cartoons more than coherent sentences.
Good point. They're too stupid/arrogant to read through other people's arguments, but they can't help but look at the cartoon so, naturally, it really gets to them when they do.
Spices don't "cover" the taste but accentuate it.
He did nothing wrong.
>Go on gameshow
>Told specifically that there’s no physical contact, and it’s a show about talking smack
>Get slapped anyways, and slapped hard
>Hit back because it’s a reflex to being slapped that hard
>Suddenly a whole crew is beating you up and talking about fucking your family
Why were they speaking English?
That’s cringe incarnate
Is a recently widowed man who is not interested in a relationship or sex anymore considered an incel?
Spices are meant to accentuate taste, yes, but when you use nothing but the strongest spices in large quantities, they instead act as a preservative and a cover. Spices are used by third worlders in this capacity more often than not.