>"Personally, I'd like as many children as I can pop out, I reckon," the actress, who portrayed Daenerys Targaryen on the HBO hit series, reveals. "You come from a happy family; you want to create a happy family."
>Not only that, but the Mother of Dragons doesn’t see herself raising a family in Hollywood but rather in the countryside in her native England: "I grew up with ducks in the garden and a stream. We used to go mushroom picking in the fields. My first plays were done inside of trees. And if I manage to push out a few sproglets, I'd like them to have that experience as well."
What did she mean by this
"Personally, I'd like as many children as I can pop out, I reckon," the actress...
Other urls found in this thread:
of course Yea Forums would make a mildly attractive woman with severe damage their queen...
That she is looking for a black man to merry and bring to her folks in england.
she's muh queen
She unironically only dates white guys
I can help you fulfill this dream. Pls respond.
i meant to type brain damage but yes user, i am aware
roastie toastie
That she unwittingly wants to contribute to the imminent overpopulation of the globe and the ongoing consolidation of land ownership among the wealthiest 1% of the population.
She's 32. Women have lost 90% of their eggs by 30 and only have 3% at 40. The eggs they have later in life are not as healthy as the ones they had in their teens and 20's. She is past the age at which she should be thinking of children and start thinking about retirement.
So she's a good person
So you are saying there is a chance
Damn she really is cute. Managed to not look like a goblin
Tell me more dr bullshit
my fucking DICK
LOL, she's a hollywood actress, she isn't going to threaten her "career" by having children herself. She's going to adopt from Uganda.
She's felt the grim reaper knocking on her noggin.
If anything drives her roastie instincts to survive by passing on her genes, its that.
Whoa. Same exact pose
Her ovaries are as young as she looks
i need to put my baby in there
>a hollywood actress,
But she isn't
Babby doesn't go there bro
Maario Naharis
She fucking hates that cesspool
sir, where can I find a cute Indian girl like this?
it's protective cushioning
Cope, mom had me in her 30s and I'm taller, smarter, more handsome, more charming and a better person than my 7 year older brother.
She looks like my cousins.
If pajeetas looked like this, the world would be a better place
Is she tradpilled?
Imagine the lucky fucker who fucks with her experiencing what her kegel muscles do during a brain blast. She probably squirts like a Japanese actress when her headmeat is strobe-lighting like a busted fluorescent in an earthquake.
If every Indian got hormone enhanced food like us burgers they'd fix the majority of their ugliness in two generations, max
Sluts make terrible mothers and she’ll divorce whoever she marries leaving her future son without a father. Reminder, that actresses never have time for their kids, they don’t attach themselves properly. Many children of famous celebs feel neglected and end up fucked for a reason
Alright enough tv for me today, hopefully tomorrow’s threads will be better.
She's had less 3 or less boyfriends in her entire life
32 years old btw
with modern medicine women can have children in their 40s easily
A week ago someone wrote here that she was dating a Polish plumber. Maybe it will be something with the foundation of a family.
She probably had countless one night stands and hook ups.
you just know she squirms
Thats why she hasnt settled down and had kids or even a long term boyfriend in a long while. But now that GoT is over shes going to enter semi retirement inito the english countryside and raise a lovely happy family.
My mom had me at 32 and I turned out fine
Oh yes
incel fantasy
Thats the type of thing that becomes public knowledge in a hurry
>come from good family
>want to have a good family myself
>also a perma-virgin
feels bad bros
all of the replies to this about old mom are extreme cope, women keep till about 28 years old
Nigger shits out 10 babies - > how diverse
White woman does - > ree overpopulation climate change ree
I bet some Guardian columnist will be extremely triggered by this.
Why are you so sexist sweetie, women fucking random men every week is empowering
Just rape someone, be a man for once
>"muh overpopulation!"
>"europe needs immigrants to survive!"
make up your mind
Well, gangs recruit kids off the block and the hood to send them to early death. It's auto-correcting balancing factors and the women kill each other over cheap hair jobs and drug overdoses. There's no white groups for even the poorest and therefore most worthless of men to die en mass.
Considering what Sophie said I doubt. She said they were very isolated and went from the sho sets to their bedroom with goblina. It's weird but it looks like they aren't socializing as much as we think
You clearly didnt meant Emilia
About that:
>Adams remembers feeling a wonderful sense of freedom after she froze her eggs in her late 30s, despite the $19,000 cost. Her plan was to work a few more years, find a great guy to marry and still have a house full of her own children.
>Things didn't turn out the way she hoped.
>In early 2017, with her 45th birthday looming and no sign of Mr. Right, she decided to start a family on her own. She excitedly unfroze the 11 eggs she had stored and selected a sperm donor.
>Two eggs failed to survive the thawing process. Three more failed to fertilize. That left six embryos, of which five appeared to be abnormal. The last one was implanted in her uterus. On the morning of March 7, she got the devastating news that it, too, had failed.
>Adams was not pregnant, and her chances of carrying her genetic child had just dropped to near zero. She remembers screaming like "a wild animal," throwing books, papers, her laptop — and collapsing to the ground.
>"It was one of the worst days of my life. There were so many emotions. I was sad. I was angry. I was ashamed," she said. "I questioned, 'Why me?' 'What did I do wrong?'"
Emilia is the purest GOT cast member after Nikolaj, prove me wrong
>a before fame rando
>Seth MacFarlane is probably gay
>the one who cucked her
absolutely überbased
>'What did I do wrong?'"
Emilia isnt 45 you mong
"The Polish new BF is a good lad , Gets the drinks in London waiting prices lol ,loves a drink but woddy fiend an he was loading Em an gurls in it in group , considering he undercutting most North london plumbers not surprised , He older than her , her bff bf embarrassed her by revealing he unblocked her bog an he was rodding her ,she likes the rough builder bloke."
That sounds so implausible, it might already be true. LOL
main got cast purity ratings
nikolaj > emilia >>> peter dinklage >>>>> kit >>>>> lena >>>>>>>>>> sophie and maisie
Emilia doesn't need to consider freezing eggs
Why are you reporting absolute nonsense? That post is barely even in English
Stop forcing your shitty meme
I had to Google it just to see if she actually said "sproglets." She did, and now I think I love her. She may not be as great of an actress as she'd like to be, but at least she has a fine sense of humor. Sproglet. What a great word.
Someone post the version with the fibonacci spiral
she looks it though
Leave while there's still time
He was answering a reply that it is easy for a woman to have children in her 40's with medical magic but that's not true. According to the other article she has between 3-10% of her eggs and many will be abnormal.
>Tfw Dragon queen to make sprogs with
RIP user getting sucked in
She's unironically funny and has good comedic timing
Her character showing no emotion in GoT for 6 seasons was a massive mistake
Based. I missed you fren
>Her character showing no emotion in GoT for 6 seasons was a massive mistake
Blame D&D telling actors how to act
you will never be the guy who penetrated her first time and cum in her mouth.
4 c h a n
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o f f i c i a l
q u e e n
2 0 1 9
▲ ▲
>That's really cute, but sit up straight and don't smile, you're not funny.
Did you reply to the wrong thread or just really dont know who we're talking about here
go away porn addict
She looks tiny on this.
> to create a happy family."
>Not only that, but the Mother of Dragons doesn’t see herself raising a family in Hollywood but rather in the countryside in her native England
Ah a 3 digit iq
>All that cheapass shit in those bags
Wow she might be super rich she eats like a nigger on food stamps.
Based tbqh
I don't know what you mean
Does she ever not?
Grrm isn't looking good
Rich people don't stay rich by wasting their money on dumb shit, plus she puts all her money into charities
she's pretty hot bro
Not based
Charities about recovering from injury, not """""charities""""" who operate as third worlder taxi services
Her own charity nigga
Okay then that's still kinda based
I'm gonna date Emilia
Somebody stop me
She's already mine bro, maybe in another life
What? That's fucking based
Fuck Hollywood
Fuck LA
Fuck burguerland
>mummy can we watch auntie Em's show?
Another one enthralled
oof. Hope she enjoys taking care of autists and downies
WTF I love Emilia Clarke now.
shut the fuck up you disgusting racist
>people used to post this pic to make fun of Emilia for being fat
>now after Dany goes full 1488 people post this as if to show off how sexy Emilia is
Waifufags needs to kill themselves, you're absolute lowest form of 4channelers. /got/ threads used to be fun to read as they constantly were shitting on D&D, but you fuckers had to ruin them with your autistic incel shit.
What are you talking about, at my school graduation dinner all the mothers were in there 50s and father's in there 60s
this! we need to depopulate the entire planet of all primates to protect life itself from higher cognition
>Emilia Isobel Euphemia Rose Clarke
Even her name is cute
/got/ died because everyone left, not because of Emilia. Without Emilia/Dany posting the threads had less than 15 uniques
>/got/ threads
Who? The cringe leddit virgins? lmao
Also cope
Cope and have sex, got threads died because the show was trash
Why is everyone on reddit a fatfuck?
truly behold Venus
thic Emilia best Emilia
because reddit is for fragile people
That is a great butt. Whose is it?
Who was the stunt double?
We're approaching thin Emmy now so I'll wait before I choose my preference
>Who was the stunt double?
No stunt double, she has a nice bum
I have news for you user
Cutest goddess
What did Kit mean by this?
>liked Emilia right from season 1, even loved Dany
>Yea Forums all started hating her because of Dany
>this goes on for most of the show
>quit Yea Forums for a couple years because it became insufferable
>come back, people love Emilia now
Not that user, but immigrants are already alive. Nice strawman, though.
She cute!
>people love Emilia now
you mean 30 people out of the whole board
you're pretty dumb, huh
I only started GoT when tsundere Dany appeared so thats that, but It was love at first sight
>was 6 people
>then 15
>then 20
>now 30
Make up your mind
why is she literally unironically so perfect?
damn how short is cavil?
That hand is very close to her breast
So God can torment roasties on earth