Did this scene age well?

Did this scene age well?

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whoa how come Hal wanted his wife to be so thicc out of nowhere

Incredibly well, but this isn't TV related so you need to be banned now


It's more relevant now than the date it aired.

My man

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based hal

Holy based.

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Imagine the smell

Yes, it’s still goddamn hilarious

Oooh so close, but not this time kiddo. Looks like this thread's within the rules. Gonna cry about it?

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at what point did society go from a boob culture to an ass one?

I remembered in tv shows and movies it was a meme for women to be worried about their ass looking to big in their outfit

was it the rap videos that did this

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Ass is great but the thicc shit is a meme, nothing worse than a puffy/fat mound.

It changes from time to time

Walt was a pervert..and a fiend.

because he was based and repilled

Kim Kardashian

You can say what you want about the family but they have shaped pop culture quite a bit since the release of that sex tape.

American society has negrified for *some* reason

Not really that at all. These things change all the time

>Not really that at all. These things just randomly happen

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That was more that they didn't want their ass to look flabby, not that they didn't want it to look big necessarily, there's lines in movies from the 70s where they talk about big booties being sexy

Softcore porn used to focus on women's boobs because they were allowed to show bare breasts but not butts or bush, thus breasts became fetishized to boomers

high test

Yup, nobody cared about tits before skinemax.

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You’re not funny

Hal was a man of taste.

Wasn't trying to be, seething leftranny

>drinking juice at all when you're overweight

it was the 90s, carbs were not discovered yet

Malcom in the Middle was a television program

A consistent theme developed through multiple episodes and seasons is that Hal and Louis have an almost psychotic level of sexual desire for eachother, and it is not surprising that Hal's sexual infatuation could manifest in any number of wacky hijinks.

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>don’t find joke funny
>lol you’re just seething leftranny
Excuse me?

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This is the part where you go back to /pol/

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He should go back right after you return to reddit

Lighten up, faggot

>return to reddit
I don't use reddit. Unlike you I'm not an election tourist.

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women aging like milk is god's punishment for Eve imo

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Oh I do declare!