What do you think of it?
What do you think of it?
Unironically think it's one of his best
I don't
boring movie was boring
great first part, then it's tarantino usual stuff
I thought it would start an age of over the top anti-white films but I was fortunately wrong.
i have to watch it a second time but i remember not liking it much after the first time.
It was fun.
I loved it but I was on hydrocodone at the tome
I liked it more than Basterds.
Good action movie, Bad western, still better than the BIG BLACK MEMBER movie at least
In the shower, you think about how you would act in various situations and confrontations. The doctor character acts exactly like I imagine myself in tense not-YET-violent situations. That's fun to watch.
Also, he doesn't actually respect black guy as a person, even though he goes to great lengths to help him. He is a charicature of liberals, which validates my beliefs, so i like it.
You seriously think it didn't?
Dear White People
Get Out
Sorry to Bother you
Only get out was a big film, and I didn't watch it but I get the impression it's not as over the top as django.
Black Klansman is not anti white at all
It was fun, though I wish they switched dicaprio for another actor
I was disappointed they didnt show bbc on the screen.
fkn doc's character got completely broken when he got killed, nigga you dont get to live that long as a bounty hunter if you sperg out like a retard at little random shit.
Very noticeable dip in quality now that Sally Menke wasn't editing. Haven't seen Once Upon a Time in Hollywood but she was what made Tarantino flicks good.