Who will play her in the biopic?

Junko Furuta was a 17-year-old Japanese high school student who was abducted, tortured, raped, and murdered in the late 1980s. Her murder case was named concrete-encased high school girl murder case due to her severely mutilated body being discovered in a concrete drum filled with 208 litres of concrete. The murder was mainly perpetrated by four teenage boys, Hiroshi Miyano, Jō Ogura, Shinji Minato, Yasushi Watanabe, who were known deliquents and serial rapists.

About 100 people knew about Junko's captivity, but either did nothing about it or themselves participated in the torture and murder. Most of the participants were friends of the teenage boys, who were low-ranking members of the Yakuza.

Junko was held captive for 40 days, during which time she was repeatedly raped, beaten and tortured. According to their trial statements, the four of them:

Raped her over 400 times. They also invited and encouraged their friends to humiliate and gang rape her.
Starved her.
Beat her several times with golf clubs, bamboo sticks and iron rods.
Used her as a "punching bag" by hanging her body from the ceiling.
Dropped barbells onto her stomach several times.
Forced her to eat live cockroaches and drink her own urine.
Forced her to masturbate in front of them.
Inserted foreign objects, such as iron bars, scissors and skewers into her vagina and anus, rendering her unable to defecate and urinate properly.
Shoved a still-lit light bulb into her vagina.
Set fireworks into her anus, vagina, mouth and ears.
Burnt her vagina and clitoris with cigarettes and lighters.
Burnt her eyelids with hot wax and lighters
Tore off her left nipple with pliers.
Pierced her breasts with sewing needles.

Furuta was held captive in the house of one of the abductors. His parents knew and did not intervene, even as she begged for help, begged to be killed to end her suffering.

The accused were convicted as Young offender, received light sentences, and are now free.

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How could you possibly make a tasteful biopic



Any cute Japanese girl will do. They all look the same anyway.
and that's a good thing!

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Sylvia Likens


Why the ears?

Imagine living in such a peaceful country that this is one of the few murders to happen that year


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They make up for low numbers by making some particularly heinous, it balances out

>Japanese police record murders as suicides to artificially lower their crime rates
>Japanese in the past have committed mass killings in China and Korea that were so depraved that they made even the Nazis uncomfortable
Yeah, "peaceful" country.

For me? it's Unit-731

There was already a bipoc
I doesn't have to be 'tasteful" whatever that means. Just depict the events

cite your sources for the first point, the second point doesn’t apply because war crimes don’t factor into a country’s overall murder stats. have sex

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>Thanks for saving me user!

this shit makes me wanna take up law enforcement to make sure those dogs get put down.
I like to think human nature is decent but we're no different then savage animals when left unchecked.
I hope those boys were hanged by the neck, I dont give a flying fuck if they were children if you intentionally do this evil you gotta go we dont want you.

I'm not saving you I am just taking you home to do the very same thing they did

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the CIA routinely kidnaps, tortures and kills people without due process. i dont see the japs doing that, now do i? am i right or wrong sweetie? hmmm? well??

Shit like this makes me think to myself....Damn!... What did she do to make them niggas THAT mad?!

The Japanese criminal justice system is beyond fucked up.
>get caught with actual cp
>"it can't be helped, here's small fine"
>get caught with a little bit of cannabis
>go to maximum security prison for five years, maybe more

Pics or it didn't happen. Have sex, incel.

Where are you getting this from? Your ass?

>Shit like this makes me think to myself....Damn!... What did she do to make them niggas THAT mad?!
be f*male

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>Her murder case was named concrete-encased high school girl murder case

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Absolute unapologetic based and redpilled japs.

It really is just your economic and social status, a day laborer caught with CP would be locked up without a second though, but a wealthy business owner is basically above the law, same as everywhere else.

Or "kayoni tsugurandayo no akiono tsumendai ne"



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>this shit makes me wanna take up law enforcement to make sure those dogs get put down.
I like to think human nature is decent but we're no different then savage animals when left unchecked.
I hope those boys were hanged by the neck, I dont give a flying fuck if they were children if you intentionally do this evil you gotta go we dont want you.

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>fucks it up


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why screenshot 7?

Sounds like she had a lot of Junko her trunk.

One of the yakuza fags wanted to fuck her but she said she wanted to concentrate on school. They got him mad.

What the fuck did she do to piss the Yakuza off? I'm 100% sure they didn't grab her at random.

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I would have protected her bros

her dad probably had unpaid gambling debts, that's probably also why her whole community knew she had been kidnapped, because it was something they all saw coming.

One of those Japanese actresses who're complete fucking titcows.

Seriously there's some VERY busty Jap actresses.

unironically this.

Beware next time you tell someone to have sex

such as?

Friendly reminder that if you pull out weed in Japan you will be viewed in the same light as a methhead, heroin addict, pedophile, and prostitute. The Japanese (besides the hip hop niggerboos) despise your lifestyle. You simply would never fit in.

How about Judith Barsi instead? She should be old enough to do it now.

And like soccer moms in america they're wrong


Japanese love copying the West and now that weed is gaining legal stature it's just a matter of time before they start hitting that pipe too.

When are we going to address the male problem?

Humans only use one of their X chromosomes. The other is inactive, and exists only to be given during sexual reproduction. This means the Y chromosome is essentially just a tool for implantation of sperm to make more a humans. Everyone is a woman when they are for a time, as in their only active sex chromosome is their X. Men are the "spinoff' just dumber, angrier women with dicks. Scientifically, if we were able to find a way to implant haploids without heterosexual coitus two women CAN have children together, and their children would only be women. Men would become obsolete.

Men commit almost all violent crime. Men have caused all wars. All of the worst social conflicts were caused by men. All of the greatest men were supported by women.

It's time for men to end. There is no reason they should be around anymore.

Always get these 2 confused.

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>Scientifically, if we were able to find a way to implant haploids without heterosexual coitus two women CAN have children together, and their children would only be women. Men would become obsolete.

Too bad women can't do science, huh?

Meanwhile Larry nassar got 175 years for touching young adults in their no no areas

>now that weed is gaining legal stature
In the west. If you actually think whatever the west does law-wise directly influences the east, you're out of touch user. This is the same country that cant identify what the nazi flag is mind you.

Cause the violence is offset by technological development.all female society would still be living in mudhuts

There's a literal Japanese cannibal killer who became a famous reality show celebrity instead of getting the death penalty, it's truly fucked up how society is

It's simple, one sings like an angel the other ones sings with the angels

I like the cut of your very, very depressing jib

What? Famous people in Japan have been caught with CP and were fined $500.

He stopped killing and is now a net-positive, tax-wise.
Maybe the japs are on to something

Forgetting the best part
>On 4 January, 1989, the four boys challenged Furuta to a game of Mahjong, which she is said to have won.
Keep in mind this was after all the rape and torture and her arms and legs were already burned.

Tokyo is the closest thing I’ve seen to a modern day hell. It’s like if you have money there you can pretty much get whatever you want, and also it’s weird seeing Japanese people work at a McDonald’s or a store clerk or something, like nigga shouldn’t you be a samurai or monk? Sad stuff really.

Look it up for yourself. There are articles in Japan times explaining.

That user is being unfair, but basically Japanese police often fail to perform autopsies in cases that turn out to be murder disguised as suicide. An article in Japan times claimed only 5% of suicide deaths had autopsies performed.

>Sylvia Likens
why do i read these things

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Fun fact: Most of Japan celebrates Christmas with KFC.

>amerigroid thinks capital punishment is more civilized than rehabilitation

literal 3rd world tier post

Shitheads should be killed and are irredeemable.

thats a bit of a false equivalency when the symbol the nazis coopted is an ancient symbol used in buddhism that is on google maps to mark shrines and gets used in slang by teens

I have weird fractional memories of watching that movie as a kid but I feel like I sort of blocked it out, feels like a fever dream when I try to remember it

>Shitheads should be killed and are irredeemable.

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Obviously the manji symbol is prevalent in Japan just like other Asian countries. But you would expect at least every first world country to know a little bit about WW2. Especially when your country was a big part of it.

Name 1 (ONE) reason a pedo should live.

Life in Japan is really an anime.

They could write Alice in Wonderland

Proto-incels BTFO

I felt the same way about that fucked up movie Nothing But Trouble but it turned out to be real

This stuff fucks with my head, man. It bothers me to think that at any given moment, someone is probably going through something similar somewhere on the planet.

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They could direct Chinatown

Solarbabies for me.