Post your movie folder. Other anons comment, rate, recommend, etc.
I've seen A Separation, Burning, Syriana, and The Handmaiden. Any recommendations what to see next from what I have?
Post your movie folder. Other anons comment, rate, recommend, etc.
I've seen A Separation, Burning, Syriana, and The Handmaiden. Any recommendations what to see next from what I have?
if you aren't a zipperhead that is a fucking embarrassing folder
check em
>dark windows explorer
>only Asians are allowed to watch Asian movies
Most of my movies are on my EHDD anyways
What did you think of A Prayer Before Dawn? I think the fact that a lot of the Thai background dialogue was not translated added to the immersive feeling of "what the fuck is going on?"
And what's in "Lame shit"?
Too many movies?
>Need for speed underground 2
I liked it, leading actor was ok, lame shit is exactly that
>~1/3 my collection
It's not bad
Was meant for
those are unseen movies right? or movies you like to keep?
Yeah, movies I haven't seen that I want to see soon, plus a few favorites I like to go back to now and then. The rest of my movies, which I haven't seen or don't plan to see any time soon, are on my EHDD.
one or two I haven't seen yet but mostly keepers.
1. My English Ones
My last one I got it split between English/AISANS/ and Euopeans
boring pseud, probably sucks cock in his spare time
Name your shit better it's ugly as fuck
>boring pseud, probably sucks cock in his spare time
Go Fuck yourself, I already watched all the non pseud shit. I only have the shit I don't want to watch left.
Year of the Dragon
The Beguiled
The War Lord
City Girl
Children of Hiroshima
>The Beguiled
I mean the 1971 The Beguiled with Clint Eastwood
shit i like to rewatch when drunk and can't think of something new
>The Beguiled
Thanks. Will check it out after finishing City on a Hill
Harakiri If you havn't alrwady seen it, or Woman in the Dunes
never seent woman in the dunes thanks
I Vitelloni
>he sorts files by release year
what should i watch
I have A Separation and Burning to watch. are they worth my time?
Handmaiden and Shoplifters are kino
Phantom Thread if you want something recent, RAN if you want kino
>stray dogs (2013)
>he considers handmaiden kino
well you'll enjoy both. shoplifters is ok
no one has ever watched ran
I can't believe people endured the whole thing
shoplifters is better than tokyo sonata
I'm sorry, you were born worthless
I think I have a problem
>watching family Asian dramas with imdb score of 6 with the same production standards as a Korean health insurance ad
For what purpose?
how can you faggots stay with so many movies in your folder?
Go back on reddit
All the President's Men
The Stranger
Battle of Okinawa
Thanks for the recommendations. I've already seen the first two, but will check out Battle of Okinawa.
go ahead, punish me
made me take the sorting-by-date-pill. reorganized
Hate the organization, but Short Term 12 and Kong A+
not bad but needs organized
does no one organize?
stopped at outkast discog wtf
most beginner movies ever
hate whatever format this is
year first? have you no values?
not bad, been wanting to see Phantom Thread
holy shit
is this a reddit starter pack?
this one is me
I torrent from rarb and pirate Bay seeing all these high quality torrents you nerds are posting are really making me want puke blood out of jealousy
>gave up actually sorting movie folder years ago
>shitton of stuff just sitting around in nzbget and transmission folders
>too lazy to sort
Those are full dumps of the respective youtube channels, btw.
I'm not fucking screenshotting all of them.
Anybody else just watch and delete the movie afterwards? Sometimes I make a webm for a certain scene just for posting here.
wait... is this every movie brie larson is in?
i keep only the ones i plan on rewatching one year
>all this CGI shit for children
A minor subtheme of my collection is random animation shit I come across.
there it is
there it is
some dude put his karagarga library on soulseek, if you're familiar with a movie rec it (or not)
a separation next
NGE next
chinatown next
Vast majority are films I don't mind watching again, I usually delete most movies after watching (and just realised I need to delete Guardians of the Galaxy).
There are a few I haven't got around to watching yet though.
>he mixes in television and film
I do to, and I don't even sort my episodes.
920gigs incoming