What do you call this type of humor?

What do you call this type of humor?

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jew backed

based humor. also world peace/sam hydestein belongs under this umbrella whether you like it or not.

Don't bring Henry into this shit

I've always just called it Tim & Eric style humor.

"ran out of ideas so fuck it humor"
Tim and Eric though are different, they're also massive asshole humor
>lets parade socially inept people on the television
For SJWs they sure have no qualms with mocking the mentally ill or developmentally delayed.


But they didn't invent it

Abso Lutely

I know that. They introduced it to me though so that's what I've always called it whenever I see it elsewhere.

Lockheed Martins weaponized irony program

What happened, Tom Goes to the Mayor was incredible

Bob Odenkirk stopped writing every episode with them.

nah nathan for you is an abso lutely production and it isn’t anything like the shows in the op

cringe humor and/or absurdism

post-modern dadaism


They just took what Conan was doing and ran with it




nerds literally force themselves to laugh at this shit


"Comedians I binge watch one weekend then forget about for a year"

>implying John lurie didn't pioneer this type of humor
everything after is shit

>They introduced it to me though so that's what I've always called it whenever I see it elsewhere.
That is monstrously stupid of you. Bravo.

>so bad it's bad

dude I know you my man

These assholes ruined adult swim prove me wrong

They just point at other people because they feel guilty about being shitty faggots, its the essential building blocks of being an SJW

Yeah when people show me a comedy I'll sometimes even point and go "haha it's like Tim & Eric style" like a total brainlet.


They had little to no ripple effect on other content on the platform.

These essentially. I know somebody who fakes/forces himself to laugh at shit like this all the time and acts like it isn’t just one gigantic cope.

I call it edgy rich kids trying to be special after getting bored.



They get away with making fun of other people by creating characters that are completely stupid and not self aware.

There's an old show called "JAM" which is somewhat similar to this. Wondershowzin is the first truly similar thing I can think of. World Peace as mentioned is pretty much the same sense of humour as well, although the show is pretty sparse with its quality. I first saw it when I watched the Tim and Eric movie, though. Wondershowzin is the best one.


this is one of my favorite sketches of all time

>They get away with making fun of other people
You have no idea what you are talking about. The humor always lies in the stupidity or pure awkwardness of the characters.

You are retarded if you think the James Quall and Liebe Hart gags are any different from Howard Stern making fun of retards and freaks like Beetlejuice

haha suicide am i right guys?

dont reply to me with some pretentious take on how this is elite comedy


It's done with a style that makes you think it's poking fun at something very specific, or that it's being ironic for a singular purpose, but the real point is that it's just aesthetics and funny, with no inherent subtext or defined meaning. It's not "it's bad so it's good," it's "it's good because it's good."

The humor of a character can't be inherent.
The comedy of the characters have to come from somewhere by parody or by interacting with another character in the story. There is barely any plot to Tim and Eric sketches.

>46 posts
>no "surreal"

Were you fags raised in a barn?

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>also known as ABSURDIST
that was the first post


Eric Andre's alright, though.

Buzz me mullatto

Eric Andre is the worst
>DUDE I'm eating a CHALUPA WITH SHIT IN IT haha! I'm on acid man, isn't that pretty edgy! HAHA *break table* CHOO CHOO IM A TRAIN give dadda num nums! Lindsay Lohan (haha this is old outdated reference on purpose)

do you call the wheel an "ooga-booga"?

It's called "I'm 15 and my sense of humor is superior to yours".

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don't forget his sentient blob-of-shit sidekick

Its bizarre how obsessed sam hyde fans few remaining fans are



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Tom Green knockoff humor

But they arent the same. Absurd is closer to parody and satire than surreal


No, absurdism = surreal comedy. Millenials just call it "surreal" to pretend they are doing something fresh and artistic.

"I'm hiding behind 10 layers of irony because I'm not actually funny"

Thanks for redefining those 200 year old terms for me clearly its everyone else who's wrong

No idea but this was hilarious the first time I watched Jam



Read it in the old Twitter way (bottom -> up)

Attached: norm.png (700x3430, 768K)

Stoner TV

>if it comes out like a steamy pile of shit "it's supposed to be bad"
>if it's good "it's because I'm a genius"
In other words "experimental comedy"(is mostlyshit though)

True, true, true forever. Anti-comedians are cowards and subsist on fear, conceit, and disdain, not laughter.

lol so randum xD


lmao holy shit, seen less desperate replyguys for e-girls

Modern comedians are so ducking insecure



Tim Heidecker is a lying faggot.

hipster fag "i think im smarter than fans of other kinds of comedy and look down my stupid tiny black glasses at your normie shows" comedy

Le randum boomer humor

Who is Sam Hyde?



drunk and alone