Are there people that actually find this shit attractive?

Are there people that actually find this shit attractive?

Attached: ezra-miller-playboy.jpg (2304x2880, 462K)

Only liberals

Me, and I'm not a liberal btw

You're simply a faggot. We got it.


His legs are nice tho


Is he still doing this stuff?

the whole point is not conforming to conventional beauty standards. Yall really stupid.

If anything it seems to be getting worse

Attached: Ezra-Miller-Met-Gala-Makeup-2019.jpg (683x1024, 105K)

its just makeup art

>people care about what clothing other people wear

you realise that clothing is only gendered because of marketing, right? it's literally a spook made up by people trying to sell shit.

this is going to blow your mind but high heels were originally worn by men. not even a tranny btw i'm just not an intrusive american retard

the jews are collapsing western civilization because some men like makeup retard

yes. and you're a boring faggot if you don't

Fuck ooooffff

When I was younger I knew girls who thought guys "who looked good in skirts" etc. were "hot." Most of those girls grew up and realized they were actually lesbians.

were stilettos?

yes definitely this is completely undermining everything that western culture has been built upon i say as a spooked moron who doesn't realise how many times history has been retold and changed to fit a certain narrative

You are now aware that all clothing is women's clothing, but they let men borrow some of it.

Fuck what contrarian retards say, that makeup was really cool. It was genuinely well-done and fit the theme for that party.

Attached: 60008644_413407115932495_4705092816856940544_n.webm (480x600, 2.05M)

Dudes that are into fucking crossdressers, both gay and "straight", not my style personally. He's an attractive man and may wear whatever pleasea him but if we're fucking he has to ditch that stuff first.

not exactly but that's a bit of an evolution of the style. literally nothing except social pressure (which is being eroded clearly and interestingly) stops anyone. maybe size but to be fair that is because of the "need." if more men wore that kind of stuff they'd make larger sizes to accommodate men's feet more.

intradasting... ... ... ...

I want to pound Ezra's boipussi

Got to admit he has balls unless he's just an unrepentant pooftah

Either way I'd fuck him.

That makeup is spooky as shit and would make it just impossible to have a conversation with him.

Mmm yes what a sexy slut

No. I'm more of a bear man

youre so fucking stupid

its not casual makeup, he wouldnt wear it on a date. Its makeup art.

Wtf I can see his bepis

Sometimes I'm kind of jelly of women. They get to wear all sorts of neat stuff. Whereas men have to choose from pants/trousers and various collared shirts to dress well. Or you just dress like a slob in jorts and tshirt.

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He's at a fucking party. In case you didn't know people socialize at those, by talking. Maybe not you.




i know what you mean and i'm not ashamed to say it. there seems to be a lot more... unique (?) variety when it comes to making outfits which is a form of expression, you know? i'm a bit envious myself. i don't usually care for style but i must admit i sometimes want to branch out in my own without being obnoxious not even using "women's" clothing.

No. Kill yourself faggot

Men get to sculpt a rippling suit from their own flesh that the average woman's biochemistry could never hope to replicate.

>Rip off old Steve Buscemi meme
>have your fancy makeup friend paint you up for you fancy gala
>internet fame skyrockets!

Attached: Eyes 01.png (365x500, 235K)

>all these poltards getting mad over some CAMP

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