The /Boys/ general

The /Boys/ general

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cheeky cunts come watch we've got it on the stream at Bongstream . live

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come join us on Bongstream . live we're streaming The Boys!

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>What did Huey's gf taste like?

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>Sorry kid! *Huff huff* Gotta go fast!

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>French character
>Named French fry guy
How original Amazon. Wow.

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For me, it's Starlight

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red velvet cake

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>Runs fast
>Make him a black character
What did Amazon mean by this?

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*gets raped*

Do you think the Deep fucks the dolphins?

Why didn’t Butcher just livestream that part in the end? Whatever Homelander did it would have been recorded and it would be hard to pretend that it was deepfaked because the events would match up to the livestream and real life.

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>tfw you gotta make up a fake rape story now

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Maybe he isn't a twitch kinda guy

>Plane is fine. Don't worry about it!

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For me? It’s Kimoko.

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Why did she do it?

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She needed some super dick

>mfw I got to see Starlight naked this week, such delicious little titties

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Translucent did nothing wrong

The blond boy Homelander's son is insanely handsome.

So when's the season 2 coming out? Hopefully they kill some main characters (the amazon chick and maybe Karl Urban)

Invisible piece of shit. He did nothing thats for sure. Huey did him a favor blowing his ass.

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Will Butcher ever recover?

>Black character
>Runs really fast
>Addicted to drugs
>Beats and kills white women numerous times
>Obsessed with self-image
>Greatest concern in life is being famous enough to have his own shoe brand
>Tries to start a fight with a security guard in public while being recorded
>Blames a white guy for making him do everything bad he's ever done

What the FUCK did Amazon Studios mean by this?

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Hughie and The Deep are relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss them relentlessly.

Nah. He won't be able to touch that pussy again. Bet it got super wrecked after that super dick

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amazon: based and red pilled

netflix: cuck and cum filled

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This only means one thing:
One of us is working on that show

Shoe brand needin nigga kek'd

>you will never have a super hero gf to rescue you from danger and the clutches of villains every week as she princess carries you to safety
Why live bros

Do you think they've had super sex?

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Don't forget this absolutely amazing scene

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Stopped watching after the implied blowjob

If a normal person in adulthood starting mainlining V would they get superpowers?

>Maybe he can come by next week
Doc just shakes his head. Fuckin' kek

in the comics, yes, hughie gets superpowers by doing V

Frenchy a cute!

Homelander said he did it to some of the muslims and alot of them just died. But some of the soup terrorists survived it

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Dis fuckin character is becoming one of my favorites.

How come Homelander ejaculating to someone doesn't kill them instantly? The speed and velocity of the sperm should be the same as a bullet giving he is closes to a "Superman" in terms of strength.

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This user is a fag

This should be the case

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when he received the news that he was out I thought he would jump out of the building and I was really depressed thinking about it

did ice princess really snap that dude's dick off on purpose?

>dennis quaid and meg ryan's son

kind of a soiboi

Ice who?

ITS ONLY 12.99

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It's free where we are you dumb ass

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>giving your money to the TV subscription jew

bongstream . live
Starting episode 5 now

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I want to see Deep succeed

Is the asian bitch a spice girl?

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>the boys thread #7452962

based, fuck these pie rats

>does nothing

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it's weird but... whenever I see the full pic (with hot as fuck shoes) I keep imagining myself in my office, and my current assistant coming in and saying this is her replacement, and immediately thinking to myself "fuck, this is my next wife".

>Buy my shooooooooes nigguh

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is it weird that i want her to choke and beat the living shit out of me?

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Hehe just wait I've read the comic :^)

Shhh! No spoilerinos!

Except they already showed hes a black dude so it aint gonna happen

Must have not seen the Yea Forums show yet

>ay oi m8 oi fookin fawkin coonnttt m8 HOOMLANDER

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Pretty good show

bretty good

How'd they find the invisible man's asshole to put stuff up into it

>Fuck you Yea Forums I do what I want

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>like make 50 threads a day

That last scene, the apartment and the subsequent scene, thoroughly subverted me

Homelander is too perfect. How does he do it?

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Please tell me someone has the webm of Starlight cumming? Her eyes glowing during her orgasm got my dick waggin

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ok I loved The Deep before but now we're reaching new levels

What the fuck is this shit? Fuck off

thought her phone case said "aroma" for a second. brap posting has ruined me.


was that face from the last scene with him and mommy shue

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sink selfies are super low tier plz go away

friendly reminder that noir rapes hughies asshole in the comics

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McDonald's cooks don't have assistants

What are you even doing here?

She is so beautiful

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in some angles she looks fucking ugly don't know why

They are so dumb in the comic kek
It's fail after fail

She looks exactly like that ice girl in heroes in this picture

Christ, the 'color correction' on the show is awful most of the time

Like a nigger

it's like they had different directors on each episodes...

>The Deep can swim, at home in the water
>amazon makes him white instead of black

In the last panel I assume they're more shocked at his use of the N-word.

>nothing happens the show
wow we get it they are flawed and jingoism bad get some material cunts

Black people can't swim. But they can run fast

doesn't excuse the shitty instagram look of the show

Why did they give her a name? The Female was fine.


You should read Ennis’ ‘The Pro’ wherein a super powered prostitute gives not-Superman his first blowjob, and when he cums it shoots down an airliner.

Should Simon Pegg have played Huey

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Just finished it.

From the moment I saw the video I knew she cheated on him. Lmao. Daily reminder to NEVER do ANYTHING for a WOMAN.

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Seethe more, loser.

sometimes youre gay

What is Butcher's accent? Is he Canadian?


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in the comics thats really black noir who rapes her (hes homelander's clone)

NTR kino

Is Seth Rogan a fucking Nazi? All the 1488 tones in the show, have they gone unnoticed

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She wasn't raped. It was consensual.

Not at all

I said in the comics, nigga



Okay but in the TV show Butcher wastes 8 years of his life getting cucked by a superhero. lmao


Homelander a good boy

he dindu nuffin

Women being dumb as usual. Could've sent a fucking letter saying she's alive or that she broke up with him. She's living a happy life raising another man's son. She easily could have abandoned the son, but she chose Homelander over her husband. I love Homelander but shit, Becca does not deserve Butcher, Homelander or a child. I wish she was dead.

he declined the role since he's too old is what some sources say

>watching the boys
>whenever they say "supes" I hear it as "soup"
>this is often hilarious
>"compound v gives soups their power?"
>"are you telling me we have a fucking soup terrorist?

I keep picturing a can of fucking chicken noodle flying around shooting eye lasers.

i meant, how did the same pic get posted twice? it's the same filesize and everything

He ain't too old

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Friendly reminder Butcher is the most cucked man I'm 2019 on TV thus far.

I originally made the picture hence the filename, if you look at his filename he just saved my picture. I didn't think someone would be so lazy to post my picture that quickly, when I posted it a thread before.

How did it?

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Rumours are that the opening scene of S2 will be Butcher beating her to death while Homelander laughs and holds the son back.

>"Go get her kiddo!"

They actually based the look of the character off him in the comics, it's just that they started in 2006 and now he's over a decade older he doesn't really match the age range of what Huey is. He was cast as his father (despite the lmao attempt at a yank accent) as a kind of homage to this.

>You didn't have to kill my wife

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For all the stuff they did to update the setting from early 00s to now, its jarring how they kept the relative cultural power of Evangelical Christianity and the pandering of megacorps to conservatives rather than progressives.

Stuff like Starlight's nod to metoo co-existing with corporate dismissal rather than enhancement of homosexuality and 90s style black tokenism doesn't make sense.


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Did you just finish up a college course? You sound smart

>its jarring how they kept the relative cultural power of Evangelical Christianity and the pandering of megacorps to conservatives rather than progressives.

Can't make the progressives look bad!!

Yes and in the comics a pure dose of compound V costs about 19 billion dollars. Very few are pure doses though. The best results come from a pure dose in the womb, which is how Stormfront (original supe, a Nazi) and Homelander (Stormfronts kid) came about.

hes literally sonic. he calls a guy a slow ass mofo in anger

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How do I get a bf like this?

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>actor looks worse as himself than as his character
is there anything more JUST than this? Being MOGGED by who you're pretending to be

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The is obviously still politically charged. Sometimes it feels like the characters literally break narrative in order to deliver progressive platitudes which makes for some very odd moments. It just feels like the writer was injecting himself into characters for a couple of seconds before carrying on with the show, it's jarring
>statistically rape victims don't come forward and admit it
>no offense but your emasculated ex sounds like he has a small penis for not respecting your powerful womanhood
>that whole christcon episode

this. butcher is a fucking simp.

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Take it to /rbmk/ faggot, I'm sure you've got more drawings of Hickey getting assfucked by Goodsir to post

Who else /homelander/ here?

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We're the real heroes here.

this happens all the time
even just with makeup

So based the probability of this post being written by Homelander is 100%

All he need to do is dye his hair blonde and slick it back.

>conservative values
>tits guy
>always thinking about the team
>brings in dividends for his organization
>stops Queen Maeve from succumbing to her female emotions to make a bad decision
>actually saves people on a daily basis
>just wants a mommygf

Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.

it's a testament to his acting, imo

>It just feels like the writer was injecting himself into characters for a couple of seconds before carrying on with the show, it's jarring
Welcome to the works of Garth Ennis

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>>tits guy
then why was he chasing that flabby b-cup old lady?

she looks like a poor white man's selena gomez

He fucks everyone and everything. Homelander has no limits...or weaknesses.

Like this faggot


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>they made Stormfront a woman
Are they going to have some weird fucking mommy shit between her and Homelander

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I hope so.
Maybe it will spark some new interest and birth some new mommykinos

Oh don't get me started on Ennis.
That guy will literally go on a political diatribe for a whole page with 80% of it just being text and he's shameless about breaking multiple character moments to do it. But honestly it's not as bad in the comics because you can just skip those pages and they're sprinkled all throughout like 70 issues so it's not as big of a deal than being an unskippable, awkwardly delivered line that breaks the tone and structure of an episode.

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>stronk female shows up that is almost as strong as Homelander
>instead of girl power shit she's an actual Nazi though
Could be cool


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BRO fucking ouch. Just by her facial expression you could tell she was CREAMING for Homelander, and then sees her piece of shit cuck husband who ruins the mood.

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When did they show black noir being black?
I dont remember that at all

What are your predictions for Season 2?

>Deep Redemption Arc
>Black Noir one of the main characters, probably as the main season villain playing both the Boys and Homelander
>Homelander less of a main villain, more of a troubled asshole shown to be something of a sympathetic victim of Vought (and Black Noir)
>Butcher slowly going from anti-hero to full villain

Black Noir literally murdered someone in an alley. That''s pretty high in the black behavior checklist.

>quiet, short spoken, frank
>suddenly goes into a too page rant about politics
what does ennis mean by this? tho tbf it kinda works in preacher since he was suppose to be well a preacher, so occasionally launching into sermons sort of makes sense

Homelander gets to powerfuck me in the ass

Black Black acts black all in black, while its black, makes sense

>Butcher slowly going from anti-hero to full villain
That'd be pretty stupid. Not saying it won't happen, just that it would be a really bad idea for the show.

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Just saw the first two eps. Why are you guys obssessed with Starlight when Maeve exists?

That's what I kept thinking. A boring version of Selena Gomez

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I have so many questions about this scene. I need to know what the hell happened here.

they have had sex since they used to date, she also fucked Black Noir

Was anyone else expecting to find out he was a supe?

Considering that Homelander is a complete psychopath and the body language from both of them in the footage I'm half-convinced it might have actually been rape. At the very least there's definitely more to it than what Homelander has said.


Really? I like this idea.

Then watch the show fucker

She was happy to see Homelander, I mean she willingly had his child and is raising it. An NDA from Vought wouldn't force her away from her family because they could easily confiscate the child. She was living happily.

Butcher in the comics is straight criminal psychopath already

No, I didn't think he was, but am expecting him to become one.


The show doesn't answer any questions.

That's why they gave her the crown

literally NOTHING - The streaming service
>shit menu and search function
>where the fuck is genre? classics?
>tv shows in film section, vice versa
>Patriot is great - cancelled
>nothing else to watch other than The Boys

I'm okay with this guy

So did he enjoy having his gills fingered or not?

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Their body language indicates it was consensual. The only reason she kept it silent was because she didn't want to admit to her husband and family that she is a filthy whore and slept with Homelander. Homerlander is more of the guy who will murder someone getting in his way, not rape a girl. Homelander is so "amazing" he doesn't have to rape a girl and the truth is, he didn't have to rape his wife. He probably told her he was infertile, so she jumped on the chance to have crazy wild sex with the strongest superhero in the world and get away scott free. But the doctor said the fetus "grew rapidly" so she wasn't in labor for 9 months, more like 1 month. How was she supposed to go home with Homelander's baby in her stomach? Who was going to help her have the child? She probably had the option to not raise the child, but she chose to raise it. The video when she walks away was either Vought offering her a chance, or her coming to terms with what she needs to do to survive. She was probably freaking the fuck out about a bright baby pawing away in her stomach. That's why she wore a heavy sweater at the park bench, it grew so rapid she had to cover it up and go to Vought.

Tl:dr Homelander is not a loser like The Deep, he's a fucking super chad, he doesn't need to commit any petty crimes. All he does is kill whoever he wants. Rape, theft, sexual assault and domestic violence is all beneath him and that's how he probably views it too.

yeah this is a lot of the reason they have a clone of him who does depraved shit.

honestly the user who said the pair was a metaphor for jews and whites was pretty spot on.

You just KNOW

she's very clearly worried/scared to see homelander

she was raped

you're an incel if you think otherwise and please have sex

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>t. Butcher

beta manlet rapist unironically shills onions sauce

is this supposed to be joss whedon

>Realistically there was nothing they could do to save them
>feeling responsible for this incident
>giving a shit about people

There's all kinds of fuckin' and suckin' going on down in those oceans.

The difference in reaction between Homelander and Maeve in this scene were really well done.

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Agreed. Maeve is an irrational woman. Homelander is a rational male. Nothing he did was wrong.

have sex

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>French character
>He's arab
The absolute state of France.

MUD PEOPLE. Taking over Franch

This is literally our Ghostbusters 2016 hospital pic meme. There is no way who wrote it did not browse here.

I think it was an accident. Maybe she and her supe friends laffed about it later but still seems like a genuine incident.

Amazon Prime is 36 yuro per year.

He is unironicallly a non-arab frenchman, look up the actor's name.

I think Karl Urban is from New Zealand

the moment they killed mommy is the moment I dropped this shit show

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When he fight with the asian grill with healing factor.

She deserve it.
>Strong indipendent womym
>Carreer over family
>Spent gorillion of money to have a child in her fifty
>Single mother
If this dont deserve to be lasered idk what will.

wouldn't it be funny if they got naked and mud wrestled him so they could see where he is but got kinda horny and jammed the explosives in with their penises like loading a cannon, haha

She looks like she _______ ________ ________

Starlight was fucking trash
Homelander, A-Train and The Deep made this show. I hope to see more of Noir next season too.

>when the doctor shakes his head

A-Train’s a junkie nigger but besides that you right

she was also aggressively sexy

Not in the show, Black Noir is comic relief and Kimiko's brother.

i genuinely thought he was huey's brother at first.

>Becca turns out to be the true villain of the series

The moral of The Boys is never trust a female.

>A-Train’s a junkie nigger
He did nothing wrong.
>killed his dyke looking gf
>takes V only because he's under lots of pressure
>had to apologize to Huey because his mutt girlfriend was standing in the street like a tard.

Based Bazos trolling seething Netflix trannies.

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>it's another comic book nerd series
literally undiscussable

What's gonna happen to our boy, Billy?

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Homelander wants villains so will inject him with V to create his arch nemesis.

She did pretty much jack shit in the comics besides having sex with Huey about 50% of her role. I'd say this is an improvement.

Plot Twist: The child is actually Black Noir's as he is a Homelander clone.

>tfw no superhero gf

That's another thing. Most likely, Huey will take advantage of the compound V. Since he wants to go straight and not be a murderous villain, he might save some people and that will get enough attention to the public for potentially seeing him as some rogue hero despite being on the wanted list. I'm interested what will happen in season 2, no doubt.

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>fucked this qt for 3 HOURS
>can't last 8 seconds with sun wrinkled Marty McFly's girlfriend

Maeve is the hottest on the show, fight me.

she was his mommy

Jesus christ, I didn't even know she was the actor from BTTF as Marty's girlfriend/wife. Didn't even recognize her.

He could have saved them if he actually tried to learn his limits and powers

ew gross

Karl Urban is final boss for Hughie.

Give me a QRD on this. It looks good and calling something 'The Boys' is triggering to diversity termites so it must be good like the old days... r-right user?

Holy shit is that Felecia Day? Isn't she like 50 now?

hes played by a black actor so i doubt thats gonna be the case

You forgot “I WAS ALMOST RAPED” in the comics when her new outfit was unveiled.

Actually, he could have gone with the momentum of the plane and ever to slow down to eventually safely land passengers without impact but it was clear that Homelander had other plans from that point and didn't want to even attempt despite his orders. His passenger get killed approach to get sympathy was arguably more effective than what would have been the save everyone approach

He's jew, which might be worst.

it's fine, too much dumb superhero humour though
felt like one of the movies it was making fun of at times

>kimiko brother
How an African can be the brother of an Asian girl?

Antony Starr is 5'11"
Chase Crawford is 6 0
Jessie Usher is 6 1

Yes, it’s anti-pozzed and very well made. Check it out, I’d really be surprised if you don’t enjoy it

I keep thinking the main character kid will eventually become the most OP supe and just BTFO all the evil supes

All she was in the comics was being rape and fanservice bait. Honestly, her character in the show is arguably much better portrayed as someone struggling against the mega-corporate celebrity hero life and trying to be a true hero. I'll give points to the show in that regard for trying to flesh out her character and the hero corporate setting affecting her mentality.

Based and underrated post.

Vader was voiced by a black man, played by a white man, and then when his helmet was removed turned out to be an old man.

First time in several years I feel even a bit hyped to watch something made in this decade.
Cheers lads

>Black Noir standing next to Homelander at the same height
>That scene where Homelander congratulates Black Noir for not doing anything wrong and to keep up the good work

where's the stream?

>is this supposed to be joss whedon
yes but unironically though

But the real question is if our billy is gonna kill his wife?

Fairly sure her name is learned in her origin story in the comics or around then though doesn't get mentioned again after that.

This was borderline unwatchable cringe, and I enjoy cringe. I think it was just the way the actor went "yeeeeaaah..." and shook his head, doing the Jim Halpert stage at the camera. Luckily the show doesn't try to do any more of this purposely cringey shit and is otherwise pretty self-aware, but holy fuck. Maybe I'm autistic.

>the gay character is evil

I wonder what twatter thinks about that

Why the fuck was Frenchie and the Female C4ed in the comics? Why were they killed off suddenly at the end?

I was pleasantly surprised with how good the characters were in this show, they weren't just one dimensional tropes

Even The Deep starts out as a cunt, then becomes the butt of all jokes, but then seems to be entering into a redemption arc at the end of the show

Homelander is kind of a cunt, but in some ways you can understand why he is the way he is. He wants to please the company and his surrogate mother because he grew up in a lab and never experienced a real life. But even that would be too much of a trope in a way, so you can see he fights that urge with Stillwell throughout the series and is changed by the end

Remember the deleted scene from hancock where he supercums and blows the girls spine out of her back?

They only wish if the mc's butt was played like jazz with poise and willingness to improvise.

Need a reason for main character straight-cis-white-maaaale Butcher to hate supes in S2. Make him a cuck out for revenge.
So topical.

>eats a baby

I just realised they made Stormlander female for S2 for some easy mommy jokes for Homelander.

He's supposed to be Jon Jones


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Whats with all the weird cameos like Billy Zane, Tara Reid and Haley Joel Osment?

During the fight with the asian grill he loses his mask and its revealed he's a black man.

he's still really attractive, but yeah blonde hair looks better on him imo

By that point Butcher is preparing to get ready and put his plan for mass genocide against the supes in action. He knows everyone else isn't going to go along with him so he's picking everyone off. MM is already dead and he's smart enough to not risk a 2v1 against Frenchie and the Female, so he sets the bomb off while they're in the apartment.

I don't think he can cum normally, like most people do. It's even implied in his conversation with Vogelbaum that he didn't believe he could make kids

is it bad that i got an erection when she excecuted that one guy?

Sora needed to face the light and realize his role comes and goes into obscurity as a metaphor for both his business and in the show.

Butcher was final boss in the comics. He pretends to Hughie he killed his parents to make Hughie kill him when he realises his neck his broken, he's paralysed and doesn't want to spend life in prison like that when the pair have their final confrontation.

Get a skinny to play the Gal Gadot expy. Makes complete and total sense.

I don’t remember that, do you have a screencap?

That seemed rather pointless. He ended up practically suiciding by provoking Huey to kill him by lying about endangering Huey's folks. He literally didn't need to kill em if he was going to kill himself.

In the comics he had super strength from a compound v shot and could deck the jaws off folk.

It makes sense she'd pretend to be the happy housewife around him so he doesn't go full mental on her and the innocent child.

And that was fucking terrible in the comics too.

Terror will be in second season.
Fucking nice.

He also fucked one too

When the FUCK is Season 2?

Fair, her character in the comics was a man and he survives, even telling Hughie in the end that he thinks he won, in the end Vought did with a rebranding.

The comics were too edgy, desu. After a while it just felt like being edgy for the sake of being edgy, LOOK MA I'M BEING DARK

he's a jew

Isn't he that guy from Bunshi or whatever?

She did the same in the comics plus guilt Hughie into taking her back when he grew balls and told her to fuck off after learning of her sucky sucky.

It sucks they all died but I can at least understand why he killed them. I don't doubt he would've attempted to go through with it had he not gotten paralyzed. Having Hughie kill him seemed more like a "I've come too far to have it end like this" rather than something actually fueled by remorse.

>when i move to Belize

Attached: Gus.png (1064x652, 1.08M)

Black Noir actor is a black person (Nathan Mitchell)

Could go either way, though I think he could. He'll then only learn later she was really was assaulted and put up with the pretense of happy family so Homelander wouldn't chunky salsa her.
That's what makes him go full nuts against supes.

Everything’s better
Down where it’s wetter
Take it from me
There’ll be no accusations
Just mutual masterbation
Under the sea

What's gonna happen for A-train after he wakes up in the hospital wondering why Huey tried to save him despite both of their existences being at odds?

I didn’t think it did.

In the comics come the end only Starlight and the Deep survive.
Though the Deep is subject to Vought's behaviour modification implants, implied to leave him no better than a zombie.

Don't forget KKK uniform especially for him

That should have been Jack from Jupiter.

>Actually, he could have gone with the momentum of the plane and ever to slow down to eventually safely land passengers without impact

>except you black noir, keep up the good work
>looks smug through a mask
Made me laugh out loud.

It was rushed as all fuck, I'll give you that. I think I even missed how he broke his neck.
First thing is Hughie nearly an hero's himself out the window, Butcher catches him and nails his leg to shrapnel, then somehow his neck his broken. It feels like I missed a page.
Was it the stress of catching Hughie that broke his neck? Makes little sense.

Contrary of colliding with the plane to stop the plane, he could have gone at the same velocity (in the same direction) as the plane grabbing underneath or on top to slow down eventually to the point where the plane could be safe and passengers intact.

Terror? ... Fuck it!

What power will he have? Will he become an antihero or villain?

Attached: Hughie.png (1071x807, 593K)

Wtf happens to Vought now that Mommy is dead? Who takes over?

I hope they will introduce Monkey

His whole plan was Hughie was meant to stop him.
If you read the Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker miniseries, his little brother stopped him from killing his dad which would have really fucked his life up.
Hughie reminded him of his brother and he needed that moral compass to have someone to attempt to stop him like his little brother did all those years back.

Gus Fring

It's probably gonna be the guy introduced near the end or Homelander after no longer taking orders from Vought.

pretty sure she was vice-president or something; she's definitely wasn't tog dog there

It goes to show that even though Stilwell thinks he won, their product of next gen supes is still completely flawed.
What's funnier about all that is he showed all the concern to the state of how the augments left them and not the costumes whatsoever.
Vought learned nothing, haven't improved and are just as fucked as they always had been.

Complete with his origin story of that nickname revolving around the pets of the Doctor Strange expy.

Trannies will riot

He just had the basic super strength in the comics. Butcher gave him a shot of compound v fairly early on. There was also light slowed aging, though we never see it.

Makes sense why certain characters would be skipped.
They didn't do the Tek-Knight arc involving his side-kick and gay support did they?

Completely missed that. I'll look through it when I get the chance.

fellow comic readers do you think we'll ever get MM's backstory or better yet that scene where Hughie meets MM's mother

It was the reason he gave Hughie slack and kept him around. Hughie didn't like and didn't want to hurt anyone and he needed someone who tried to talk their way out of things.
The other Boys if they learned what was up would likely jump straight to a violent solution with him, Hughie would be the one who would try and sensibly talk him out of it and wouldn't fight, it would all be on Hughie if he carried out his final plan.
He still wanted to do it, though even Butcher knew underneath it this was a huge thing and there'd be no going back, so Hughie was there if he needed convincing out of it.

I think Homelander took up a part of that, though honestly seeing that would be awesome. It was one of the genuine WTF moments of the series

That'd be kinda boring. Especially if Hugh will likely shoot himself with the stuff in desperation during the next season.

>It was one of the genuine WTF moments of the series
I think a bigger mindfuck for me was when it's revealed that both his wife and daughter did porn together and sent it to him. Seeing them in the show with his little girl was too strange for me. Seems a lot of the comic's edge was filed down for live action but that part would have genuinely weirded out viewers.

Redpill me on the Lamplighter.