Can someone name a film that doesn't involve degeneracy such as premarital sex or illegal drug use such as marijuana in...

Can someone name a film that doesn't involve degeneracy such as premarital sex or illegal drug use such as marijuana in it?

And I'm looking for actual films, not kid shit like simpsons or spongebo or whatever kids are into these days.

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um... i dunno, some shitty christian movie? maybe god's not dead? i don't watch straight-edge pussy movies

Mary Poppins
My Fair Lady

>why yes, I am a baby, how could you tell?

I feel like a facebook mom for being so amused by this bearded baby.

The Fall by Tarsem?

grow up

>I want kid shit
>but no kid shit


Pacific Rim
Napoleon Dynamite
Who Framed Rodger Rabbit
Five Feet Apart

haven't actually seen it myself but from what I've heard I believe Kids written by Harmony Corine should fit your description

Fuck someone actually beat me to it

kids is unironically kino you should watch it

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The Annabelle series.

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thanks, will do. how's the rest of his filmography?

You sound angry, maybe try having sex.


Jurassic Park

you DO mean robert flaherty's 1926 masterpiece, right user?

have sex