Is it possible for a picture to literally melt you're heart?

Is it possible for a picture to literally melt you're heart?

Attached: cun.jpg (1080x1080, 135K)

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Sadly I dunno. It was posted in the last cun thread.

Attached: smug cun.jpg (1002x1318, 415K)

where are the cunny bros

Attached: starring cun.jpg (1080x1350, 90K)


Attached: 1472412552367.png (576x699, 194K)

Attached: hmmm.jpg (993x997, 55K)

ah, i saw it there too. threads dissapear so fast nowadays that i didn't had the chance to ask there

Maybe if the picture was emitting some form of highly concentrated microwave energy, I suppose. But I don't know where one would come across such technology.

Attached: 1564439745961.png (741x568, 29K)

no need to overcomplicate it. any material hot enough would emit enough heat radiation to melt mere human tissue when close enough

But wouldn't it melt the picture too? I'd imagine there would at least have to be some kind of NASA tier heat-resistant casing.

are we posting our daughters now?

how is this Yea Forums related?

yesterday I went for a walk and a cute cuncun in a car waved and smiled at me. made my day

what's it like having a daughter anons? I'll never have one

like this

Attached: 1410468264237.jpg (1024x939, 380K)

Pls stop this OP and Anons please get some help

just looking at this image is the best drug on earth

help? do you know where we can adopt?


what kind of help you suggest?


Attached: 66815275_2514239678656759_778430137698877440_n.jpg (497x533, 74K)

I will fite anyone that tries to lewd this cutie

huggs n snuggs only!

why do pedos come to Yea Forums, exactly? why not fuck off back to pedo imageboards? (ive seen a few)
you're clearly not welcome here. see

why don't you fuck off back to /pol/ or r/thedonald you clueless election tourist

pedo classifies as general interest. also, cute girls are cinematic af

Attached: 53430115_126699531730921_2301658661909895190_n.jpg (1080x1079, 135K)

She gives me a Desmond vibe