Your days are numbered, Racism

Your days are numbered, Racism.

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Wait a minute... Anglo-Saxons are STILL kneeling? It's been two years. TWO. There is no conceivable way they are still doing this, right?

Racism still hasn't been defeated. We have a long battle ahead

the eternal cucked anglo...

This but unironically. If you're still getting triggered you still don't understand. Maybe leave your little incel circles and get educated

racism is natural
the only to defeat it is to commit the ultimate act of racism, by eradicating all races but one

why every single premier league players kneel? if they dont they get suspended? because in other leagues there are players who kneel and others dont

Who are the Villarreal ones doing it? They should be fired for being such nazis

Just wait until they break out the anti-racism tshirts AND take a knee
racism will be solved once and for all

Thanks to Premier League sub 90 IQ millionaires kneeling for one second once a week, I am no longer a racist. Thank you.

Real didn't kneel and immediately got dicked

kneeling for putin's gas

Why are anglos so cucked even compared to other euros?

Protestantiem really did destroy the Anglos.

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They are all whores for money. Little reason else to play in the EPL.

Zaha & Alonso doesnt kneel

reddit, the post

Redpilled, based, tired ancient wiseman post

I'm not racist at all but this kinda shit really makes me want to be

Only one anglo saxon on the pitch

Robbo and Hendo were both on that pitch.

Scots are anglos

no language filter they get marching orders raw from the source

Robertson is a Celtic fan, safe to say he wouldn't consider himself an anglo fat boi

2 years...

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Submit to your BLACK master

estupinan didn't kneel! omg

I'm sure it is.

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>niggers dominate sports, pop culture, and porn
>niggers on every single commercial despite not even being the biggest minority in this country
>still complaining
What else do they want?

the only way to defeat racism is by having sex with different races until all races become one

Yo ass

They are kneeling for russia now

(((They))) want
>insert tweet

Racism against Jews won’t end until all goys go extinct!

It's permanent now. You can't do it for this long and then suddenly stop without it being perceived as a statement that racism is over. It's going to persist until there's clear consensus that racism no longer exists (never). How embarrassing. I can't believe even the fucking NBA stopped an eternity ago and the PL kept going. Utterly bizarre.

You sure do enjoy looking up interracial porn. It says a lot about you, more so than it does anyone else

this is why if i was a player i would have refused from the beginning. there was never ever going to be an end point.

Then the less brown will hate the most brown, or vice versa. We know it doesn't work.

No one remembers how it even started anymore

Projection : the post

They should at least keep the ritual to PL games only. It's ridiculous when they do it in Europe and the opposing team doesn't follow.

It's kinda cute, English people always mimick USA trendy shit, aren't they aware that the current trend it's Ukraine and not negros? We are like months away of watching English people talking about Ukraine as their most important social struggle and doing this kind of shit on the field.

Political correctness is intended to protect one and only one specific group of people.

There's an end point if it's literally for a week or two at the peak of outcry (that's what happened here). You do it because it's the "right" thing to do and then move on. Once it's been going on for months and years it becomes awkward to stop.

Reminder that UK television is mainly just white and black men fighting over white women.
We’re a cucked country, let us die quietly

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I'm black. I'm Nigerian, and why wife is third generation German-American. I have no reason to project. I find it weird that you're spending your weekend night looking porn, let alone interracial porn, which you seemingly hate

>the racists pretending not to be racist

hopefully sharia law will make the save.

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negros already made up a word for that, colorism. They will never be satifised.

That thread would've been perfect if other flags collaborated to form the letters instead of Spain samefagging.

Check the dates. Yea Forums can be slow.

>tfw COVID died before racism

They just didn't know the show was already over. They were expecting City to start dancing or something next and City used cheap tactics instead

looks like Lo Celso, Danjuma, and Coquelin, they are all black so it is obviois for them to kneel

>terrified of fruits
It's all starting to make sense

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The mental acuity of the right; always remember history will laugh at you just as everyone else is today

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How can racism still be a thing!?!? With all the kneeling weve done!


Your women

jews need the goyim, they are trying to create the perfect goyim and the perfect goyim society, what they don't want is a goy capable of attacking them and hurting them

chuds didnt kneel and lost...

Seriously all jokes aside what is it about BMWF porn that is so hot? Is it the contrast between the melanin meat and the soft white skin? The taboo? Too many factors to take in

The Amish, obviously. Buncha valley-walking, grain harvesting, plain wife-having, electricity-shunning, cow-milking, chicken-feeding, field-plowing, Bible-holding, beard-wearing, chore-finishing, like it's 1699-partying, butter-churning, hard-working, discount quilt-selling, cheek-turning, well-wishing, cool hat-having, good in black-looking, 300 year-long non-phone bill-paying, phone, lights and motorcar-lacking, nice-playing, buggy-hitching-up, barn-raising, humble-being, pious-being, afterlife point scoring, medieval on your heinie-getting, cop-lacking, traffic light-lacking psychopaths bent on world domination.