What am I in for?
What am I in for?
another movie that makes you hate jews
Prepare to shed tears
Being bored
Good war movie about a psychopathic piece of shit who told lies about himself to get rich, then got popped by a marine he was being a dick to on a shooting range.
Lone Survivor is better in every way.
a bunch of bullshit
>Lone Survivor
Why are American veterans such fantasists/bullshit artists?
What do you think a psychopath is?
Boring shits with hilariously bad CGI and fake baby.
Fake baby
While I agree the dude was a faggot and big lol at his death (the guy who killed him was a muslim plant btw, plenty of "white" americans are in on this), Lone Survivor was just as bad of a movie.
Its a good movie bro, about the duality of man and some kicking ass shit.
I dare you to go to your local veteran bar and pop that good shit and see how fast it takes you to lose some teeth.
a movie about a sniper who is american
yo I cant wait till you realize the greatest critics of Veterans and the Government are other Veterans
This has to be one of my most hated movies purely because it's a military recruitment propaganda piece but it's not fun like Top Gun or intense like Blackhawk Down, it's jist meandering wank and the point it attempts to make with the sniper reintegrating into civie life is so poorly done that the movie is rendered meaningless. A really awful piece of shit on every level
Oh fuck, why did you have to remind me?
The guys who were really in the shit are always quiet about it, it's the desk jockeys who "lost friends" that unironically relish being thanked for their service
Of course, but youre not the government, nor a veteran, just a salty skinnyfat queer talking shit on men who served because you were too scared to sign so you made up some fake medical issue and now you regret it and take it out on Chads.
>it's not fun like Top Gun or intense like Blackhawk Down
Yankee propaganda.
>it's not a bad thing if we do it
What a repulsive country...
Redditor spotted.
A movie that subtly says that Americans were tricked into trucking off to war like a bunch of idealistic morons and refuse to learn anything, but people still think is blind American jingoism.
You faggot Europeans should come over here and talk the same shit you do online to their faces, I'd pay money to see it.
Jessie Ventura could beat the shit outta this faggot.
They're both Navy SEALs and as it turns out the SEALs have serious corruption problems. Besides these two guys there have been a bunch of other corruption controversies, one recent one where they murdered a Green Beret because he found out they were stealing money from SOCOM. I've heard it been said from other members of the military of the SEALs that because of how well known they are and the prestige attached they have ended up attracting too many retards who only want the fame and bragging rights etc.