Minor character enters his home

>minor character enters his home
>villain is waiting on an armchair inside

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absolutely BAsed andD REDPILLED


>That's my boyfriend,since we are having this dinner I took the opportunity to introduce him to you and Mom
That's what the teen girl said to her parents,besides the hobo looking guy

Ah, the Darkseid special.

>protagonist gets shot
>he survived

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Ah, the Darksneed special.

ah, sneed.

>antagonist survives an event that should have been fatal actually

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Gun jams
Henchman looks at it in disbelief

Thugs speak Spanish.
no subtitles on screen
Thugs speak English in random parts
Knight and Day- Tom Cruise

sneed and fucking seed

Jesus, Kevin Spacey is a fucking animal

>main character enters a store
>villains are waiting on chairs outside

Unbelievably based posts

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>main character enters a club
>it’s the part where he boogies


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>is covered by shadows so the MC didn't see him
>villain lights a cigarette to show he's there

But I got here the same way the coin did.

>minor character rapes villain

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