>minor character enters his home
>villain is waiting on an armchair inside
Minor character enters his home
absolutely BAsed andD REDPILLED
>That's my boyfriend,since we are having this dinner I took the opportunity to introduce him to you and Mom
That's what the teen girl said to her parents,besides the hobo looking guy
Ah, the Darkseid special.
>protagonist gets shot
>he survived
Ah, the Darksneed special.
ah, sneed.
>antagonist survives an event that should have been fatal actually
Gun jams
Henchman looks at it in disbelief
Thugs speak Spanish.
no subtitles on screen
Thugs speak English in random parts
Knight and Day- Tom Cruise
sneed and fucking seed
Jesus, Kevin Spacey is a fucking animal
>main character enters a store
>villains are waiting on chairs outside
Unbelievably based posts
>main character enters a club
>it’s the part where he boogies
>is covered by shadows so the MC didn't see him
>villain lights a cigarette to show he's there
But I got here the same way the coin did.
>minor character rapes villain