

Attached: jeopardy.png (640x360, 16K)

problem child 2

What is BR 2049?

Spice World

all the red and dit intruders have been exposed by it

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Blade Runner 2049 filtered all the dishonest cinema, form over function, plot-holes for depth of story plebs who can stomach that schlock.

Hocus Pocus

What is Alien 3!

Twin Peaks

Get Out

this fucking trash

Only God Forgives

Some shit starring Gosling

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A Force Awakens

OH wow sick meme kiddo!

Based, it's a classic wholesome film that isn't perfect but very likeable. People always try to nitpick but it's a movie that feels like an adventure blockbuster that came out 15 years ago.

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Umm is that a negro? I'm not watching some slave bitch act uppity for two hours

ultimate pleb filter is not giving a fuck what people on this board think and watching whatever kino pleases you

QUICK! Post your favorite movie and why you like it. If your reasons for liking it have anything to do with "Yea Forums says its kino" then you are no longer allowed to post here.



The freshest example is Midsommar. It separates the Sneedsommar chaff from the European film enthusiast wheatie boys.


Nothing comes close to a truly well-done action movie, and pretty much the entirety of the John Wick franchise satisfies in terms of watchability, over and over and over again

The Lighthouse


If you like OGF you're pretentious and should probably be making autistic screenplays ripping off David Lynch instead of trying to discuss movies with anyone even close to neurotypicality

>r*dditors unironically think this movie is scary

Pleb status

What is Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World?

very good bait thread to lure in unsuspecting plebs with their "pleb filter" movies

What is 2 Fast 2 Furious?

Clearly Batman v Superman (dir. Snyder)

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peter jacksons king kong

What is The Chronicles of Riddick?

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Everything on this list

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Literally drove several neets insane

if it weren't for the loud ass sound effects i'd have fallen asleep in the theatre. did people really like that movie?

You've been filtered.

Well not exactly but the movie was sorta supposed to appeal to the artsy type. Call it a better proof of concept for an arthouse slasher than Velvet Buzzsaw

Star Trek Into Darkness

Not as an all-in kind of thing, but outright rejecting it's entirety is a mistake and is mostly nerd turf war hate and knee-jerk reactions.

The spamming here has worked, I want to go see it now because of anons bitching. Good work, paid shills.

was this compiled from a thread or is it just one schizoid user listing shit that came to the top of their head

Underrated, I often feel like I'm the only one who likes it.

This is true. Only the most pure kinnosieurs have transcended to Pestposting.

Paper Moon
I don't even know why I watched it. I don't know why I love it so much. Its just so nice.


Annihilation really showed me how many posters here have an IQ lower than their body temperature

What is Freddy Got Fingered

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What is Avengers: infinity wars?