>French character called "Frenchie"
>is played by an Arab/muslim
What did they mean by that?
French character called "Frenchie"
Frenchie is based
on est cocu
it was a different time
but he is neither of those things though, /pol/-level factchecking
>also the best side character by a country mile
really gets the noggin joggin
Now, you know.
I will let ((Frenchie)) slide this time, he is a great character.
he unironically looks like a regular frenchman. i mean look at jean reno. he isnt any whiter than frenchie.
There's a lot of Algerian people who speak French natively
well, that's how french people look like
He's not French, dumbass
Tbh I'm french and he could easily be french either with north african origin or not even. A lot of people in the south of france basically look a bit spanish, like this guy does despite being israeli.
He cute
Is he going to fuck Kimiko?
when i think of someone who would listen to electronic music and go to raves this is who i imagine
The Redpill is that Meds just have a lot of varying phenotypes. It's not even a "hurdur rapebabies" thing; it's just how these places are.
>His American breakthrough role is a success.
He must be beyond chuffed.
He looks whiter than most Frenchmen
>Still seething
Get used to it white boy.
in the show he's supposed to come from marseille. making him an arab is just being realistic.
also, why couldnt they hire an actor who could at least speak french? every time he tries to speak a line of french it's maximum cringe.
Are there no Arabs in France?
>no trenchcoat and goggles
The fuck is this shit
desu it's not an issue because that's how english people think french is spoken.
it's accurate to the comics where he speaks in nonsensical franglais that doesn't mean anything in real french
He's whiter than the average fr*nch nigger
explain this
Comic book Frenchie's French makes no fucking sense, it's madman ranting. He and the Female are meant to be the lunatic cavalry.
I hated that he used his iconic googles for one scene only.
what is there to explain? He's an israeli jew, not a muslim arab. Do you have reading comprehension issues?
that's Eden Hazard
The bigger redpill is that France is a country where you can find meds in the south, germans in the north-east, "nords" in the north and "brits" in the north-west
Sounds about right. Paris is very ‘multicultural’ these days.
where did the French go?
Those are the french people
Frenchie looks like Ryan Gosling's Arab cousin.
What race is the average french?
What's gonna happen to Billy?
still looks like a Frenchman
He's going to find out his deadwife is still dead and he was shown Doppelbanger with the supe kid and fell for the meme
see above
Never been to france have you? I can tell
Why would I?
damnit why are you always right
Because I am (You)
Its simple natural selection. Nature doesn't give a flying fuck about your color. Whites are being systematically outbred and replaced because they are weak and pathetic. Whatever they were in the past, they are a fraction of that now and will be a minority in their own lands of a thousand years before 2030. This whole bravdo that alt right likes to hide behind, "push us too far and see what happens" is nothing but wind, fact is the age of white is long over, its the beginning of a different era.
Yeah, I was kinda mad at first, but he's great as Frenchie so it's forgiven. Just how Samuel L was a cool Nick Fury. The biggest problem with the "woke" diversity casting nonsense is that usually the actors are terrible and little more than tokens. Audiences don't care for it. Keep it to as original to the character as you can unless there is a good reason not to do so, I think that's a reasonable rule.
>its the beginning of a different era.
This, desu