What are some movie with a soiboi main character?

What are some movie with a soiboi main character?

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>"Yo, user! Stop being a fag and hop in, dude"
What do you do, /fitv/

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The Mask but he gets over it.

I don't understand why they make that face. I'm quite soitastic myself and I've never made that face for a photo

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>4 Plates
Fuck that shit.

I don’t get why people make fun of this kind of face? Don’t all guys make this for pictures? What are you gonna do just stare at the camera?

I'd hop in with my buddy. My quads could do with some serious muscle, all things considered.

Either smile, or plainface.

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psychologists are still studying it. best theory is that its a submissive gesture.

We have one of those things at my gym now

I dont know what it is, I don't want to know what it is. It cannot replace a barbell for exercise

let's just listen to canadians

>trap bar

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Hex Bar for deadlifts.

I was in that thread. he claimed to be an animal behaviorist

This sounds like pseudo science.
>open mouth exposed teeth is a submissive gesture
Yeah except for literally all the times that it isn't

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Some type of insecurity involving their actual appearance. They feel uncomfortable showing themselves and so take on a "silly" face to put themselves above reproach.

you brood

in primates you retard, he says this

god tigers are so fucking based

stupidest post of the day so far

>user: For dogs wagging their tail is a gesture of happiness and excitement
>Another user: [gif of angry cat wagging it's tail] Yeah except all the times that it isn't

Oh man this thread is gonna be epic! I can't wait for all the funny comments and original reaction pics! I hope someone greentexts this post with one of them!

who cares what some cancuck says

Bears>>>>>>>>>>faggot lions

t. soiface

I'm used to smiling a bit and showing my teeth. Isn't that what everyone does?

It is pseudo science. But the face is a form of ironic detechment because they're insecure in front of a camera. It's peak reddit really

that's a fags bar jesus fuck

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One of my platoon corporals in basic training always said (in the context of guys letting their mouths hang open whilst learning to march) that the only reason a man would have his mouth wide open if he's not speaking or eating would be because he subconsciously hopes someone will come along and stick a cock in it.

I've always thought he might have been onto something looking at all these pics.

Tigers aren't primates my dude. Old world monkeys are known for making the fear grimace whenever they see bared teeth (i.e. if you smile at them)


Loving the bugman in the background who is curling about 2kg

>posting in an overly sarcastic manner to hide your seething
Go back to r*ddit nigger

Laugh at them for using a hex bar while trying to act tough

This makes no sense, I hate having my photo taken and that makes me avoid smiling not stretch my face into an idiotic grin.

>being autistic about the type of animal baring its teeth as if it isn't a nearly universal trait
Look here is a chimp doing it too. For sure this guy is fear grimacing. Stop buying into shit random leafs say on the internet

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Unironically that show love on Netflix has a self insert soiboi as main character who bangs a qt thottie. It's super unrealistic but it's the only example I could think of

lol this guy looks like wolverine

I have unwittingly made the onions face in a picture before it was a meme (around 2012). It's mostly to do with feeling insecure. Not happy enough to smile and don't want to look awkward doing a fake one so you just try and look goofy because you don't want people to know you're uncomfortable.

Post a walrus and a spider as well you absolute retard.

bears are boring

except for polar bears

I make straight face all the time in photos if I'm not happy I don't give a fuck
you must be a beta male

Kek Yea Forums is filled with soibois, who would have thought


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Gotta start somewhere, at least he's trying to better himself

The onions face literally just stems from insecurity in your smile. Insecurity in your appearance is largely a beta thing which is why you see so many do it.

Well yeah you're a basedboy

I don't expect a normie like you to understand. I've had depression for most of my life. Also, the entire idea of a "beta male" is pseudoscience.

yet it makes them look even worse. How do they lack self reflection if they have low self-esteem?

>Why yes, I do have a large collection of hot sauces at home. How could you tell?

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> (OP)
>The onions face literally just stems from insecurity in your smile. Insecurity in your appearance is largely a beta thing which is why you see so many do it.
Hating your body is fucking alpha you fucking soibean. Only unaware low iq niggers are happy about their appearance

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Even when i was an insecure teenager i never did the soi face.
I literally did not smile in photographs until i was like 18

military guy projecting homosexuality onto others
makes sense

>I've had depression for most of my life
So have I you cunt, it's just gotten bad enough that I dont have the energy to hide it with my face anymore
Everyone tells me I look miserable

based and permabanned

Plenty of incels do and refuse to change themselves, same principle at play

waiting for you on /ck/ dude

I never smile in pictures. Peter Steele never did either and he's alpha as fuck.

At least that "soiboi" goes to the gym you lardboi

very top left corner, the guy with his eyes closed, is a qt

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a thread was just trimmed an hour ago

It's useless tho since the soilent cancels out all the muscle gain


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>mfw girl at the kinoplex puts her feet up on the seats

His thighs confuse me. Is this ideal for a man?

Why does the soi meme trigger Yea Forums so hard? Hits a bit too close to home? They’re all begging for Wojak to be banned

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>They targeted gamers. GAMERS.
Why are literally all people who base their identity around a time-killing activity like this?

They get taken down immediately. Hot sauce man has really struck a nerve there.

They need to have sex.

no thanks i'm not gay


>Yea Forums

T. Soi

it feels like a conspiracy

>signing your own post as soi
new and gigacringe

t. DYEL faggots with tiny shoulders

imagine not knowing about shoulder shrugs in 2019

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T. Go fuck yourself soilent loving nigger

I was told that sois actually do get girls though, that's why they do it

>mfw my video game toys are better than movies because I get to make the BING BING WAHOO happen!!!!

>you were told
Yeah by fuckin Sois

I don't think there are legitimate sois on Yea Forums to be honest

just do them with a barbell dumbass

>soibois have comfy dev jobs
>soibois fuck qt goth gf
>soibois have friends who love mcu and star wars
Now I see why Yea Forums hates them

What does soilent taste like bros? Is it even nice?

Nothing wrong with this thing

>I'm used to smiling a bit and showing my teeth. Isn't that what everyone does?
Keep in mind that the typical modern Yea Forums user believes every baseline human activity is "reddit".

I don't want to know, imagine if you get addicted to that thing...

It's pretty bland. It's supposed to be a substitute for milk. It's slightly healthier since milk doesn't really offer any benefits

They want to appear fun-loving and non-threatening at the same time. Look into the eyes of every one of those pictures. There's no actual joy in the eyes, only obedience.

He sounds dumb ngl

Why are women and soiboys so similar? Is it their lack of testosterone?

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Sorry my friend but you've been infected by soi. You have 5 days to grow your beard out and shave your head or else

there are 8 you fucking blind fuck

Television & Film

Testesterone makes you act like a dumb ape with no self awareness. The lack of it makes you an insecure but less dumb beta.

Humans snarl when fighting

It's not the lack of test that makes someone a basedboy, but the predominance of estrogen. Lack of both makes you an incel.

Unironically this.

its only 4 pl8. I'd add another 25 to each side and do a farmer's walk around the gym.

Unironically Scott Pilgrim.

I want a basedboy bf so badly

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Because you dont take a lot of photos

Thats a tiger dumbass. Were closer to chimps.

right and just do bench press with dumbbells

you can stop larping retard everyone who actually lifts knows trapbar is the ultimate trapezius building implement

barbell shrugs are always angled forward and don't target the whole muscle properly

but hey, even if you actually do lift feel free to keep doing it wrong. Your injuries and lack of progress aren't my problem

>psychologists are still studying it

nah he was a mack daddy

Puts less stress on your spine than deadlifting conventionally. IF you're diddying 4 plates, it's the safest option if you don't want to wear a belt

That's not how soiboys look like. You're thinking of trannies or twinks. Soiboys look like they have all of what makes a person a male, yet they have none of the characteristics. Twinks are feminine, Chads are masculine and soiboys are stuck in-between.

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fucking s oyb oys stop making that gay face in photos you know the one

eyes can't show emotion, it's a physical impossibility

Trap bar is too close to a squat for me compared to conventional deadies.

"based" meant good I thought? you fags keep changing your gay lingo.