Hidden gems

Hidden gems.
Pic related, Bone "chilling" Tomahawk.

Attached: AB-Film-BoneTomahawk.jpg (570x787, 567K)

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One bump.

I really liked it's slow burning pacing and atmosphere


I fucking loved it. even bought the soundtrack and I never buy any music ever.

if youve seen the webm youve seen the whole movie. thats the only thing that happens in it. cant believe i was scammed that hard

um, okay yeah, that really wasn't that good of a movie. next

Don't forget the gut wrenching, suspense building, jumpscare free character development.


>David Arquette


Do you idiots just seriously wait for us to review a movie before you watch and talk about? Thanks for the patreon donations i suppose.

Movie is hack-y as fuck. Fuck you tv for tricking me into viewing

Zahler is a master of the slow-burn thats for sure.

Bone Tomahawk is not Hidden but it is a gem

No way is this real.

Watch it, you'll see

All sòyboys know about it.
This jew's schlock is adored by numales.
Serious faggotcore.


RLM only review hidden gems.

Trailer makes it look like garbage action but it's a pretty solid sci fi.

Attached: 7873268.3.jpg (500x677, 82K)

This. And far less reddit and less feminist than faggy Ex machina.

ex machina was the opposite of feminist. nathan invented a woman, she's a perfect reproduction, she exists to use her holes to trick men.