First pitch at 6:40pm

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hey guys go doyers

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here we go

lets go DODGERS

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Let's gooooooooo DOYERS!

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JT fucking sucks

Go Sneks

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will smith slap

would you call that...a will smith slap?


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d bags


I fear he's going the way of Kemp. MVP-tier one year and then suddenly hot garbage the next. But he had a chance to gidp right there and didn't so he's not there JUST yet. Pretty sure that's all Kemp ever did in his final year or two, even with 2 outs and nobody on


lets go catman, have a good start for once

He'll be fine. He's just old and out of sync. He should provide consistent quality at bats still this season. Kemp got by on freak athletic ability and was still close to his prime. JT has a smart disciplined approach.

best start for gonsolin in a while

Go Dbacks

he went 6 scoreless last time

keep them hits coming

go dodgers!~

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4Ks already
another shoutout game tonight?

Davies get it together

damn, great catch

He's been a pain in the ass to the Dodgers for years.

wtf trea

Chaddies here, use your weird comeback Arizona magic and beat dem doggies! I believe in your snake magic!

Maybe lul

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>lux sux

that was some gay shit right there


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don't turn into faggots you faggots

lux bls

Fuck this inning

>it was 3-0
oh no no no!

kek exposed

>Gavin lux optioned to Oklahoma

chill bros, we still got more innings

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gonsolin kinda bounced back?

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he usually does. Guess you can say he's got nine lives.


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he's got a lot of grit. just wish he was more efficient.

dodgers brought up andre jackson. wouldn't mind seeing him tonight

see guys, lux just had a brainfart

He sux, he fux,

his fart smells like shit

not a fan of these new manfred baseballs

this game has become irritating

gavin lux is the turd in the punch bowl

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funny you say that. I've been sitting on that line for a while waiting to use it in the general but the moment never came.

What a waste

he fast

I take mines with mayo and ketchup and maybe relish if you have it and jalapeƱos and frilled onions. No mustard!

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trea a cute. a cute!

yeah, its over

feels like that error sucked the energy out of the team

honestly I didn't taste too much of a difference when they changed hot dog providers last season. Then again I douse it in relish and onions so I don't even notice anyway. I just liked Farmer John for the longstanding history they use to have with Dodger Stadium.