/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Guess Who's Getting a Race Win this 2022? Edition


>Countdown to the Bargain Bin Monaco Grand Prix brought to you by Cryptocuck.com:

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>/f1/ Essentials:

>WDC Standings:
LEC: 86 (+8)
VER : 59 (+26)
PER: 54 (+18)
RUS: 49 (+12)
SAI: 38 (+5)

>WCC Standings:
Ferrari: 124 (+8)
Red Bull: 113 (+44)
Bouncy Bouncy: 77 (+12)
McLaren: 46 (+15)
Alfa Romeo: 25 (+10)

>WEC Standings:
HAM: 263.14 (+95.13)
RIC: 208.27 (+68.73)
LAT: 175.44 (+25.81)

FIA released details from F1 Commission meeting, looking at major 2026 rule changes, with the focus being smaller, lighter and reducing drag
The meeting also released that the F1 Commission wants SIX sprint races in 2023, but was blocked by the FIA
Albon says if they shave a few extra tenths from the Williams FW44 then they can score sum fucking points regularly
Alonso says that the Pink Al-Peen is a glass cannon and that it's facing too much reliability issues early in the season

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gimi cunny

Top Gear legend James May
finally someone fixed the damn essentials link
thanks burger

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this thread has been opel vectra'd

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new thread new


Inb4 Germans shit up the thread will garbage posts

Artyom Senin

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I think the Hamspammer went to sleep so we are safe (for now)


When was the last time F1 had normal road cars fulfilling the role of safety/medical cars?

Get a load of this poorfag

garmen :D

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mercedes = redmeces


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What if Mercedes was based and stuck to a Deutschland Deutschland Über Alles driver lineup and poached Vettel or someone else for 2013 onward?

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rosberg / heidfeld would have been kino


I was just about to post this

10 I denied myself nothing my eyes desired;
I refused my heart no pleasure.
My heart took delight in all my labor,
and this was the reward for all my toil.
11 Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done
and what I had toiled to achieve,
everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
nothing was gained under the sun.

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Would be the second most soulful team on the grid. Would Rosberg have then won 7 championships?

amd amx wdc

>exposes everyone who wronged him

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>Albon says if they shave a few extra tenths from the Williams FW44 then they can score sum fucking points regularly

>In a race, even if your tyre is punctured, you should always think that it's full of air. Even if the track is so narrow, you should always think that it's wide enough for you to race
ngl that's very fucking based

>Albon beats Latifi by a much larger margin than Russell

Albon > Russell > Hamilton > Bottas > Massa > Kimi > Coulthard > Häkkinen > Senna

albono has the necessary set of skills to make willy a good team again

No wonder Toto objected him getting the Wilhelms seat.

Anybody below Coulthard is astonishing

how much is Red Bull paying Williams for Albon's seat?

>post yfw Albion gets the merc seat but still wears the Red Bull logo on his helmet

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Apparently enough money to make the Red Bull logo larger than the Williams one

He's still a Red Bull driver. Carlos Sainz did the same at Renault

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>“It was a frustrating race, we were all stuck in a DRS train and with the top speed we had we weren’t able to do much."
Except Albon didn't have DRS, Gasly

Gasly or even Ocon is a more likely candidate for the Merc seat than Albono.

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>albon got williams seat because russell personally recommended him
guess what comes next

Jenson butthole

buttass has clearly shown in imola that he's superior to both mr saturday and neekeri. also
>comparing gimi in ferrari with massa
>comparing post-spring massa with anyone
>claiming that cooltard is faster than miga
>thinking that anyone apart from schumi mansell and prost could touch senna
poor bait


yenson my fren

If Heidfeld got another chance after BMW/Lotus with Mercedes after 2012 it would have surely been the greatest career revival/Cinderella story in F1 history.

Might actually like Merc a little more if they spoke German as much as Ferrari speaks Italian. Too bad their engineers are mostly Anglos anyway.

haha i peed in ur seat :DD

Is there hope for mercedes?

Been peeing more than usual lately

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I'm still mad they kicked him out mid-season to make way for fucking bruno senna

bottas is a good driver when he doesn't have a gun pointed at his head at all times

BMW Sauber was probably the closest thing to an actual full-German works team in both name and blood, would have been interesting to see Mercedes take up that mantle even if unintentionally. But unfortunately because nationalist/patriotic spirit has been systematically dismantled we cannot have such nice things.

Carlos, the /superfast/ juice has given you diabetes. You're just not cut out for it.

i hope not

Diabetes it's over

clearly, he was like 2 secs faster than joe in bahrain

>Mick got raced too hard by LATIFI
Is it over for Spinmacher?

he just needs more time... just one more year...

He needs more time

Just give him a bit more time.

A bit more time needed

He is nothing more than a low-mid tier driver like glock or trulli.
Hardly a good marker of performance when joe has barely won anything in his entire racing career.

Sainz posters are worse than hamposters and the flip with a mental illness combined

race-pace wise, he's just as good as kmag, but he seems to just constantly fuck up. memes aside, maybe he does need more time, or maybe he's just /weakmind/ and can't handle being the son of the goat

still better than your only champion

>flip with a mental illness combined
You have be more specific

he's unironically /weakmind/

Joe who?

The scatposter

Gunao joe

Joe mama

I'd make Pam Beesly my wife if I were a F1 driver

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its just his 2nd year, and 1st year with a good car.

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F1 champion or F2 champion? because joe never managed to win F2... or F3 for that matter (asia doesn't count), he is literally a Latifi tier F2/3 talent.

I'd pee on your mom if I were a f1 driver

One (You) Joe

Seriously shut the fuck up mate or I'll fucking slit you faggot
Talk shit about the chink all you want but keep latifis name off your faggot soi fingers

How did Lance Stroll finish P10 in one of the absolute worst cars on the grid? I thought he was supposed to be a Latifi-tier paid driver who's only here because his daddy bought an entire team for him.
Could it be that he's actually one of the biggest talents on the roster right now? He become a serious contender at this pace.

If I were an F1 driver, I would exclusively romance Japanese women, like Jean Alesi

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I doubt she'd like that

Same for pam mate

hi nicholas

Pam would love my embrace

Based proud Canadian


Bring back grid girls

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