"Personally, I'd like as many children as I can pop out, I reckon," the actress...

>"Personally, I'd like as many children as I can pop out, I reckon," the actress, who portrayed Daenerys Targaryen on the HBO hit series, reveals. "You come from a happy family; you want to create a happy family."
What did she mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


This thread’s gonna be pruned, brah.

Shes primed and ready for my seed

i think she needs to stay in her lane and let the pros do their thing

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Her clock is ticking, she wants a 6’ nonracist man to step up and pump her belly with babies.

she's a terrible actress so maybe it's time to step away and breed

what a brood sow

She's ready to marry me and bear my children bros.
I'm so proud


>9 children
>still a titlet

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>implying BDH shouldn't take Emilia under her wing and show her how it's done

>Not only that, but the Mother of Dragons doesn’t see herself raising a family in Hollywood but rather in the countryside in her native England: "I grew up with ducks in the garden and a stream. We used to go mushroom picking in the fields. My first plays were done inside of trees. And if I manage to push out a few sproglets, I'd like them to have that experience as well."
BASED and tradpilled

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only if hendricks joins in
>christina teaches her to be a milk monster
>bryce helps her become a wide-hipped breeding machine


My heart always melts

>has implants
>still claims to be natural

That's how long she's been searching and she's only had 1 boyfriend since then

Ok somebody commission this already

Emilia's eggs must be desperate for seed by now. I'll take care of this.save yourselves

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She also already almost fucking died so she's also had her eyes opened

She looks nothing like daenerys. Still very beautiful my goodness.

She couldn't have kids while recuperating from a brain aneurysm brah, she's ready now

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This needs to be a movie right now.

You're a good man.

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Why must you lie?

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She wants to marry me

>someone impregnated this pawgsaurus-rex nine times and it wasn't you

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I know it's fake but still hnnnggggg

She seems like she gets places simply by being nice.

9 children..whoa..good job, BDH.

Nice shop. I bet you also expect me to believe that Pierce Brosnan isn't part of a conspiracy to fatten up Hollywood actresses.

>Spouse - Seth Gable
I didn't realize he had it in him. Nice.

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Her charming personality gives her a leg up on the rest of the Hollywood bitches.

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Post bike Lou webm

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I don't even care for Clarke's looks ('cept her perfect legs) , but she's won me over with her personality. Brie...it took me a while to understand her French sense of humor and autism.

I'm a frog and she doesn't have our humour.

>I'd like as many children as I can pop out, that's why i'm waiting till 90% of my eggs are gone to start having them
Smart lady

Yes she does and it's ironic that you don't pick up on it.

Brie has no redeeming factors

What's the deal with Emilia threads lately? Noticed that the trailer for her Christmas movie dropped the other day but suddenly threads were being nuked and apparently posters banned.

Haven't been posting in Emilia threads lately but it's really obvious that there's at least one j*nny who has it out for these threads since they get nuked regularly while multiple rules-breaking threads stay up. Moderation on this board gets worse by the week.

She's hawt.

I'll agree with you if you can find me a grand total of 1 (one) hot picture of her.

She's 32, there's still time

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Lou or Clarke
Some jword must not like her

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hopefully it will be with a black guy. her womb is ripe for penetration by BBC seed desu.

Many such cases!

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Dios mío...Espíritu del Señor. Espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, ángeles, arcángeles y santos del paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor, lléname de ti. Expulsa de mi todas las fuerzas del mal, aniquílas, destrúyelas. Expulsa de mí los maleficos, la magia negra, el ogro de las tinieblas, el luz extinguido, el americano... Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica; todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia; la enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica... destruye al monstruo, a la creatura... Quema a este mal en el infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí ni a ningun ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente, en nombre de Jesucristo Salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a inmediatamente, que me abandonen definitivamente y que se vayan al infierno eterno. El chupa-chupacabras no puede triunfar, el monstruo, el abominación... debe morir... Encadenado por San Miguel arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado bajo el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada, aleja el aberración genetíca, al ogro de las Americas... Amén.

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i wouldnt

Disgusting twig legs and crypt keeper hands

No thanks

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Speak American.

unironically kill yourself

Do you think 7x6" would be enough to actually impregnate her ?

Such homosexuality.

>Disgusting twig legs and crypt keeper hands
Bad taste desu.

I'm a big guy but I'm fuck ugly; please consider my application Emilia !

t. "Black" guy


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Brie is a cute little sperg though. I see right through her

>"I want someone who is super smart, can make me laugh, has, like, a dad bod. I don't need no six-pack. Like, I ain't kicking it out of bed for sure, but every character I've been with has been too perfect."

are you denying that only a virile black man would be capable of satisfying her? not to mention the potent seed that would give rise to strong offspring.

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She has a sweet creamy centre beneath the bitter fungal exterior

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this body has blessed genetics and countless hours of rigorous training

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>Brie "Toes" Larson

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Why must you mock me Emilia

Enjoy your men.


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She does if you're her bf. She's mean to everyone except you! Only you will get her!

What did he (you) intend to convey by this message ?

Also I was talking about Jurassic Ass. Everyone knows even a small benis would have no problems achieving sufficient penetration so as to greatly improve chances of conception with Emilia (though I'm sure the extra arousal afforded by a large penis wouldn't hurt with Emilia)

She was good in Solo, which doesn't deserve the hate it gets. It just has the stink of The Last Jedi on it.

People said that while watching GoT when she was recuperating from aneurysms and out of context Me Before You webms

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> Emilia Clarke Born: October 23, 1986 (age 32 years)

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She still has 7-8 years left

(looks mid 20s and acts like a teenager)

Very based female

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>looks 12

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Solo was the best Star Wars since episode 3


So Jon's a child killer, too?

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How do i fucking stop loving her, bros?

You don't. Your soul is already doomed

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I'll agree with that in the technical sense, although TPM was the best prequel.

I bet the last few just walked out

Plus with IVF and surrogates, she could have 4 or more kids in that time

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>Emmy gets a farm of surrogates so she can have 10 kids before 40

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stop replying to yourself

>"Personally, I'd like as many children as I can pop out, I reckon,"
>Born: October 23, 1986 (age 32 years), London, United Kingdom

tick tock bitch

It would be a crime to waste these perfect genes

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She's very racist

I volunteer too take this one for the team

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She's made for breeding

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>perfect genes
>has a stroke in her 20s

And she survived something that would make most people impaired or just straight up dead, twice

Almost perfect

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Why do women torture themselves like this?

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Roasties and fags make everything about fashion and bully womanlets into submission

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Women always seem like they are in complete pain when they wear heels. It doesn't seem like it's worth it. Men would want to fuck them regardless.

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They do that to impress other woman

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>They do that to impress other woman
Bullshit response. They do that for both men and women.

Roasties btfo by the godess of cute

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Men don't give a fuck dude, woman are always in conflict between them.
If a dude finds another dude with the same shirt in a party they become bros
If a girl finds another girl with the same shirt they became enemies

Who else is going to the theater on november 7th?

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But the comparison isn't just men vs men and women vs women. Men absolutely find women in high heels attractive, and women absolutely crave mens' attention. What you stated is not mutually exclusive.

I'm going to see a romcom in the cinemas on release day alone!

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I'm not
Because it's only released on the 8th here

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Is Kate going to make it bros

>please watch my movie user

Looks literally the same as 10 years ago

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I'm gonna try to find some early screening of it. They sometimes have one to get the audience members spread the word on social media

Dude, she's racist AND antisemite. You don't want to mess with that, let me do it.

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Ron Howard is her father? I did not make that connection. BDW ruined forever.

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>perfect girl exists
>she's basically unobtainable
Kinos for this feel?

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Dude, I'm mixed. I'll make her fall in love with me, have kids, then reveal my heritage and hatefuck her into not being racist. I'll save her career. Leave her to me.

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Being a deliberate cunt does not constitute a sense of humor.

Nigga, you don't understand. She's desperate for sproglets, probably want to try AT LEAST 3 times a day. I don't think you have the necessary testosterone for the job, and i sure don't want a fellow emiliabro to FUCKING DIE of dehydration. I think it's safer for you and probably mankind for me to take this burden.

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You can find better looking prostitutes on the street.

Me Before You

I have plenty of stamina and testosterone from going to the gym since high school and hydrate frequently. I'll survive and help make Emilia happy, healthy and keep her employed. You take care of yourself, don't worry about us

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cringe zoomers

>Implying she’d want any zoomer manlets.

Step aside, younguns.

Every boyfriend she had was at least 5 years older, she's mature men territory. These zoomers are delusional

Sit down old man

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I'm a millenial faggot

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Momoa is 11 years younger than his wife, Emilia wouldn't resist my funny personality, big brain and 18yo sixpack

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Seth was 13 years older.

>inb4 hurr durr gay

>There's still time
Is there? For a 32 year old roastie, with no man?
How can she pop out any with that?...

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>"You come from a happy family; you want to create a happy family."

they did exactly this when she said she watched hitler speeches

>What did she mean by this?
>Age: 32
tick tock

>she watched hitler speeches

Be honest bros would you wait for her or nah


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Surely, you don't mean to claim that D&D were likening Dany to Hitler.

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Of course not ...

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Emilia would make an excellent mom.
She needs to get together with Keanu Reeves, save him from his perpetual sadness, and plop out half a dozen gorgeous little shit-and-snot machines pronto.

>5 minutes later
"Oops, I forgot I was Hitler. Why are you mad at me, Jon?"

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I would say she should get together with me, but Keanu Reeves is ok too

t. Keanu Reeves

T-this is shoped right?

would have a beautiful mixed family with her

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She thic

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God I wish that was true.

Oh no no no

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there's something wrong with emilia's face. the AI can't trace it

AI can't handle perfection.

the absolute cutest hitler

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emilia's cuteness has hijacked the AI mainframe and will soon takeover the world and thats a good thing

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That's right, she has humor to speak of.

You're going to fap to opie's daughter and you're going to like it

How can he stab?

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I was b& for saying she looks cute in a pic once. No other posts in the thread.

I give a fuck, I like a chick in heels. My chick wears them all the time with no complaint, she hates wearing flats.



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>tfw AI takes your emilia

The AI it's actually accurate

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>"You come from a happy family; you want to create a happy family."

always wondered why I never wanted a family

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>hitting the wall at 20
But why?

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>It's nice being able to go out in my pajamas and no makeup and no one cares
>no one would recognize you?
>no, definitely in my pajamas and no makeup, no one would recognize me

cheap tricks won't work on us emilia


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if she were passing by my side i'm not sure if i would recognize her

>hair isn't moving at all


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Would probably mistaken her for a child

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Spoiler that shit

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>implying she doesn't project an aura of cuteness and a need for protection that signals every hetero man in a 50 meter radius

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True, even kids are not safe

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>it will never be you

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Emma Watson, Taylor Swift, Emilia Clarke - every single Yea Forums's waifu needs to get a black boyfriend and TONS of black children, to shut them up once and for all.