So is Wheel of Time in direct competition with The Witcher to murder the fantasy genre?

So is Wheel of Time in direct competition with The Witcher to murder the fantasy genre?
Why are the swapping the races of characters when Game of Thrones stayed nearly completely accurate and was a major success?

Attached: Eye of the World.jpg (1400x2274, 371K)

It shouldn't matter if the stories and production are good. Why are you so concerned? How will it affect you? Will your life choices be different? Will you not be able to cope? Would you prefer that people who are different from you be marginalized forever instead of made "normal' like you?

>Would you prefer that people who are different from you be marginalized forever instead of made "normal' like you?

I doubt many people really care about the race changes, more what the changes are a symptom of. When producers make changes like this it shows that they care more about their own political agenda more than making a quality product and it never results in something worth watching.

I have a feeling non book fags will like it. The story is pretty strong.

what is wrong with you people? I don’t agree with race changing but that is literally all you guys think about. Dilate

Game of Thrones was in production just before race changes became the norm. As bad as it ended, the first 4 seasons where still some of the best television we've ever had.

Why does Rand look like a middle aged dimwit and Lan wearing armor from a different genre.

Oh noes Perrin is a light skinned black guy instead of a dark skinned white guy. Tragedy!

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> Race swapping happens for a book being turned into a TV show.
> A board for discussing TV shows highlights this.
> Bitches scream about people discussing it on a board for discussing it.

Honestly go to Reddit where mods will not allow any discussion that paints browning in a negative way.

And Moiraine is riding a dwarf horse

Darrell K. Sweet made this cover based on only a few pages of the text, because he was the only artist willing to whip up a cover in a week. (this might not be exactly accurate but the story goes something like that)

Rand’s ancestry and the Two Rivers people being descendants of Manatheren are both part of the story though. If they had at least made Mat look like the others it would have made more sense. The way they handled it though shows they don’t give a shit about anything besides virtue signaling.

The other problem is that this same woke crowd acts like it’s the return of Jim Crow any time a white person is cast in a minority role.

I mean modern producers/directors purposefully alter the established race of white characters to represent other peoples. They obviously care and it matters to many people on both sides.

Weird how you seem to only resent the powerless people against it.

The race of the characters doesn't matter which is why they swap the races around, because if doesn't matter.
They could just followed the source material but it doesn't matter which is why they do it.

If the race of characters doesn't matter then why bother changing the race of the character?

That's the point

In this particular case they can’t even make that dishonest excuse because of the document floating around specifically saying they plan to make the cast look like America in the future with a “beautiful mix of black, brown etc” or something to that effect. This show is social engineering masquerading as a cheap GoT knockoff.

Because thats how the agenda works. You start of normally, then make changes to second and third fiddle characters and finally you go full retard. See: MCU

This is especially annoying because the author already mixed up every trait from every real world race and culture and did it in a skilled and hilarious way. I've heard it claimed that Rafe Judkins is a fan of the series, but is there evidence of this?

So if everyone was like you, the world would be right?

>Why are the swapping the races of characters when Game of Thrones stayed nearly completely accurate and was a major success?
Current. Year.

Well atleast half the people would need to be a female version of me, but yea.

Because GRRM is alive to influence Game of Thrones (at the beginning anyway), Jordan's dead and the Polish cunt doesn't give a fuck.

Rafe is barely literate, the type who hasn’t mastered the difference between there and their. There’s probably someone else pulling the strings with Rafe as the patsy.

>It shouldn't matter if the stories and production are good

Sadly, shows run by commissars tend not to be good.