Why did she betray and abandon him?

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It wasn't meant to be...

>rich chad VS pathetic autistic loser
Oh, so hard to choose for Mia.

>betray and abandon
this is your brain on incelism everyone

She was addicted to being anally fucked by me

Because he was an autistic retard like OP


Bullshit, I waited 4 years to be with my love and it worked out. She could have waited if she truly loved him. She was just using him.

I don't get it. They could've made it work. We have skype and discord and facetime. LDR isn't hard to do anymore. Why just throw it all away?

You can't fuck through skype and discord and facetime

But you can masturbate

Only a virgin thinks this is enough to keep someone.

This scene really stuck with me for some reason, how Emma stands in front of the projector, her back to the screen, how their hands are drawn to one another at glacial pace

This. Zoomers thinking they can have a LDR masturbating. while their girl is getting dicked down by Chads

Because it was a bad movie
Whiplash was better

For as much as this sub shits on YMS, they have critiques every bit as autistic, nit picky, and sterile as his.

>pis y caca!
What did the Goose mean by this?

Unironically, that's so true. Conceited Hollywood bitch plays with a beta orbiter for fun, but marries a rich man. Feels like real life.

Because actors are scum.

Why would money matter to you if you're a rich woman? She could have funded his jazz club and let him do his thing.

>I waited 4 years to be with my love
She didn't wait for you.
Enjoy Tyrone's used goods

I unironically think that Goose is one of the best modern young actors to show suffering. This and his BR2049 performances are top-tier with that.

Ryan Goosling is not young. He is 40.

Something in the eyes

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>yfw this movie was K's dream when he fell asleep at the end of Blade Runner 2049 and still felt hoaoarny and loanly

Why was she so pale?

shes a woman

He is 38. I consider everyone under 40 young and since there are no actually talanted young actors, it's pretty sad.

A rich woman will never marry a pathetic loser. Did you ever see a A+ List actress marrying a whatever man?

All of Ryan Gosling's movies are just the same character at different stages in his life


Guy is right, virginfags.

Anne Hathaway

>larping as being knowledgeable about dating on a Tibetan basket-weaving imageboard

not sure if serious or trolling

Why would I be trolling? Anne Hathaway married an unknown nobody

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Poor innocent. How old are you, user?

>this sub
you must go back

>james mcavoy
>the fass

Who would want to be with a woman who engages in premarital intercourse?


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Women want financial security, Goose's character was a dreamer and basically an unknown quantity. A woman at a certain age would rather pick a boring banker with a stable job, rather than a guy with a passion and an ambitious pipe dream.

saw this shit in theatres trying to impress some girl and she ended up deepthroating my cock afterwards and swallowed too on the first date, so I had to break up with her because I only date women with self respect, but wasn't their whole relationship a dream?

>first date
>break up
Choose one. It was just a one-day thing, nothing more.

>on a Tibetan basket-weaving imageboard
This meme was never funny, reditfag

why would you go through all the effort of getting a girl to hook up with you and then not repeatedly use her as a meaningless object for a few months after you decide she's not worth a real relationship?
have sex incel

Why is emma so cayoooooooot????

Same here, we were in an LDR 3 years and now she moved to the US just to be with me (lived together for 3 years now).

>tfw the first time we had sex
Literally the greatest day of my entire life

what's your problem, autistic lol

How to make long-distance work my dude? What's the secret?

He was the keyboard player in some jazz fusion pop band. There was literally nothing stopping him from going to France with her and still being in the band, most pop collaborations these days can be done with the artists never even meeting each other.
He'd have leave to tour the record for a few months at most once every 2 or 3 years and a healthy chunk of that tour would be in Europe anyway.

Are you talking about logic at a movie? Good luck with that.

emma cute

Thats the entireain theme of this trash heap. Most people like herself just want to make it big, despite having 0 talent. Je was an actually passionate man who didnt care about all that shit. At the very end you can see her regret as she walks out of his club.

he had autism

She is a bitch.

Ok, this is BASED

He was the one who broke it off

Imagine being this much of a cuck

i don't know

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She's a woman.

I think looking at Whiplash, La La Land and First man there's a motif in the director's work.
A doubt in whether the protagonist was right.
Was the teacher in Whiplash too harsh? WAS Neil Armstrong correct in leaving the family behind not opening up with friends to put himself fully into work?
Was the girl right here?

>gf gets a job in austin
>refuse to go
>figure i could get a new gf
>it never happened
>she has a family and home now
>i am sitting alone in my dark apartment shitposting

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woman, etc etc. You know how it goes.

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Cate Blanchett



>t. Redditor who isn’t on the joke

25 you utter high schooler LKFAPO

Is this movie why he was so horny and lonely in 2049?