Whispering ted edition
/147/ - the snooker
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So this is the new
Why is Willo playing so shit all of a sudden
And what have you done?
Yan is bringing out the selby strats. How the fuck did he lose 9-0 to that fraud Xintong though?
Quiet please
I'm not criticising it mate
>zero effort
I'm shocked
Sport is tiring, so it's obviously Yea Forums related.
How the fuck is Yan only 22? He looks 35
He is a meme man, like Ronnie. He has the power to be the best, but a lot of that power comes from the fact that he will sometimes just phone it in completely and get his shit pushed in.
>loses 9-0
>Xintong is the fraud though
I was just singing some Lennon.
Is Yan elite?
John Lemon
Sorrow ages you.
Ah. I am not familiar with the song.
The Zester from Leicester could bootyblast all those posers.
>He doesn't realise Yan is the future zestgoat
>Murphy and Perry on BBC
>Phil fucking Yates on yurosport
Where the fuck did all the good commentators go?
Is Yan lying about his age?
>Two references to Christmas songs in /147/ in one day, and that day is the 26th of April
Need to get David Icke and Peter Ebdon in the box.
What the fuck is wrong with Williams tonight?
On Eurosport they have this ugly dude with a mor for hair. FFS Eurosport indoor cycling has some stunners . Or at least put Rachel Casey.
Rattled by zest
You've probably heard it before somewhere.
Wish I were at the Cru and slamming it in for fame and fortune
He's level on frames and this match is basically the final. He's not doing that badly.
He’s only one one frame this session though
Who do you think is the most racist snooker player?
It makes me want to go to a snooker club and play on one of the tables. Just against myself. Do you think there will be more people there because everyone has had the same idea, or fewer people because all the snooker fans are watching at home?
Is WIllo too old to play well for two sessions in a day?
Ali carter
I've never thought of this before but how weird is how we spell "one"? It's spelled nothing like how it sounds.
Hossein Vafaei
Mark Allen
>rpmmie's porn-shoot-BTS-tier interview
Is Ding the chinese player Ronnie stays with when he's in china or is it someone else?
>WON is an anagram of OWN
>OWN is pronounced how you'd expect ONE to be pronounced
>ONE is actually pronounced WON
How do strokes with a pen or on a screen relate to sounds we make with our mouths anyway? Crazy!
Non whites can’t be racist chud
little zesty opponent and williams loses the plot
Now I don't know what to think.
snooker noob here
how the fuck was that a big enough punishment for Yan missing the ball?
Always imagined big tournies give people hype and interest, so I wouldn't be surprised if there were more players than usual.
>You need to move it move it
Hey, other Austrian bro: another thread regular asked in the last thread what Vienna is like to live in, and Austriaboy doesn't live in Vienna so we were all waiting for one of the other Austrians. Do you live in Vienna? The poster who asked might have gone to bed now but he'll probably see your answer tomorrow if he has.
>williams could finish 9-7 from 6-2 in front
holy heck
I am definitely saving this picture for the next time I need to instruct all my friends at /147/ to check 'em.
Meanwhile, Jack Lisowski is granite. It's like the whole snooker world has gone mad.
You mean Yan needing to replay the shot after Williams got 4 points? That was Williams choice, after a miss the other player can have the balls replaced to force their opponent to rack up fouls or force them into a tough shot if there's nothing on.
>Do you live in Vienna?
Loopy is the preferred nomenclature.
planned it
I still maintain you should have to nominate both the ball and the pocket you intend to pot it into whether it's colour or red.
I like Yan but I'm pulling for Willo here as I don't trust Yan to deal with Judd in the semi final
Consult your chinese calendar. It's the year of the yan.
Eddie Charlton whinged about that and yet when there was a tournament which made those a rule, he still lost
Every player gets lucky and unlucky, Whinging about it is stupid
I just think the fewer flukes the better.
>Table Time%
These stats are getting more and more out of hand. When will some nerd create the xPots stat?
let some luckswing- or handegg-stat-nut go wild on it. they come up with the weirdest stats.
I'm waiting for micrograms of chalk used.
getting bummed lads
Have another
Tables taps given / Table taps received
>reds missed after applying chalk twice before the shot on a wednesday
Try to make the most of it. One day it'll happen for the last time, and you probably won't know when that'll be.
I absolutely would do if I had the data. Really pisses me off there's not even publically available pot success and safety success stats.
He just doesn't know when to throw in the Bingtaowel.
juuuuuuuuuuuuust right
what a day of snooker it's bing taoday
>even stevens
Still did not expect Willo to go 2-6 this session.
Unironically think he and Yan are both currently enough on form to reach the finals. So watch whoever wins this bomb out in the semis.
Who's gonna take it then lads? I can't see past Ronnie right now.
Whoever plays Riggins in the final
Ah yes I do know this, just didn't recognise the lyrics
By a man or chick with a stick?
heart says Willo, head says Rodney
top kek