Lets hire all british actors to play Russians in an obvious propaganda film!

ITT we discuss movie choices that at first sound horrible, but somehow worked out in the end.

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>hurr durr why actors pretend to be someone they aren't? hurrrrrrr

That scene was embarassing. An elderly communist party member delivering what's effectively a supervillain speech about how the people need to be stopped from leaving the town and be kept in the dark about what happened and how it's "what Lenin would have wanted."

That's where the show completely lost me.

>Stellan Skarsgård

It was the fucking cast of Game of Thrones except they are russian even though 70 percent of them don't even try for an accent.

*bangs cane*

Attached: Chernobyl - S01E01 - 12345 [41m16s].jpg (1920x960, 268K)

Why? That's what happened, people of Chernobyl were not allowed to leave and talking about what actually happened was not allowed, until shit hit the fan.

Russians are now making a Chernobyl TV series of their own where the catastrophe is caused by CIA agents.

Russians don't need to make propaganda to convince people that Americans are evil, because Americans are evil IRL.

supervillians were based on russians

Yeah but in this specific case it wasn't Americans, and saying it was will only muddy the waters when it finally comes time for them to pay for their crimes

In any society, to find the heroes, pay attention to who the (((people))) in power are demonising.

>Lets hire all british actors to play Russians
Why not?

Jews can't survive the thought of paying money to a Russian.

What? I'm asking what's wrong with a British actor playing Russian character?

Lenin would have really wanted it. He would have also been able to turn the inevitable backlash to his advantage. He was ruthless and efficient, unlike his descendants. Stalin was an expert at court intrigues, but lacked finesse in other matters, achieving his goals with crude methods, and you know how the following rulers fared.

nice try kaptain kremlin

>In Russia, those in power mock the American government
>In America, those in power mock the American government
What did you mean by this?

The bit where they forced Sitnikov up onto the roof at gunpoint was worse, especially because he volunteered in real life

>Third Reich
Oh, I get it
Fuck off, kike

Hey now, Kruzhev wasn't that bad. In fact I'd say he was the closest thing to a good leader Russia has ever had.

Islandniggers look nothing like Russians.

Why not have a Frenchman playing a Norwegian? Why not have a Italian playing a Pole? It's stupid, that's what is wrong.

There's no need to mock the American government, it does a stellar job itself.

>spelling Хpyщёв as Kruzhev
This is the worst spelling of a Russian word I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of shit.

christian bale and daniel day lewis play americans in nearly every film they're in

They looked close enough.
>Why not have a Frenchman playing a Norwegian? Why not have a Italian playing a Pole?
Sure, why not?

Because it's fucking stupid. Because it's cancer. Hollywood always hires Brits to depict white foreigners, or otherwise Swedes, who have an absolutely disproportionate number of Hollywood stars for how tiny their nation actually is.

>borscht nigger upset that the Soviet Union was a shitty system

But soviet union is gone, while America's system keeps fucking people over

>Because it's fucking stupid
It never was a problem before.
Here, look at Russians playing Brits.

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Good luck getting actual Brits to play Brits in a Soviet show

How's freshman russian class going?

Why would you even want an actual Brit to begin with? Actors are hired because of their ability to play the part, not because of their nationality.

I'm 100% sure I've seen a Soviet film starring Sean Connery, though I can't remember the name.

Tы yжe paз oпoзopилcя, и тeбe вcё eщё мaлo?

DEATH OF STALIN was the best comedy of the 2010s

US domestic policies is still the best comedy of the 2010s.


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The Hunt for Red October is not soviet film.

That was not it.

commies still mad

Big K was an idiot who needlessly provoked the West time and time again.

Because no one wants to watch a show with actual Russians speaking Russian.

based and actorpilled poster

Okay so instead of using a repertoire of highly talented native English speaking actors for an English language tv show produced and broadcasted in the English speaking west, they should either hire Russian actors who can't speak English as well or English speaking people of Russian ethnic origin who can't act as well? All to satisfy your autistic obsession with actors needing to look exactly phenotypically correct to the ethnicity they portray? Whats more funny is that some of the British actors in it looked extremely similar to the real individuals despite being different nationalities.

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I miss them you guys

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Good post

>That's what happened
>people of Chernobyl were not allowed to leave and talking about what actually happened was not allowed
The speech is a complete fabrication and is genuinely dumb on top of that. Nobody was insane enough to cut telephone lines (that they used to communicate with moscow in the first place) and the military cordon that old fuck ordered wasn't organized until days after the explosion. A small regional government just can't muster such force out of nowhere.
So there were no troops holding anyone in the city.
People were leaving except it was 1986 and the average person used public transportation and didn't actually have a way to leave.
They evacuated the city next day after the explosion which is pretty decent for an event on a scale like that.

Underrated post

optimal US/Russian leader pairing imho

the whole ha ha asians all look same debate is hilariously dumb, most races of people all have like 5-10 sets of faces and from there it's all little differences.

Humans all look same, deal with it

Not really related to anything just needed to say this.

We should have listened
>According to Chinese historian Liu Chenshan, “Soviet diplomats warned Washington of Moscow’s plans ‘to wipe out the Chinese threat and get rid of this modern adventurer,’ with a nuclear strike, asking the U.S. to remain neutral.” The plan was discouraged, however, when the Nixon administration, preferring to maintain China as a counterbalance to Soviet power, threatened a nuclear strike against the USSR if Brezhnev proceeded

>Henry Kissinger and Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev were sitting in a tree contemplating the world’s troubles when Brezhnev hinted at a possible attack on China, Kissinger said […]
The conversation took place in May 1973 in a hunting stand halfway up a tree in a game preserve 90 miles northeast of Moscow. Kissinger, who said he hated the killing of animals for sport, nonetheless had been persuaded by the Soviet leader to hunt wild boars.
>From the stand, as Kissinger and Brezhnev ate cold cuts, drank beer and waited for the boars, Brezhnev talked about the “cannibalistic” Chinese who “might well in fact be cannibals,” wrote Kissinger.
The Soviet leader told Kissinger that the Chinese were building a nuclear arsenal. “The Soviet Union could not accept this passively,” Brezhnev said. “Something would have to be done.”
>Kissinger interpreted this to mean the Soviet Union might conduct a preemptive attack against the Chinese. Brezhnev said his brother, who had worked in China as an engineer, found the Chinese to be “treacherous, arrogant and beyond the human pale.”
>The former secretary of state, however, enjoyed a close rapport with the Chinese, particularly Chairman Mao Tse-tung

>Seated in the wrong order

Literally unwatchable

>somehow worked
yeah if you're 15


Also very few people died and the people who did die died from severe burns. Radiation isn't deadly. To give you an idea more 9/11 first responders died from cancer because of the world trade center dust then the people at Chernobyl.