Jackie chan - Double Dragon (1992)

Great movie.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jackie will die too


Chinks are so gross.

The movie was funny.

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>not shown eating the dog

Operation Condor is my fav Jackie jam

One or two?

sammo>Yuen>Jackie>Jet li >cynthia rothrock>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bruce lee

damn that Chinese girl had booty


do want jap gf

this pissdrinking episode was kino indeed

This is from another Chan film, My Lucky Stars I think.

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Does it look like the game somewhat?

I hardly ever saw a Jackie Chan movie, what are the best ?


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i dont get it. was she dead in the end or just unconscious?

Double Dragon was 1994.

It starred Alyssa Milano.

>Jackie doing a massage

Who learned from whom?

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fuck off nerd

Nicky larson.


is jackie chan the most wholesome man in cinema history?

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He also disowned his daughter for being a dumb feminist LGBT mutant and an accident in his family tree.


Now I want to go to my chiropractor


The insect race will bring the end of us all.

search up luo dong massage

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I'll take the insect race over whatever pic related is any time of any day.

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Not only was this one of the best movies ever made but i also fucked my bosses wife at the drive in after it.

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He's a CCP apologist. So no.

These people are far more interesting than insectoids. Don't play yourself.


Hardly even a 'man' at all, let alone a wholesome one

You are so convincing that you can't even beat an orange oompa loompa in the elections.

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what's wrong with having it on your hard drive?

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And my dog's bloody mucus diarrhea after getting into the garbage is way more "interesting" than some shitty microwaved potato. Here comes the airplane, faggot.


Shits crazy how the Russians brainwashed a whole generation with just some gay ass posts on faggot ass social medias.

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Cringe away.

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are you a nigger or do you just play one on the internet?

imagine the smell

did she died?

What if he's a pirate admiring her other kind of booty?

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huh, so this is sex eh? fascinating


I enjoy this too much. Love jackie chan. Love that movie. I'm totally with that girl on going to sleep after that masterful handling.

I'd have cleaned our her belly button with my tongue too. Not gonna lie.

>all the world's ills
>also built the world
I guess that's fair but she's leaving a few choice things out lol

Where do I find more like these?

I'm in love with that grill

Did he just kill her? holy shit, i'm used to him being the good guy

>Lewd Dong based

this guy is a successful irl shitposter

Do you figure he has fucked any of them?
If no, how is this not just blueballing yourself lol.


i will be fapping to her tights later, thanks op

Soon hopefully

Good. HK made him a star and he betrayed them by becoming a mainland bootlicker.

what's the jackie chan movie with the wind turbine? that shit was kino

Mainland is more based tho

Jackie Chan sucks and he is an asshole

>Her lip biting at 0:22

Who care, ya sensitive prick.
>Golly, I share the internet with b-b-b-b... b-b-b-b... b-b-b-blacks!? Gosh, I can't even say is. It's unthinkable.

explain why communism is bad in your own words. (you won't)

reddit nigger

From the thumbnail this looks like a BLACKED scene with an Asian qt

Imagine being such a passive aggressive downvoting faggot you dont even give (you)s? Go back.

>when her nipples get hard
lol what the fuck this is a blue board

Rumble in the Bronx has a hovercraft pushed by a wind turbine.

>I will now perform the ancient chinese art of sniffing your hair while I rub your asshole

its anti nature

lol wtf, he's not even pretending here
just straight up fucking rubbing her nipples

nah i wanted to say wind tunnel. google says armour of god but i don't know if it's 1 or 2.

The Master back at it again. Can he even be stopped??

Also disowned his son for being a druggie and a failure. Based as fuck.

wow compelling

I know it bothers you zoomer tourists a lot.

and that's a good thing
whites are cucked and there's no end in sight

Asian cop lady from Who Am I was cute as hell.

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Lol watch him talk politics on chinese tv. Hes a completely different person

He himself was a coke head so not exactly based

Be honest with me. Was it a rape?

No they didn't.

chink Tea Leoni?

His options were:

1. Become Chinese bootlicker
2. Move to America

He chose to stay in HK.

People who quote several posts are cancer.

It's safe to assume he means 2 since Armor of God was DTV

So cute

Is this how you have sex?


would be more based if he didn't raise his son to be a failure

White bitch answered her question, just not the way she thought she did.

they'll kill themselves before they can do any real damage. have you seen how they drive? one man can wipe out hundreds of chinks with a well placed truck.

>be wildly successful in life
>all your children are failures
poor guy

Oh yeah when I grope some girl's tits its rape but when Chad does it it's a """massage"""

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Lucky Stars films aren't Chan films in the same way that Destiny's Child isn't Beyonce. Chan is a bit part in basically all of them.


incredibly based

i watched that movie so many times.

White man's burden Lloyd

honestly what is he doing to their hair? is he smelling it, is he sucking on their scalp like some kind of monkey? What the fuck

>you can literally see her nipples harden
holy shit

go fuck yourself, fucking pleb. An insect will rise up your ass.

jajajajajajaja que hijo de puta el viejo.

I think he's blowing hot air

Some guys get off on manipulating women into being whores without them realising (without also realising that the women know they're being whores, but they have plausbile deniability so they're okay with it)



Sommers is being sarcastic here btw

>half french
>half japanese

probably the best mix

he's spitting on them, very little spits. this is an asian ritualistic practice to ward off spirits that possess your ears

anons don't google what she looks like now

I remember the marriage scene at the end. Both Jackie were pretending to be each other . Girls just chose one randomly , because both are same.

It's Armour of God 2, enjoy



early hominids were anarchoid/socialist so I don't see how it's anti nature.

>early hominids
>anything but capitalist
We wouldn't have reached this stage without bartering with slaves and women as currency and driving opposing ooga booga families and tribes as work slaves.

early hominids were hunter-gatherers where the strong hunted and fought to feed the rest of the community and raise the next generation with basic division of labor. Trading and currency did not exist yet. You're literally retarded, corporate capitalism is only two centuries old and is the definition of ant-nature

>Trading and currency did not exist yet.
>trading slaves and food as currency didn't exist
Peak mental retardation. Go back to the books.
Early Humanity and all of successful Humanity was Capitalism and Fascism. Nothing but.


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>hominids traded in slaves
Well I'm going to go ahead and destroy your theory with one simple question; why did homo erectus and homo neanderthalensis go extinct? ;) consider this your last reply, you smelly amerimutt pseud. Please oblige me with another retarded oxymoron statement to laugh at.

>that lip bite at 0:23
subtle, but not enough


>why did homo erectus and homo neanderthalensis go extinct?
Got fucked into near-extinction. Their DNA still can be identified and lives on in many people, Ashkenazi Jews as an example.
Now that we've gotten the fact that private ownership is as old as Human thoughts, that even hunter gatherers who haven't changed almost at all for hundreds of thousands of years culturally with regards to trading slaves, food, and weapons, as currency, such as the black Africans, kept at it until the Developer world re-connected with them to document it and continued, we can safely shoo your low Amerimutt-level IQ away.

Chinese men are rapists and creeps lmao

lol sure, whatever you say wumao

white men are creeps and incels too

Christina Sommers is an ardent defender of men, she's being sarcastic here, and almost none of you fuckers figured it the fuck out. Fuck you, idiots.

>The War Against Boys

Read it.

Armour of the gods 2

I'm going to ruin it for you: the petite girls who do this kind of shit throw up immediately.

not necessarily

>inb4 YOU vomit

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>capitalism is natural
t. bergstein goldberg


There is actually some creative twin effects in this movie. One of them had Jackie touching the other Jackie's nose while both are in the same shoot.


>private ownership isn't natural
Tell that to all the animals cordoning their own zones, marking them, and transferring that mentality onto mates as well brainlet.


And he will go to Ultra Heaven

>bruh look at animals, they mark their territories. it's private ownership!
kill yourself ancap kike

I watched Police Story 3 last nigyt and there is a part in it where it feels like several scenes had been cut out of my copy. It had the same runtime as the original film and I can't find any mention of this onli e.
Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

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He's not saying you need to talk like your some sitcom character, but don't pretend your a black person and that's how you actually talk.


36:56 is the apex of Luo Dong's kinógraphy.

Google movie censorship police story 3. They have comparison pictures.

>bruh, look at wolves and lions marking territories which they fight over fiercely, it's not private ownership!
>bruh, look at otters building multiple fucking wooden fortresses along river streams and fighting fiercely to protect them and having multiple as fallback, that's not private ownership!
>bruh, look at that fucking lion which was hunted in Africa a decade or more back which hunted more prey than most lions because it was storing it both as capital and even as a fucking toll tactic to dissuade competition and danger by leading them to his stashes in hopes that they would be satisfied with that and leave him alone while he moves on, that's not Capitalism!
Get the fuck out toddler brainlet.

The scary thing is, while this looks like some weird fetish porn, I'm almost certain I've seen him perform his "art" on some minor celebrity before, and he definitely does a lot of these in public too.

Dude doesn't even waste a second being coy. Just straight for that ass. Can hardly blame him, though.

What's some mukbang kino?


How do I into Jackie Kino?

The intro and ending set pieces are always pure stunt kino but then you need to sit through one hour of non story filler with Jackie just acting like a buffoon in gags designed for literal 5 year olds, Cantonese comedy is literally always relying on theatrical misunderstandings or gags like Jackie hiding in a closet and getting the door slammed in his face, with characters never behaving like real human beings instead they're all literally retarded and make annoying exaggerated faces, it's obviously all improvised and so low effort and low budget filler just to sell the stunts around it, god I hate it so much.

Look up Luo Dong and beautiful girl on youtube.

i think shes getting off on this

imagine shilling capitalism with animals
either a ZOG kike shill or brain dead room temperature IQ retardation.

Kek based

How does one attain this power?

Commit suicide and relieve yourself from living with this stupidity

My dad met Jackie at the pool at a hotel in Taiwan and got invited to have dinner with his family. Genuinely bro-tier guy.

So assured of her own opinion you can't even see it unless you follow her?

is that supposed to be impressive?

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where did you get this footage of me losing my virginity to an escort?

i know what you mean, the police story movies are great except for anything to do with his girlfriend

I would devour every one of her holes.

22:34 you can see nipple


is this how asians have sex?

Really ruined police story 1 for me, is she still in the second one?

You shut your dirty goddamned mouth.

yes, and the third, she is easy to skip though

This made me laugh way harder than it should have.

based timestamp poster

>daughter was had through an affair
>was done with her mother and paid her to fuck off before she was old enough to even know him
>surprised she turned out a faggot
>have son that he actually bothered to raise
>still turns into a druggie
Sounds like he's just a shit parent.

Yo, Jackie! That's my wife, dog!

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Haha eww gross XD just imagine the smell haha

you're a creep and an incel

>surrenders and eats your dog

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I love May

I'm ashamed I thought it too

Sause on the video?

Jackie probably requested that scene as part of his contract. It's sad when you realize that even the likable celebs are into some weird deviant sex shit.

thanks OP i found the movie and fapped to it

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Rumble in the Bronx is pretty serious out of most of his movies. Deals with gangs, and he gets btfo in a scene. It's honestly my favorite jackie chan movie.

WTF I want to be a massage professional exclusively to hot women now.

>poisons jet li

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study martial arts, dancing or pantomime

did she died?


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Enjoying your first day on 4channel?

I was just thinking of watching some films of Jackie Chan and his adventures. Just skimmed through City Hunter to watch the greatest live action Street Fighter put to film.

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you have no room to talk

>petite asian girls
I have some news for you user

argument? oh you don't have one? yeah, get fucked commie

is that a video with pooping

>now I will put my dragon in your mouth to massage your throat

Jet and DMX are cursed by bruce lee's demons. True story.

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Why don't you fucking move there and see how much you like living under a dictatorship that can barely be bothered to pay lip service to human rights and rule of law and spare the rest of us your retardation

we can be foreever friends then, white and chinese guys

i aint gonna check that replies nigga.

you've got to be a good bullshitter and come from some sort of "mystical" ethnicity ie) chinese, japanese, native american, australian, etc. wh*tes can't pull this off. unless they have a new agey yoga schtick.

what the fuck awkwardly arranged and poorly lit room are they in

are commies anti jew or just you?

Holy FUCK, I just remembered armour of gods, shit is Chinese uncharted. I gotta marathon this shit. Is there a pasta for his movies?

She doesn’t finish all of it on cam though. Also why did she apologize for something like two or three years ago? Did she cheat on someone?

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like pastebin link? i don't think so
you can find his whole collection from private tracker i bet, public is a bitch since they only upload the lowest quality possible

I just want a whole roster of recommended. I wanna see that movie of his with Brosnan but I’m gonna save it for last. I just want to see his peak performances

Don't feel bad for him. It was his job to raise them well. He was the one who fucked up. Too busy perving on actresses and kissing CCP ass so he can get a bigger paycheck, to have time to properly raise his children. Instead he just decides to disown them because he can't admit he fucked up.

This guy is so strange, he even does online massages if you send him a picture, sometimes a live video call too.

also some people have clearly taken this as an opportunity to troll him

in one of these videos where he's at his computer you can see he has a tab open of public agent

Only real Jackie’s can name this chan film

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She dies at the end of the third one.

I hate how all the 70s Jackie flicks has that slow coreographed fighting style

I remember watching this on a whim and I couldn't believe how shredded he was back in the day.

drunken master

The real Jackie Chan died years ago, but the Chinese government covered up his death and replaced him with a body double who issues pro-government statements.

Professional eaters purge all the time, not all of them actually attempt to digest 30000 calories at a time retard

The super hot muscular woman in that movie makes my balls ache.

I kinda like it! Especially the town fighting scene where he hits the guy with the sword like a xylophone!
But the later parts I knows what you mean
Jackie beastica

I dont remember the name of the movie, dragon something? All the fight have that slow fu except for the last battle. Jackie gets beaten almost to death so he goes full apeshit on the guy. In the credits Jackie is carried back to the village covered in bandages. Its a good movie, I recommend it.

This user got it
But that’s pretty much it except the other guy gets carried away he goes and gets drunk or some shit

she's fine

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The young master was the movie I was talking about. Not dragon something. Check it out

She died in my canon

came to this thread lookin for this after watching ops webm, thx based weird aggressive white woman massaging chinaman poster

Watch this

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