Episode 7 comes out

>episode 7 comes out
>people like it
>episode 8 comes out
>people don't like it
>it makes people not like episode 7 anymore
Fuck Star Wars fans

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Episode VII was shit from the beginning. I find TLJ more rewatchable than TFA

Expectations were low after the prequels.
It wasn't offensively bad, in fact it played everything so safe that people barely even remember it.

I always hated Episode 7

You've encapsulated the problem.
Episode 7 was a bummer coming after the hopeful ending of ROTJ, but it had set up upon set up upon set up.
Doesn't matter whether JJ had the answers pre-planned or not, Rian was free to use and answer any number of JJ's mystery boxes for his sequel and leave some for IX. Instead, he chose to open them up all at once, revealing them to be empty or full of nonsense for the sake of surprise. The ones he didn't open (Who exactly was Snoke? What are the Knights of Ren?) he didn't even mention, prompting everyone to say they'd been dropped.
As an example of how to do it, ESB makes mention of Jabba's bounty on Han's head again at the start so viewers are reminded that there's more to come.

Episode 7 was completely mediocre but it set the ground-work for me being willing to give the sequel trilogy a chance. I was fine with them retreading a ton of familiar territory to establish the first film if they went in an interesting new direction from the second film onward.

They crashed and burned spectacularly, which makes the first film terrible in hindsight. Especially when you learn that all the mystery box shit never had any actual answers and they were just making it up as they went along. How you don't meticulously plan your film trilogy that you paid 1 billion dollars for the rights for is beyond me.

Episode 7 was shit

starwars fans are worse than bronys

they are horribly dull people in real life and think everything they enjoy is unique

Its sad, get some out door activity's Its really annoying when you are talking to people about hobbys or doing something and some retard starts rambling about bore wars and video games

great we get it, you are sheldon form that gay ass bigbang theory show

and could've been improved upon by TLJ.
It was entirely dependent on that. TLJ was megashit, so the ST now has two out of three abysmal entries.

You're projecting hard.
t. former Star Wars fan.


if i am talking about horse riding and someone is talking about where they went hiking and we are sharing places to go i don't want to hear about how much a geek you are because you need to interject but have nothing to say

go play with your quirky superhero toys

You're still projecting. You're equating everyone with a genuine interest in Star Wars with the most extreme examples. Ironically, just how Disney did with TLJ, trying to give "fans" "what for". And now all they're left with are those most extreme examples that will take anything as long as it bears the brand logo. Not even because they like anything about the mythos, the presentation or the story itself. Simply because "It's Star Wars, it can't be bad."

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Its shit, grow up

Brilliant reading comprehension you have. As I said here
>t. former Star Wars fan

I haven't seen it because of the autistic screeching. Planning on watching all of them back-to-back once the last one hits bluray. I hope it's the dumpster fire I've been led to believe.

It is, beyond your wildest dreams. That is, if you ever saw the OT. Most people who start with the ST or have only glanced at Star Wars when it was on TV are perfectly fine with it.

TLJ is unironically the worst film I have ever seen. I wasn't even looking forward to it, I had given up on Star Wars being good over a decade prior because of how shit the prequels were. I was howling with laughter in the cinema multiple times because I just couldn't not laugh at how utterly trash some of the scenes were. It was definitely worth the ticket price. 7 was extremely boring, just a generic marvel movie. I doubt I'll ever watch it again in my entire life.

People were blinded by hype and nostalgia.
As time went on, the flaws became more and more apparent, even more by how bad 8 was.

Episode 7 was for me what TLJ was for many basement dweller ma children. It utterly killed my excitement for Star Wars. Copypasta of ANH and boring new characters without any personality. TLJ sparked my curiosity again because Kylo was way less retarded and Luke is not a Mary Sue flawless hero anymore. If anything, it has given Mark Hamill the opportunity to actually act. Anyone who likes 7 but hates 8 is brain dead and their opinion isn't valid.

episode 7 initially left me quite limp. eventually as i thought about it more i became turgid with hatred. i watched rogue one and was just bored. haven't watched anything after that

Our cover is blown.

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TLJ being the worst Star Wars movie ever made is now a universally accepted fact. Think about the prequels, now think of a movie that 100.0% of the people consider worse than any of that. That's TLJ

>Force Awakens comes out
>Complete remake of New Hope
>Main character is completely over powered with no personality

"Dude this movie is awesome! Star Wars is back!"

>Last Jedi comes out
>Main character is rewritten to be more naive, and is insecure
>Actually delved deeper into the force

"This is the worst movie I have ever seen. I'm boycotting Star Wars."
Fuck all of these retards.

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You forgot the part of TLJ being unironically one of the worst big budget movies ever made in the history of filmmaking

You probably thought Force Awakens was good

No that was shit too. Not as bad as TLJ but they came as close as they could

Force Awakens isn't better then Last Jedi

You'll hate TLJ only if you particularly cared about the OT

It's like how the ending of GoT made people hate the latter seasons even more, despite them always being shit anyway. People put up with the latter seasons because they thought it would lead somewhere better.

People were ok with 7 being a complete rehash because it was "Disney easing us in" while setting up bigger arcs. Then people realized in 8 that those arcs arent going anywhere and having three different directors for one trilogy is retarded.

>I’m taking about horse back riding spots
What a fag.

Episode 7 was merely fine, it was just supposed to be the foundation of the new trilogy.

With TLJ being such a fucking mess TFA's problems (Rey speedrunning her force training, Poe being a non-character, etc.) are exacerbated by it, or new problems are created. (If Luke didn't want to be found why did he leave a fucking map to his exact location with R2D2?)

I'm looking forward to The Mouse parading Leia's corpse around like a digital meat puppet.

riding horses is high test. watch out for girls that do it though.

>horse riding
Legitimately only faggots and women enjoy this.
Get a fucking dirtbike bitch.
I was with you until you named possibly the only gayer thing than Star Wars.

oof no one who is older than 15 thinks dirt bikes are cool

no one with testosterone thinks horses are cool

>episode 7 comes out
>people like it

When the fuck did this happen?

Not him but I'm a motorcycle guy myself and rode horses a couple of times on my uncle's ranch. They're really fun, user. It's very unlike a bike where you have total control. Maybe it's my inexperience but the fuckers will let you know that you're riding a living thing. Don't care for the looking after them part. I've no patience in that.

It's not inexperience with horses.
My father owns horses. I've met all the people who are 'into' horses.
Universally they are insufferable faggots and mostly fat chicks.

I didn't like 7 from the moment I saw it. The Mary Sue protagonist was a strike against it, as was killing Han and including the Death Star 3.

>horse riding
Wow you may be the biggest faggot of all time.

>episode 7 comes out
>people like it

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Everyone did. Media just made it hard to disagree right off the bat.

Fuck Star Wars fans for not recognizing 7 was shit from day 1.

we had hopes.

My thoughts similar. 7 made it at least look like there was a plan for the nu trilogy, 8 showed that no, it was all aimless and being written as they went

>Watch out for girls that do it though

You just know

If you were on Yea Forums or the internet in general when ep7 came out, the majority opinion was that it wasn't great because it didn't tell a complete story and was a retread of ANH. But the consensus was also that it's quality would be retroactively affected by ep8 depending on how well its story beats paid off.
Hence your confusion

Ep7 was acceptable for the doors it opened for ep8. But that sucked shit so now ep7 seems like an empty vessel of nostalgia and creatively bankrupt.


>having three different directors for one trilogy is retarded.
>George Lucas
>Irvin Kirshner
>Richard Marquand

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Is EP9 going to be some weekend at bernies meets avengers endgame shit with carrie fishers corpse? I almost want to see it just to figure out how are they going to attempt to solve this shitshow but i guess ill just pirate a camrip or something

Cope. You’re just jumping on the Star Wars hate train.

It's literally just going to be a huge setup cliffhanger for the next trilogy

Kirshner and Marquand were still following George's story. JJ and Rian got full creative control for each of their movies and Trevorrow would have gotten the same for IX if KK hadn't gotten cold feet after seeing how garbage Book of Henry was.

1.First 35 mins of Episode 7 was really good.
2.Harrison Ford in episode 7 was really good.
3.Story line in episode 7 was an average episode 4 remake but at least set up the following:

>an enemy to fight (first order) for non-jedi
>potential new sith (Snoke) with wide open story line
>relationships between light and dark side (rey and kylo)
>mystery of Luke and Jedi Order

Episode 8 was complete garbage and wasted everything episode 7 laid the foundation for.

It's weird because Didney also has the Avengers and you look at that and wonder how they get it so right and Lucasfilm keeps fucking up.

Episode 7 was shit
Episode 8 was the shit you do after you've eaten shit


and also FUCK DISNEY to be quite honest famalam

7 didn't make any sense at all dumb fuck.

>t. average Disney/capeshit watching cuck
I feel desperately sorry for people like you with such low IQ and no taste

You deserve cancer

>triggered by horse riding

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>>Actually delved deeper into the force
Yeah, my favorite part was all the lore we got from the ancient jedi texts. What did they actually say? Oh, uh, I don't know, we don't know. It doesn't matter though, "page turners, they were not"

The stromtrooper guy from 7 was robbed of the main character spot.

7 was like "meh they tried I guess". rogue one was like "hey seems like it's heading in the right direction" 8 was "ok they're not even trying". solo was like "don't care anymore"

>wasting trips by dishonestly pretending anyone with half a brain liked ep 7
Teenage girls and onions boy faggots liked 7. Anyone who ever had any respect for Star Wars saw a soulless, creatively bankruptcy attempt at getting preteen girls to be new fans while also getting the prequel haters to buy action figures again

Fuck off faggot

>7 was like "meh they tried I guess".
If you're a retarded faggot.

His character never worked in the first place

like yourself

It made no sense casual faggot

TLJ is objectively better than TFA

takes one to know one, casual faggot


tfa was fucked right from "luke's gone rofl" and the ride was only downhill. you're making it more complicated than it is in order to blame joeblow for a bad series

The Force Awakens, stripped of all Star Wars iconography, is a fast paced, mediocre action adventure that relies too heavily of coincidence and ass pulling. It's 'fine', it keeps the audience entertained and as long as you don't ask any questions the plot makes sense (questions like:
>Gee, isn't it convenient the map to Luke is on the same planet as this Rey character?
>Boy, how did Han Solo find the Millenium Falcon at just the right time?
>Those death rays are moving awfully slow for something that seems to have crossed half the galaxy in meer moments!
but that's fine, the entire country isn't autistic)
The Last Jedi is, on the other hand, fundamentally flawed, with three plot lines that have little to do with one another:
>1, a deconstruction of the OT hero where the new main character learns jack shit
>2, a "fun" adventure on a Dr Who casino planet, that has zero consequences, wastes time on creating a relationship with Rose when Finn barely has a relationship with the other two main characters. He's just assumed to be best friends with Rey and Poe.
>3, an illogical slow space ship chase with bizarre signaling about trusting and believing authority, if that authority is a purple haired dyke.
Notice how there is no coherance between these plot lines and that the pacing is shit. It all comes together in the weirdest finale possible, that makes no sense either from a tactical perspective (let's all hole up in this dead end cave system), nor from a character perspective (Luke says some cheesy shit confronting Kylo, makes a fool of him, then dies. Somehow this 5 minute distraction saves everybody.)
Finally, there is nowhere for this series to go. There is no theme, there is no plot to wrap up other than defeating the first order, it's fundamentally broken and I can only assume they're not going to completely wrap up this series, the First Order won't be defeated, they'll just have to rely on IX setting up future movies/TV shows.

Based and heartpilled.

Episode VIII destroyed what Episode VII built up (not that there was anything to build up to regardless).

it built up to the possiblity of having a build up

i never liked episode 7 i was criticizing it as soon as i walked out of the theater the day it came out

But the only thing that made 7 good was the illusion that it was going somewhere

>>episode 7 comes out
>>people like it

I really liked TLJ, in fact it's my second favorite after Empire, I do not get the hate that gets.

It seems to be mostly buttrumbled sexists/racists and people who saw Luke Skywalker as some untouchable megajesus, I appreciate what they did with him.

Honestly, in the spirit of trying to create a dialogue, what is there to appreciate about what they did with him?

His treatment is not even part of what I believe makes TLJ a bad film, I just don't like it personally. I cannot see what there is to appreciate though.

There is giving your heroes feet of clay, and then there is having them stand over their nephew with a lit weapon.

Man you shills deserve every ruppee you earn if you're still defending this franchise killing dumpster fire


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I just don't understand why there needs to be more movies in the first place.

Luke tried to teach but was very aware of the story of Vader, so afraid was he of creating the next Vader that when he sensed all that power and dark sidyness in his nephew he thought it was his duty to save the world from it, but ended up doing exactly what he was so desperate to prevent.

I think all of that makes sense since his teachers were the guys who fucked up Anakin's training and they drilled their mistakes into him.

Besides all of that, I like Rose and Finn, thought Del Toro's actual slimeball was fun, liked Holdo and appreciated Poe's Han Solo shit failing. Rey and Kylo also have some good chemistry.

Trannies are not people

>Besides all of that, I like Rose and Finn, thought Del Toro's actual slimeball was fun, liked Holdo and appreciated Poe's Han Solo shit failing. Rey and Kylo also have some good chemistry.
It's not nice to lie on the internet user.

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>4 movies
>One ONE proper space battle

And RO's space battle was actually decent. Fuck nu wars.

>retard bomber scene
>everything with the casinos/finn+rose
>the first order isn't intimidating especially now that the bitch ginger is the leader
>shit luke learned in the previous movies is now pointless
>light-speed suicide that everyone knew about but didn't use
>wasted potential in snoke, holdo, and phasma

there's a bunch of other shit but those are the ones that pop to mind for episode 8. I liked the interactions between luke and rey but they really butchered luke's character. the fuck was the point in luke forgiving vader who murdered billions and then now luke wants to kill his own grandson for having angsty thoughts? jesus christ rian is a fucking hack.

>Episode 7 has a bunch of mystery boxes
>Audience gets excited
>Episode 8 proves no thought was made toward making a coherent story even by Lucas standards, much less a trilogy
>Audience throws 7 and 8 into the trash

You have only yourself to blame, OP.

>people like it
The film was a nostalgia-pandering trick of a film. Those who weren't fooled thought it was shit. That number increased when TLJ proved to suck.

This is a sign the shills are getting upset at being stymied at every turn, so they resort to attacking Star Wars fans, a method that would've worked in the 2000's and mid 2010's but is now a sign of impotence.

Rian's either a hack or always hated Star Wars and got the chance to make the whole world hate Star Wars intentionally and took it with a smile before running to the bank.

This. People liked Episode 7 only because JJ's dumb mystery boxes are easy bait. Episode 8 proved no one in charge had any intention of writing the bare minimum for a trilogy story.

>new sith (Snoke)

I always hated Ep 7 but the people I talked to who liked Ep 7 all said "it set it up really well we will have to see where they go with it"

By Ep 8 being bad it made all the things Ep 7 set up mean nothing and retroactivley made 7 worse because now there is 0 reason to go back and watch it

he's a hack, have you seen looper and the traler for his new movie? dude's reddit: the person

>OP makes shitty, complaining post
>Makes Yea Forums not like OP
Fuck you OP.

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What TLJ taught us:
>always blindly follow authority
>dont make sacrifices or take chances
>the entire galaxy has a population of like 20,000 people, all of which are either human or those small eyed long snout brown aliens
>in 5000 years of hyperspace travel not a single person ever thought to weaponize it
>Luke committed suicide just to make his nephew look dumb
It's an impressively bad movie and makes 0 fucking sense

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Few people back then hated Star Wars because they noticed how similar it was to episode 4. Most of them just didn’t notice because MUH new Star Wars or MUH nostalgia.

Am i really the only person in the entire world that never cared for Space balls?

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His Breaking Bad episodes were good though. Looper and TLJ just prove that he can't have full control over a project.

TFA was universally accepted as a blatant retreading of IV. But worse is that it basically retcons the success of the rebellion in the OT by making the main characters the underdogs instead of the incumbent ruling power in the galaxy.

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It wasn't exactly few. A loud majority was claiming that it was good, but there was gradual pushback. The biggest warning sign I saw was people making macros saying that it was okay for Episode 7 to be a retread of Episode 4.

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Why did they shill for TFA?

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Isn't that the question of the day?

celebrities: they're just like us

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Here's my question, Mike walked back and said that JJ should just be directing and not writing, but as director, wouldn't he be approving scripts?

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Did the first order (or even the emperors order) even do anything nazi-ish? Yes they were inspired by the nazi but it seems to me that the entire goal was to rule the galaxy, not murdering space jews.

they were both depicted more as fascists and used symbolism tied to WW2 italy and germany like them all in parade form watching the doom laser while the ginger retard gives a speech.

Methinks Mike learned next to nothing in film school judging by all the anons who criticize TFA's shot composition or other factors which Mike didn't.

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>Expanded Universe is worse

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>"I fluked out with TFA and was going to make something cool and then was suddenly asked to make 9 when KK called me up in a flustered panic.
>I was going to say no because seriously, the franchise is a dumpster fire. I'm the guy you call to set up mystery. Not the guy to close loose ends. Like did no one see Lost?
>So I was going to say no for obvious reasons. But then my wife shouted that I needed to do it. And the pay was decent. I'd rather do that then think about how much time my wife spends with her personal trainer.
>So, like, I had no idea where to start. Don't get me wrong, Trevorrow had written a fucking great script. But it relied on Luke not being dead so that was a bust. And I had a draft for the story from back when I made TFA, but Rian ignored my film and those drafts and completely shat the bed. So I couldn't use that draft either.
>Literally, I had no fucking clue where to start. How do you make a sequel to the pile of shit Rian put out? I was in tears. But then I remembered the money.
>So I called up the writer from Batman V Superman, because if I was going to try and bail disney out of this mess, I'd make it as awkward as fucking possible.
>And yeah, he agreed to write the film for me so that's that."

Can someone just fund a sci fi original story directed by Trevorrow and produced/co-written by Lucas starring Mark Hamill? Please?

TFA was ok...I was excited to see it but it def didnt stand up after repeated watchings
TLJ was a shit show
Rogue one was ok and so was solo although the guy who played han sucked
So its tfa....rogue one.....soilo....................................................tlj

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lel the cope

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hot take: prequels>originals>>>literal shit>>>>sequels

I miss them.

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>I always hated episode 7

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Colin Trewhatever got fucking canned because he actually liked Star Wars. It kinda sucks. The Jurassic World movies haven't absolutely RUINED JP for me, they were fun. I bet his Star Wars movie would've been fun.

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Everyone gushes about Thrawn but Pellaeon was honestly great to read. Experienced second-in-command who lacks his boss’s sheer genius but is well-respected enough to ask questions and suggest stuff? It’s minor stuff but not too many authors do it well.

You'll hate TLJ if you know anything about basic story structure, character development, setups and payoffs, worldbuilding, etc. Caring about the OT is definitely not the only requirement for knowing that TLJ is an awful film in every conceivable way.

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Having the guy actually seem to care about the old stuff he’s reviving goes a fucking long way towards improving my goodwill. I have a lot of patience for people who do a bad job through incompetence and absolutely none for those like RJ doing it through malice.

>You'll hate TLJ if you know anything about basic story structure, character development, setups and payoffs, worldbuilding, etc.

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This. TLJ isn't just a failure as a sequel, it's a failure as a story. At least TFA passed basic filmwriting bars of how tell a three act story.

I gave TFA a pass because it wasn’t actively offensive like the prequels and I genuinely thought it was a planned “back to basics” movie. Once I took the time to think about it, as well as realizing there never was a plan, it reveals itself as the soulless cashgrab it is

Why did 91% of critics, who know more about basic story structure, character development, setups and payoffs, worldbuilding, etc. than the average shitposter on this board like it then? Wait, don't tell me. "Paid shills", amirite?

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>At least TFA passed basic filmwriting bars of how tell a three act story.
If you trace a famous work of art, you get a shitty trace that’s okay to look at.

If you start your work saying “I’m going to subvert what you expect about art!” and try to go against every artistic convention for the sake of being contrary, you get unviewable shit.

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What are you even talking about? Episode VII was shit and part of the problem from the start. For starters it sets a tone that tells right from the bat "we are disregarding the legacy cinematographic elements that characterize the IP" but it also fails as a cinematographic piece on itself. The main character motivations and objectives are never explained, ever. And there is no chemestry witht he supporting cast. I mean, i understand the audience have to think that Rey and Finn are pals or something at some point but the relationship is never really developed as they almost immediately move to Rey´s relationship with Kylo (that´s not really developed either on episode VII). Finn´s conflict is never really adressed either. As in, he does faces Phasma (which i guess is supposed to be the new Fett but she never ever does anything to justify all that alleged hype).

Then there are stuff like Rey defeating Kylo without any training or actual knowledge of the force when he can stop blasters with his mind. Only after that and several other fuckups one can mention all the inconsistencies between episode VII and VIII. But both movies are terrible on their own right.


>Why did 91% of critics, who know more about basic story structure, character development, setups and payoffs, worldbuilding, etc.

Your mistake was thinking critics in 2010s were trustworthy.

>critics, who know more about basic story structure, character development, setups and payoffs, worldbuilding, etc.
Oh you

My friend and I kept repeatedly exchanging shocked glances when we first saw TLJ. Like we were genuinely blown away by how stupid it was. After the movie we went to get drinks and that’s when we started to realize what exactly we just witnessed. God what a stupid movie

You might hate the prequels for the acting and directing and shitty CGI everywhere, but at least there's a substance to the plot and characters that TFA and TLJ both have utterly failed to achieve. After ROTS we'll have all the honest Star Wars fans begging for George Lucas back

I remember walking out of the theatre thinking it was alright even though I had some fundamental problems with parts of it. Only on reflection did I come to the conclusion that it was absolute trash. OP's narrative is fucking retarded though, I disliked TFA before I watched TLJ.

People don’t talk enough about this. I see genuine praise for Finn in TFA and it’s completely offbase. Dude has PTSD one second, then the next he’s shooting the fuck out of people with the same goddamn guy who shot his friend.

Episode 8 retroactively made 7 worse because 7 left so many plotlines and questions open for 8 to answer.

Not really. TFA set the foundation and the foundation was flawed from the very beginning.

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>I liked the movie until Yea Forums told me it was trash

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>honors the saga's rich legacy
oh Disney you lying sacks of shit

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Why did you greentext your own thought process?

I distinctly remember thinking they would go full Kreia with Luke when the first trailer dropped. But no, his grand revelation was “the jedi weren’t always perfect, so I should let the First Order burn down the galaxy”

>Instead, he chose to open them up all at once, revealing them to be empty or full of nonsense for the sake of surprise
Literally the best decision he could have possibly made. Sequel trilogy is already shit. JJ deserves to get fucked for his retarded writing.

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Why would I let a bunch of angry contrarians change my mind? I still like the movie.

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Not that guy but "critics" can be extremely unreliable and easily manipulated.

You have shit taste then. I wasn't even frequenting Yea Forums in 2015 so your dumb narrative that I'm being influenced by contrarianism is retarded. You seem to be the contrarian faggot right now desu.

I remember the art book had some stuff like instead of being down in the middle of a fight, Finn turned after seeing a bunch of compliant, captured (surrendered?) rebels get tossed out the airlock. Which makes it about more intuitively war crime stuff than being upset about his friend dying, but apparently got scrapped in development. So on top of some absolute retards in charge of writing there’s an extra layer of dumb corporate rewrites too.

>Why would I let a bunch of angry contrarians change my mind?

You just did.

Shit taste according to you. And you have shit taste according to me for not liking the movie.

the force awakens is worse than the last jedi

Almost as if the only reason people liked 7 was because it set the beginning of a story with the promise of an interesting continuation of that story. When Rian Johnson decided to pull out the rug from under it by subverting the expectations that setup would have some payoff we retroactivly made the relative competence of 7 moot.

Until a Disney or capeshit movie gets average to bad reviews. Then they're suddenly based and reliable.

Most people agree that TFA is a flawed movie. Why are you being such an angry contrarian user?

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So you like badly written movies. Nothing wrong with that, everybody ha a couple of those.

>Most people agree that TFA is a flawed movie.

Is that why it has an 87% audience score and 8.0 on imdb?


>believing audience reviews

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>TLJ is unironically the worst film I have ever seen.
Watch Mac and Me, your head might explode.

Shills and women

This entire board believed them when Game of Thrones season 8 got bad reviews and ratings. They only count when they agree with you, right?

even worse, unpaid shills

>doesn't understand the difference between "liking something" and "not disliking" something, particularly where the latter thing brings about a worse sequel
7 is ruined by 8. It's not difficult to grasp when you understand that 7 didn't have much going for it in the first place.

>Yea Forums pretends to dislike it
>RT score is mostly positive in total
>makes over a billion dollars
>the same board that pretends R1 and Solo were good
>listening to anyone on here, ever, for anything
TLJ was never that bad.

what a faggot you are

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>TLJ being the worst Star Wars movie ever made is now a universally accepted fact
No it isn't, you absolute sperg. The prequels are worse.

>it didn't follow my headcanon, therefore it's "badly written"

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Everyone hated season 8. We didn't have contrarian little faggots like you shilling for it you pathetic mouse slave

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>everything is a media conspiracy

Why, because I posted something you don't have any actual arguments against?

fuck off shill

>mouse slave

I see that you're out of arguments and have to dig out the buzzwords. Sure told me there, boy!

Fucking shills out in "force" I see...you trying to guilt trip people into seeing 9? Fuck off. SW is dead.

If all you do is set-up and the thing that follows is shit then the set-up is worthless

His grand revelation is not only flawed, the Jedi have been around for a thousand generations and this is the first time in nuCanon they screwed up this hard, but it's also what anyone can get from watching the prequels. It's not some big discovery, no more than saying Romeo and Juliet was about family feuds more than just young love.

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>TLJ is unironically the worst film I have ever seen.
I once had to watch a “film” by a naive twenty-something who was completely funded by his richfag parents because he couldn’t get his pitch accepted by a real studio. (Complete with renting out the local theater, masturbatory nothing-story and hamfisted rape subplot, and self-congratulatory Q&A afterwards) So I won’t say TLJ is the worst I’ve ever watched but it is by far the worst in its budget/pedigree class.

if you watched the force awakens and thought it was anything but a toy commercial you're a braindead faggot

i look forward to a witty retort

All of this. Please cut paste and repost. people are too busy with Muh Luke to comprehend that TLJ's main flaw is 3 plotlines that have little to do with one another which makes the movie dis-joined, jerky, meandering and hard to sit through. Also, spot on about TFA over reliance on dumb coincidence and ass pulling.

lol okay faggot. TFA is still a shit movie with garbage writing and shitty new characters.

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Here's a thought, maybe everyone with a dissenting opinion, isn't a shill? Disney doesn't give a shit about Yea Forums you paranoid faggot, we don't even get a third of the traffic rebbit does. Remember when this entire board was saying "R1 is as good as Empire"? This place is contrarian first, I don't believe anyone's opinions as geniune.

Calling me out for what? Defending movies with positive ratings and reviews? How dare I, right?

If you aren't a shill then you're a braindead bugman that belongs on reddit.

Before TLJ came out and the helpful/unhelpful stuff was removed, I noticed most of TFA's most "agreed" audience reviews were all negative.

>t. zoomer water trash

Why do shills always go for "the prequels were worse than the sequels!" as their go-to defense for the sequels? Are they those out-of-touch people stuck in the early 00's that I've been hearing about?

Holy shit, people are still trotting this out? Two years later I’m still hearing about new plot holes or character inconsistencies but you’re still reading this one off the card?


If you disagree with this ranking you are a pleb.


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you're an idiot, fuck off

>The prequels are worse.

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>Then there are stuff like Rey defeating Kylo without any training or actual knowledge of the force

because they were too focused on making her a feminist icon than an actual character so she ended up making no sense at all and not being interesting either. a character becomes an icon thanks to good characterization not thanks to trying to check every box that icon supposedly has.

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>TLJ is unironically the worst film I have ever seen.

t. either retarded or never watched a properly bad movie

>7 & 8 not together at the bottom, with holiday special above them

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> I like the movie because the ratings are high
Wow, so that's why you call Yea Forums contrarian? So if Yea Forums hates something that is highly rated on RT then that's being contrarian is it? But if you're here shilling for a garbage movie that Yea Forums hates then you're not being a contrarian? Weird standards you have.

Episode 7 made its money on good faith alone. Personally I thought "Eh, it was ok. But I'm genuinely interested in seeing where the story will go."
After TLJ we know where the story is going. Absolutely fucking nowhere! The new characters aren't part of a legacy, but replacements of a rebranding of a franchise.
>Rebels = #Resistance
>Empire = First Order
There is zero consistency in story as it relates to the previous six films, and the replacements are so bland, they have to tear down the OT characters so they look good by comparison.
The SJW nonsense is just par for the course in any film today. Political zealots work cheap so long as they're allowed to shoehorn their message into the film and it insulates the movie from criticism.
The real issue is the overall story is pointless. There's no progression in story, just an endless purgatory of downtrodden underdogs against big powerful evil fascists. Fans weren't aware of this plan while watching TFA. They know that's what it is now. JJ tricked them as he always does.

>if you like what I don't, you bad and dum dum
I'd bet my life savings you are a prequelfag zoomer too.

>20 (You)s and counting for defending movies with positive ratings and reviews

OP is right. Fuck Star Wars fans.

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If you disagree with this ranking you are a pleb.


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>liking 7 more than 3 and 1

I’d put 3 ahead of 7 but this is more correct than expected.

You think that's bad? Look at It's like these shills aren't being given new talking points.

Fuck Rian Johnson and Disney, how about that?

>7 anywhere over the prequels

>I like the movie because the ratings are high

How did you manage to get to that conclusion? I'm just saying it can't possibly be controversial to defend a movie with high ratings.

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Because the prequels are worse? I like Hamil's character and performance, Driver does a good job selling Kylo to audiences and is probably the only major thing the new series gets right, I liked how it was basically an entire car chase of a movie, I didn't mind casino planet (though it was the weakest shit in the movie) and all scenes with Rey and Luke are unironically great.

It's worse. It's so much worse.

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>calling anyone "water" trash

Did it ever cross your mind that ratings on RT are not objective standards of what makes a great movie?

>Why do people defend the sequels by claiming the prequels are worse?
>Because the prequels are worse?

Wow, stunning argument there, you dumb shill

>Driver does a good job selling Kylo to audiences

They are you underage faggot.

To this day I still have no clue what the story group was supposed to do, besides “not the thing you’re complaining about right now.” Like every answer they give about continuity control or direct writing input or road mapping is just “Uh no, we’re not in charge of that.”

Uwe Boll's House of the Dead is a better film than Last Jedi.

somewhat correct

Give me what little consists of your life savings you bugman retard.

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Are you going to sit there with a straight face and tell me Attack of the Clones is seriously better than TLJ? You don't honest to shit believe that, right?

>They are
>they just are

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You'll be disappointed. I watched it just to see how terrible it was after this board had been sceeching about it for more than year, but all I got was a completely average Star Wars movie. I kept waiting for anything that would make it stand out as the worst movie of all time, but it never happened.

>please explain why The Phantom Menace is literal garbage

Yeah, case in point:

>i watched RLM shit on the movie so now i hate it

>I'm somewhat of an autist prequelfag
Lol nice cop out. You are one.
>U bugman
I'm not even remotely Asian though.

Not that guy but even the soundtrack is more memorable. Across the Stars is better than anything I heard in the sequels.



>I can't actually defend the film, but the music was good!

You don't prove him wrong by giving no reasons.

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The prequels are a different kind of bad. TLJ was actively offensive

>Wait, don't tell me. "Paid shills", amirite?
Yep. Post bad review of a Disney movie, no access to future Disney movies and their actors for interviews unless critic and/or journalist has massive clout build on career spanning decades. Very few critics and journalists have that kind of professional standing. Quality of film critics, other media critics and entertainment journalism has gone down the drain since 90's and internet became a thing. Decline of print media has led to situation where everyone involved is replaceable at no notice. A random blog with some pull in click bait sites is just as good as film critic of major internationally respected news papers.

>Are you going to sit there with a straight face and tell me Attack of the Clones is seriously better than TLJ?

Yes, I am going to fucking sit there with a straight face and tell your dumb self that Attack of the Clones, which I thought was the worst Star Wars film until the sequel trilogy was made, is still better than Last Jedi. AotC had poor execution but was more clear about doing a story than Last Jedi. AoTC had so-so attempts at humor but somehow less compared to TLJ and its dumb things like the prank phone call.

>muh RLM
People hated it almost immediately when it hits theaters, when I fucking saw it, zoomer trash. They are terrible films.

>no supporting argument

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that track is fire, to be fair

you're stupid enough to believe money+split reviews make the movie not bad. you're either a shill or an utter moron.

based as fuck

What reason do I have to defend it? I'm not that guy and even I can mention things better at the top of my head.

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>A bugman is your typical big left leaning city dweller. He is usually obsessed with consumerism, lining up to purchase the newest iPhone or MacBook when it comes out, and using a smartwatch/smart home speaker for longer than the week after he bought it. Chances are he owns other throwaway smart gadgets as well. All his tastes in movies, music, expensive food, art, and more are determined by what review sites and blogs say.
Thank me for educating you on the lingo newfag

It's been discussed to death now
>bad acting
>too many subplots with little payoff
>Jar Jar is a terrible character
>cgi aged poorly
>script is atrociously written
>no actual main character or villain
>does nothing to advance the overall prequel trilogy


>ctrl+f shill
>18 results

Why are autists on this board not able to discuss Disney movies without throwing this word at anyone who likes something they don't. Do they think they're on some kind of important crusade when they call someone that word?

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Not that guy but aren't there videos on youtube about their initial reactions?


There seems to be no condition in which you'd accept that people liked it though ..


>no actual main character or villain
Qui gon?

fuck off shill

Are you just arguing with yourself now?

The main character is qui-gonn. And what about midichlorians? Most people complaining about them strawman them into something they aren't.

>Are you going to sit there with a straight face and tell me Attack of the Clones is seriously better than TLJ

That seems to be the general opinion, user.

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What a coincidence! Outside of a couple of fucking ecelebs from Milwaukee, no one wanted him doing Star Wars.

Qui gonn is the protag.

Are you retarded? I'm correcting you on your ignorance of the use of the word bugman on Yea Forums you stupid newfag.

He's objectively not the main character.

The protagonist is obviously Qui-Gon, and the crux of the plot (Anakin becoming a Jedi) is entirely the focus of his arc. The protag of TPM is Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon’s the protagonist because he makes decisions, it’s because he’s the one with the motivation and the one going forward on his arc. He’s the one insisting that Anakin is the chosen one, he’s the one who insists that Anakin will be trained, etc. He’s the one pushing the Anakin storyline forward. Anakin is more or less a plot device next to him in TPM. Qui-Gon is the one pushing for Anakin to become a Jedi.

I don't get when people say TPM has no protagonist when it's obviously Qui-Gon.

>trusting aggregate reviews on a controversial movie in 2019
Typical bugman behaviour

ST acting is easily worse. What subplots? Characters like Rey are easily worse than Jar Jar. ST script's much worse. Main character is quigonn. Getting Anakin is important and so is the return of the Sith. And Midichlorians were known sinc 1997.

ESB > ANH > ROTJ >>>> Dogshit >>>>> The Rest

Imagine being literally offended by a movie.

What did they do that we didn't already know? The force is heritable in the originals.

The Holiday Special gave us Boba Fett.

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>he just isn't

It's the same thing as meeting your uncle, but learning afterwards that he was only nice so that he could fuck you in the ass

>What reason do I have to make an argument and defend that argument?

Unironically this. 8 is a mess, but at least it's interesting to rewatch. 7 is just so fucking boring.

This desu

>return of the jedi comes out
>people don't like it
>episode 1 comes out
>people like return of the jedi now
no one's ever really gone...

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Why am I supposed to hate this again?

>What reason do I have to make an argument
I'm not that user you moron. Did you see multiple (You)s on that pic?

You can explain instead of asserting

Why are you so upset that I like this movie?

It was terrible writing that ruined Empire

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>Robots can't activate hyperspace
>A literal hole in the plot isn't a plot hole since we can just fill it in later

fuck off shill

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>It was terrible writing that ruined Empire

Episode 7 was always garbage

I remember attending it opening week with a group of friends. They all walked out talking about how good it was, while I said “Meh, it was just episode IV again.”
They now all hate the sequels are Last Jedi.

>"The Force gives you the power to have extrasensory perception and to be able to see things and hear things, read minds and levitate things. It is said that certain creatures are born with a higher awareness of the Force than humans. Their brains are different; they have more midi-chlorians in their cells*."
This quote was from 1977. Did ANH ruin ESB?

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I never liked 7 which is why I never saw 8.

7 went out of its way not only to trash Luke and Han as characters but its a shit rehash of 4 which is a far better film.

>video games as well
>Disney gave exclusive rights to EA

gee I wonder why their video games are having trouble?

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He's not the main character, the closest you get in terms of perspective and attention is Kenobi. But he basically does nothing for over half the film. Kid Anakin 40 minutes in replaces Qui Gon but you never really learn anything about them as characters.

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I really need to explain why the prequels are bad?

>The Force Awakens is just a remake of A New Hope

Is this the biggest brainlet "criticism" since "Avatar is just Pocahontas in space"?

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Please be true. The salt and whining from Reylo faggots will be amazing fap material

>but you never really learn anything about them as characters.

What do you learn about Rey, Finn, and Poe then?

Cry more, zoomer.

Exactly. Characters like Ellen Ripley, Sarah Connor, Nikita, Clarice Starling or even Buffy the vampire slayer are great characters because of who they are as individuals (their objectives, motivations, attitudes and actions). But none of them started at the top of their game, they became badass, they where transformed by the events and tests of their respective stories.

Comparatively i really can´t tell why Rey joins the rebels or wants to be a jedi. Two movies in and i can´t really say anything about her, she is a blank slate.

Too much kid stuff. Kids can just as easily self insert themselves on teenage character as they can with a kid. Pacing doesn't work at all. Subpar performances from tons of great actors, Evan McGregor and Liam Neeson carry the movie despite pretty much everyone else being underwhelming.

This, Attack of the Clones was bad as well. Revenge of the Sith was pretty good at least when compared to previous two movies, mostly due to last act. I was on ticket queue for most of the day and saw it on one past midnight show on opening day. I wasn't there for like 2 nights like people that really wanted the best seats in house. Burnt myself pretty badly as it was sunny as fuck and hot as hell for late spring.

Youtube and cell phone cameras weren't at thing back then. If those were, there would be a lot of disappointed reactions on youtube.

>perspective and attention is Kenobi
If you've ever read ASOIAF, you'll never see things from Robb, Tywin or Stannis' POV. It's always Catelyn, Tyrion and Davos. Similar for Thrawn, we have Pellaeon as the POV character while Thrawn is the big figure.

Not as much as "the prequel trilogy is worse than the sequel trilogy"

We aren't talking about them though?

>assuming autocorrect and not knowing what water trash you are
I'm sorry you're too young for the good references sweaty.

So much this. Feminists have dumbified women instead of learning from actual good female characters. Now they just write off their epik power fantasy female lead as a big Mary Sue and think people are gonna eat that shit up.

>Youtube and cell phone cameras weren't at thing back then.

It is worse, no amount of zoomer crying will change that.

We both know you meant to type white trash, phoneposting retard.


Is that a Stranger Things reference?

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