Jacob's Ladder. Holy shit

Is this the greatest psychological horror movie ever? It's way ahead of its time for 1990. Where do I go from here? (Similar movies, genres?)

If I knew more about the Bible I'm sure I would have appreciated it on another level.

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I too watch ryan hollinger faggot

good night, retard

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Even the poster was too spoopy, it kept me from watching the movie at all.

what about it makes it ahead of its time of 1990?

OP here, who the fuck is Ryan Hollinger. (I don't listen to podcasts just fyi.)

I don't recall a movie before it so deftly depicting raw psychological turmoil, unusual supernatural visions, and seamless editing of story even though jumping through multiple timelines. I love movies but I'm still a noob, that's why I asked for advice about where to go from here, before and/or after.

He's peak soi of YT essay shit

*I forgot to add that Elizabeth Peña's performance in this is 10/10, absolutely natural and flawless.

I saw this when I was 10 years old. Fucked me up a bit, I won't lie.

The only acceptable case of it was all in his head that actually like.

>the director deleted most of the horror / monster scenes from the final cut
Genius move or unforgivable mistake?
The deleted climax was beyond horrifiyng.

FUCK, I didn't know this, is there a director's cut?

by climax do you mean antidote scene? he said he wanted to keep it in but audiences got confused when watching he said he wanted to eventually do a cut with the scene intact in the directors commentary

The director cut is the theatrical release.
Deleted scenes were on the DVD I had, they probably are somewhere on YT

Yes. Didn't know he wanted to keep it, I thought he didn't like it very much

No real bible stuff in this movie really, there is the quote by Eckhart but even he is more esoteric than straight up christian.

Louie the chiropractor = Lucifer (AKA the lightbringer).

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Not the greatest, by my personal favorite.

>If I knew more about the Bible I'm sure I would have appreciated it on another level.
Actually you would appreciated it way less. Heres better ending:

It's not cheesy jump scare bullshit or gore, it's "horror" in a "trippy" way, if that makes sense.

here's the excerpt doesn't really mention that he wanted to keep it just "reluctantly" got rid of it because audiences were "catatonic".

>slow burn bone chilling

>Holy shit.
>Is this the greatest psychological horror movie ever?
>It's way ahead of its time.

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I will look into it and judge for myself but thanks for the heads up

Just finished it. It's certified kino.

I really appreciate the spoiler tag! I made this thread halfway through lmao, but I stand behind it at the end. Thanks senpai.

Thanks for the info, I'll look into it.

Good to know. I will def look up Eckhart though.

Hmm interesting. Funny that Jacob called him an angel, but Satan was a fallen angel, and chiropracters are garbage pseudo healthcare managers[/spoilers]. Nice.

I respect that. What are some others? (Besides Black Swan which I just realized is also brilliant.)

Nah, that's not quite how it goes. You're interested from start to finish. WAAAY better than Hereditary, if that's what you're thinking.

Lmao, you got me. I love this meme so I'm good. But like I said in my OP post, what are some other great ones? (Besides Black Swan.)

I can kind of get why they didn't include this scene because it might trigger the audience to guess it's all in his head.

Nah, just a guardian angel with the sword/crutch, you see him in the pose at the end.

Kill yourself

Through a Glass Darkly

Nah, the commentary is just excuses and cover up for CIA visit to directors house when they were handing him new script right in the middle of filming. The retarded one, with angels and protagonist's death and stuff.

>Ingmar Bergman
You motherfucker. I just recently supplanted him as my fav director above Kubrick, yet I haven't completed his filmography. Will def check it out.