>no friends since high school
>never had a job
>kissless virgin
kinos for this feel?
That's what you get for being young, faggot. get off my website.
just be yourself
Cry more
I wasted my youth here and every thread older Anons would tell me to get off Yea Forums and go make memories and try stuff, I never did and now I'm in my 30s telling you the same. Life's funny.
>only 20
Imagine being born in 1998/1999
How is this even possible
Nothing healthy. Unless you want to trick your mind into bathing in the happiness of fictional characters.
Is this bad?
you have 5 years to get your shit together, after that the damage will be irreparable
same but 28
most likely nothing will change for you
Hahaha what a loser, I lost it at 16
t. 21
its called being an incel. its more common than you might think.
>full time job
>first kiss at 16
>lost virginity to prostitute at 20
Unable to get GF but making bank.
How can I change this?
I was a jobless kissless virgin at 20 as well and I ended up getting my first kiss, first job, and lost virginity that year. Got my first gf the next year. Don't give up.
if you're a truecel then there is probably no way to change it. You simply lack the looks, money, status to attract a female. the racepill and the heightpill also apply depending on geographic location.
10 Steps:
>get a job
>don’t be fat
>have some muscle
>be clean
>dress well
>go outside
>start jogging one mile every morning
>learn to talk to strangers
>start playing an instrument
>start going to a dance class
You havent even begun
how do i make friends as an adult? moved to a new city and just realized all the friends i have i only know because i went to fucking grade school together
I once made friends as an adult. They don’t call me anymore.
Read Oyasumi Pun Pun, try not to kill yourself.
I will never understand the point of larping as a total loser on an anonymous image board. What do you stand to gain from it?
Literally me but age 28
Third 28 year low iq autist here
I'm sure we'd hate eachother
A bit older but I enjoy being alone. I'd often feel like I was wasting my time when I did something with friends/family/others, I just want to go at my own pace and do the things I want to do whenever I want to do them.