So what's with the Rick and Morty hate?

So what's with the Rick and Morty hate?
It's probably one of the most based and *gasp* intellectual, fresh new, shows on the market

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d-dont *burp* dont forget about me m-morty

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dude what
spill it or fuck off


>why does Yea Forums hate something that’s popular and had a toxic fan base?
Where do you think you are?

Holy shit is laser tattoo removal painful?

It's true. You do need a high IQ, you see the origin of the show actually dates back to ancient Egypt

Go back

ooo like deities like Bastet and Anubis

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>Yea Forums likes thing
>thing gets popular
>contrarians screech

The inverse is also true where anons pretend utter trash like the star wars prequels are good.

was star wars ever good though
it's like fencing and medieval edge in space

You are mistaken it originated in Babylon.

or like Yea Forumss obsession with absolute shit music like death grips or neutral milk hotel.

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it really just how season 3 was absolute garbage

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Same with Invader Zim, decent show with cancer fanbase. Watch the shows, ignore anything involving the internet.

they're just avant garde, attracts the artistes like flies

that's kinda what I did with pickle rick
was silly but didn't really bother me

How did you like Enter the Florpus, user?

I liked it very much. Jhonen still knows what the fuck he's doing.

did he died

To be fair you have to have a pretty high IQ to like this show, if I do say so myself

>Yea Forums likes thing
>new episodes of thing come out and are lower quality
>Yea Forums no longer likes thing
>cucks who stayed with the series due to sunk cost fallacy start reeeeing at people for not defending the show despite its lower quality

fuckin lol

tattoos are my favorite stupid person warning sign

This is true. I have to wonder if things would be the same if it didn't peter off in quality during season 2 though.

As far as I know, yes. Your skin gets irritated for a few weeks. That's why you have to wait like a month for the next treatment. It takes like three to five treatments to remove a tat completely, and even then sometimes you can't get rid of all of it.

He's gonna regret removing this when season 4 comes out.

I never liked R&M. It was always bad, kid stuff.


Who's that green guy?

the eternal pattern of Yea Forums
people who aren't aware of it bewilder me

>reddit likes thing

It's a good show. It's enjoyable to watch
Normies obsessing over it and spewing memorized punchlines gets old

>It's a good show
>It's enjoyable to watch

The Star Wars prequels were never bad, you fucking zoomer ass cancer.

Bright colored hair is mine.

I used to watch and rewatch it with my friend, we thought it was hilarious and used to really enjoy it.
The new episodes came out and were much lower quality than the earlier seasons, this being matched with the increasing amount of pseduopolitical muh social commentary, learning about the writers Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon (I cant stand either of them and reading up on them and watching their stuff helped me realize that their humour comes from a pretty limited shtick)
The obnoxiously unfunny pickle rick and cringe fanbase was the final nail in the coffin.

mine is piercings

Being a contrarian is super cool, and makes people enjoy being around you.

It's the same with every recent cartoon. First couple episodes are okay until the the writers insert their cuckolding fetish, virtue signaling and get a bunch of diversity hires for some easy good goy points. It has nothing to do with it being popular its just that cartoons always become unwatchable a few episodes in.

Cartoons in general are just fucking garbage, because the ''people'' making them are garbage.

I actually like the show, but you can't deny the absolute saturation these things reach in pop culture at logarithmic speed. It's fucking ridiculous and would make anyone who's thinking about the role of media somewhat disgusted

I put it off for the longest time because of the reddit fandom but its a good show. Fanbase is gay though

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The show you like is bad and you should feel bad.

cringe and you're watching season 4
don't even try to deny it

>It's bad because muh polidicks
No, it's just plain bad. It has nothing to do with extraneous concerns about "virtue signaling". It's just bad, full stop.

>big announcement prior to season 3 that many of the writers were being replaced by women
>season 3 comes out and has garbage writing that isnt even close to 1 or 2

People who think Rick and Morty is "good" are curiously the same people who believe Archer is "good".

what "is good" then mr kino connoisseur ?

I know man. Normies don't have much to relate to each other with, so one of the ways is to screech about pop culture.

I feel great actually. I can unironically enjoy something and it upsets you at the same time

Sorry fag, the fanbase showed its bare fucking ass with that McDonald's sauce bullshit. "Intellectuals" don't watch this show. A bunch of round-shouldered morons do.

is this a word you picked up from this show?

>they hate it because it's popular!
It's frustrating how unaware people are of their shit taste. Someone post the image and end the thread.

I saw a bunch of men in a circle at McDonald's, on YouTube, and they placed the sauce in the middle and they all dipped a nugget in it, it was messed up

>fuckin lol
>tattoos are my favorite stupid person warning sign

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the random pickle and sauce cringe was cringe
but letting separate dumbshitters that have nothing to do with the show ruin a show is quite sad
anyone could ruin anything then

I mean they kind of are user
having a lot of tattoos isn't indicative of good decision making or really a signal of common identity to me at all

the pic in your reply are literally the main demographic of men who get tattoos

>like death grips
Too loud for you gramps?

I didn't say anything about politics. You see, people liked it, because it was basically a lolsorandomxD Back to the Future rip-off with meme science sprinkled ontop of it, but as soon as the writers actually had to come up with their own ideas it started to show that the people behind the show are the epidome of talentless onions cucks.

I literally hope they say they hate trump every episode. Fun things are not for zoomers. Stick with your hate and retardation.

its a fun show, but its as "intellectual" as any other adult cartoon chill
I had a talk with a till worker today about Rick and Morty, she saw my free rick pin on my backpack and said she liked the show as well
since no one was behind me we talked about the show a bit
its a popular show for a reason its fun to watch

I’ve never seen it but just how over hyped it is and how it is boring as hell

At the birth of Yea Forums NMH was considered shit and was shat on by everyone on the board. Then ironic shitposting happened then eventually people thought it was serious so here we are. I also still don't get what to like about Death Grips.

>the pic in your reply are literally the main demographic of men who get tattoos

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>be me
>out grilling while the kids are inside arguing
>they are trying to figure out if watching some show makes you a loser or not

welcome to humanity
yes humans are really stupid
and I want out already holy shit

The only good episode is the one where they're stayan. Otherwise, nah. The colors are too bright, the animation is trash, people just yell constantly, it's generally unwatchable. Very garish cartoon

From a character stand point, no one is likeable. Rick is this omniscient Demi-God who is the smartest most intelligent person ever but is still a miserable edgy fuck for no reason, Morty is a panicky little cumbrain, etc, and all their humor and personalities get old very fast. "Intelligence=depression" is a horrid meme that only slightly above average iq normies buy into, and it's the central theme of the show.

Its P ickle RIck!

This show rulez

death grips is nigger yelling over electric d&b
its so fucking boring no wonder the most hipster Yea Forums faggots drool over it because they dont care to listen to anything that isent FAGGOT shit

soijack for anti-tattoo chads

peak reddit

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Yes. I've a friend who had his ex tattooed on his forearm, he had the first part (of an estimated 4) of laser removal done and it was so painful he opted to get a larger tattoo to cover it 2 months later. It was THAT bad.


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Way more than getting the tattoo

the mcdonalds thing was annoying. almost got in a fight.
>be hungover with friend
>go down to mcdonalds for that greasy goodness
>didn't even know they were doing a special sauce, place was crowded, and they were all waiting for a certain time to get the sauce
>push through the idiots to go throw up in the bathroom
>come back out, friend has like 4 of those mini jack daniels bottles
>have one
>decide fuck this im not waiting
>push to front of line and order my shit
>cashier is some chick I fucked every now and then
>also saw her every morning if id get breakfast there
>she takes our order
>puts like 10 packs of the sauce in our bags
>sit down and start eating
>leave sauce on table, next to little bottle of jack daniels
>some sperg freaks out and asks how we got it
>I assume they were going for my jacks, so i get defensive and tell them to fuck off or ill hit them.
>realize they want the sauce
>idiots start offering us money
>some start complaining to the manager
>know the manager as well, manager is buddy with me cause i once put some 13yo kid through the floor cause he had a knife
>tells them all to wait til, 12 or whenever the fuck
>they bitch ''why did user get them''
>manager says I reached over and stole them
>''call the cops on him''
>managers tells them to fuck off its free sauce.
>they ree
>as were leaving put like 7 unopened sauces in the bag
>everyone is eyeing us off
>friend throws up a little in the bag over all the sauces
>put it in the trash so none of them get it.
apparently like 20 people missed out on the sauce that day. it was shit anyway, sweet and sour is better

>kid stuff

Rick and Morty attracted an army of extremely obnoxious, low IQ retards who clung onto it because it's "random", not being able to appreciate the inspired design work that went into it.

Specifically, children are always extremely stupid. But some never grow out of it.

This only applies to episodic shows because they are vulnerable to getting fucked up at any point in their lifecycle. Plot-based shows such are much higher quality on average, the best example is ATLA - it only got better as it went on. The studio system prefers episodic shows because they require much lower effort and there's no difference in terms of profit.

Oh no, it's just a laser being used to break up the ink particles embedded into your subdermal skin so your cells can manage their removal (the reason ink is permanent is because the particles are too large for the body to move), so you end up with your body suddenly reacting to a fucking enormous amount of material it has to get rid of

it's only like having your body suddenly react to an infection the size of the tat, and your skin being badly damaged by the laser

no big deal at all

>wanting yes man friends

>Make edgy scifi cartoon
>pretty fun
>second season fans treat it like gods gift
>writers believe it
>writers identify with show and characters
>apply praise for the show to themselves
That's how it goes. Writers had ego issues and couldn't separate themselves from their work. When they get too much praise they stop seeing it objectively. Season 4 will be shit because pulling back and looking at the show means they'd have to criticize themselves.

>Rick is this omniscient Demi-God who is the smartest most intelligent person ever
But loses to women because women are retarded and never get the point.


Nah mate it's because they fired their original writers to hire women.

How is this show intellectual? Its literally belching and dick jokes

>Its literally belching and dick jokes

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Okay well, im gonna go take a shit

Bushworld adventures is better than all of season 3

Bright colors can be fine if done in moderation, like a few highlights on black hair. If she goes full gender studies clown though stay the fuck away from her.

If the girl is hot it's not too bad, just avoid those stupid fucking hamplanets with large glasses

>If the girl is hot it's not too bad
Well yeah. We'll still hit if we could, as the classic song goes but beautiful people live on an entirely different planet from the rest of the mogged plebs.


ATLA is a one of a kind though, a show that managed to be both episodic and have an overarching story that (almost) every episode contributes to.