>1. Diary of a Country Priest (Robert Bresson, 1951) >2. Winter Light (Ingmar Bergman, 1963) >3. Nazarin (Luis Buñuel, 1959) >4. Wild Strawberries (Ingmar Bergman, 1957) >5. City Lights (Charlie Chaplin, 1931) >6. Ugetsu Monogatari (Kenji Mizoguchi, 1953) >7. Seven Samurai (Akira Kurosawa, 1954) >8. Persona (Ingmar Bergman, 1966) >9. Mouchette (Robert Bresson, 1967) >10. Woman of the Dunes (Hiroshi Teshigahara, 1964)
>"With the exception of City Lights," Kozlov notes, "it does not contain a single silent film or any from the 30s or 40s. The reason for this is simply that Tarkovsky saw the cinema's first 50 years as a prelude to what he considered to be real film-making."
>Tarkovsky saw the cinema's first 50 years as a prelude to what he considered to be real film-making I hate this mentality, the 20s was arguably the best decade for film. Just watching all these directors excitedly making it up as they went along, no rules, just pure child like creativity. Its so wholesome and wonderful seeing people just creating for the sake of it, making what they like
it's definitely a good list, although winter light and wild strawberries are not even the top two bergman films, my personal favorite is hour of the wolf. city lights is also a surprising pick from him. and him considering the first 50 years of cinema not real filmmaking is so ignorant, what about films like an andalusian dog (1929) or frizt lang films namely M (1931) like come on .. he was a bit of an egotistical guy sometimes it seems. like how he hated 2001 and partly made Solaris in response to his spite towards it.. Kubrick still liked Tarkovsky's films though (based)
Bro have you actually watched 1920s movies, the acting is shit like they’re all fucking restarted mimes and like most of them are racist or sexist
Carter Bell
Jacob Ross
What a mark
Kevin Jones
I've seen a handful of really kino 20s movies. Just watched Metropolis tonight. That shit is intense. What are your favorites?
how many 1920s movies have you seen?
Jack Powell
Did Scott Walker have the best taste ever?
>The Shanghai Gesture (1941) >A Man Escaped (1956) >The Leopard (1963) >Gertrud (1964) >The Round-up (1965) >The Rise to Power of Louis XIV (1966) >Hunger (1966) >Persona (1966) >Chinese Roulette (1976) >Passion (1982) >Take Care of Your Scarf, Tatiana (1994) >Casino (1995) >Drifting Clouds (1996)
Rashomon is shit compared to Seven Samurai, and basically, you're a bitch.
Brody Ward
mfw > i love Tarkovsky > learn that he died in France > learn that he's burried in the russian cemetery of my town > go there and see his tombstone > there is a pristine vokda bottle on the tombstone and 2 glasses > drink one and say thank
Julian Evans
Cassidy in Hitman2 w/o a doubt
Brayden Howard
Almost every single great director ever has atleast one Chaplin film as their favorite, yet Yea Forums never talks about him ever.
>>>"With the exception of City Lights," Kozlov notes, "it does not contain a single silent film or any from the 30s or 40s. The reason for this is simply that Tarkovsky saw the cinema's first 50 years as a prelude to what he considered to be real film-making." more proof yms is correct. Hes the current tarkovsky
What a hack, Literally no one has seen any of these movies. "HURR I'M A BIG CONTRARIAN AND I LIKE OBSCURE SHIT"
here's what a real top 10 looks like. >1. Avengers: Endgame >2. Avengers: Infinity War >3. The Avengers >4. Star Wars: The Force Awakens >5. The Lion King (2019) >6. Avengers: Age of Ultron >7. Star Wars: The Last Jedi >8. Furious 7 >9. Captain America: Civil War >10. Jurassic World
Liam Martin
@119758246 you have to be atleast a bit subtle when baiting, put more effort in
Julian Young
Kinda like youtube
Asher Russell
>he doesn't have much early cinema he's so ignorant! if his approach to cinema was just reactionary dick-sucking of the past, he wouldn't have made any of the genuinely transformative cinema that he did. it's not about whether he's "right" to not have technical masturbation like DW Griffith on there, it's about having a specific idea of where cinema should go to make your own films worthwhile.
Brayden Watson
entry level
Jeremiah Reyes
Vadim blown the fuck out
Michael Hughes
>all of the movies has been already released pleb
Connor Morgan
>Did he actually die not knowing he was a hack? I wish Tarkovsky has lived long enough to shitpost on Yea Forums.
Unbelievably based, sharp tongue but also immense talent.
Colton Nguyen
>The reason for this is simply that Tarkovsky saw the cinema's first 50 years as a prelude to what he considered to be real film-making
I've been gone for some time, what happened to the Griffith fag?
William Young
His schizophrenia started becoming worse with his trip name becoming a 12 sentence long brainfart and he started talked to himself in the letterboxd general and his own "Bruce" identity which he was apparently in love with and told himself there is no point in living if Bruce doesn’t love him back or some shit and since then he is no longer seen here.
Is this what I miss out on by not going to this godforsaken board often? Haven't had my fix of mental cases since that autistic spic stopped spamming his pseudointellectual blogposting all over /his/.
Angel James
100% true bro, here a pic from 20 minutes ago , Nasdrovia
you know people didn’t have the internet to spoonfeed them back then
Ryan Cook
Fucking russian boomer.
Tarkovsky would have unironically been a redditor that didn't see himself as one because he browsed poetry and truefilm
Caleb Peterson
truefilm is better than this board tho
Josiah Bailey
Why hasn't a up and coming aspiring filmaker made a lowbudget character study on a man becoming insane by boardposting yet?
Adrian Robinson
You were supposed to pour both glasses, once for you, one for the dead person, тyпoй ты пeндoc
Ryan Rodriguez
he was based and constantly btfo'd pseuds. a true entertainer.
Angel Rodriguez
Unlike redditors Tarkovsky was actually capable of making art and not just stealing from the actually talanted people.
Evan Hill
>autistic spic stopped spamming his pseudointellectual blogposting all over /his/. the "civilization potential" guy? He's still going, maybe his posts aren't that huge anymore though. Had an autistic retard fight with him recently. He really thinks native Americans are genetically smarter because of his cope theories.
Benjamin Walker
I use this argument all the time to defend Kurt Cobain's taste: this was before the internet age where the wealth of ultra-obscure films were not readily available tarkovsky should have fucked with pic related and dreyer
Where'd you get that list? Googling 'Naoko's favorite movies' and alternatives does not bring up such results
Alexander Wright
It was a page in japanese, I couldn't find it anymore.
Elijah Gomez
His best movie for sure. Deals with death and faith but it's still fun to watch
Hunter Smith
>>"With the exception of City Lights," Kozlov notes, "it does not contain a single silent film or any from the 30s or 40s. The reason for this is simply that Tarkovsky saw the cinema's first 50 years as a prelude to what he considered to be real film-making." Exposes him for the entry-level pleb he is.
Tyler Young
>although winter light and wild strawberries are not even the top two bergman films Yeah, Winter Light is top 1.
Aiden Roberts
His diary is amazing.
David Brooks
>Take Care of Your Scarf, Tatiana
Sebastian Murphy
Good list.
Robert Thompson
I wouldn't have even know that was Finnish ebin tori
David Thomas
I don't know who this is but she has a decent taste. >Švankmajer Absolutely based.
Logan Martin
Cameron Perry
Uncultured swine.
Logan Cooper
This. Tatiana is one of Aki's best.
Landon Bell
I can't even access his profile. Shouldn't you be able to do it even when it's shadowbanned?
Nathan Gonzalez
The 20s was when silent film went to shit and became totally artificial and self congratulatory (besides Stroheims Greed) everything pre-20s was way purer
Hudson Jenkins
Someone once called me a pleb because I had City Lights in my top ten.
You need a heart of stone to not be moved by it.
Dylan Parker
It truly is his best one.
William Nguyen
>watching Finnish movies other than Tuntematon Sotilas and Napapiirin Sankarit lmao