What an awful movie.
What an awful movie
I haven't seen it since high school but I remember it being pretty emotionally draining.
It’s not awful OP, it’s actually quite good. Can’t handle a movie without a happy ending m8?
It's only good for watching drug addicts suffer and die, and Jared Leto's cute face.
>drugs bad
>classical music makes this deep
The diet pill subplot was shit and cringe.
I remember this film hitting a lot of nerves when it released. A lot of suicides too.
Actually that's not a bad idea so you can get away with showing it in middle/high school classes instead of the normal anti drug classes we had pretty much once a year. I live in New Hampshire which is basically Heroin: The State and I feel like just scarring all the sixth graders with this would be worth the good old American try. Who didn't love movie day?
i loved the fridge scene
>diet pill
It was speed
thought it was pretty funny how he got cucked and died lmao
>Shooter McGavin
>not kino
Not possible
pupils contract when on heroin, not dilate. this annoys me to no end.
i eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast
>I eat pieces of shit
great movie. druggies hate it
That. It's in an emotionally exhaustive film. Pretty impressive really.