Be dunston

>be dunston
>Jannies deleted my last thread so rerolling. Thanks tranny jammies
>Check em

Attached: 220px-Dunston_Checks_In.jpg (220x321, 21K)

>The world will end on August 23, 2019.
Reminder this got dubs in previous thread. Are y'all prepared?

I will die peacefully in my sleep tonight.

I will die in my sleep tomorrow night.

i will die peacefully in your sleep in four night

skriff ;_;

pretty rad

Yes and no but if humanity is to ultimately die I think we'd rather that we go together

Attached: dunston checks in.png (986x860, 47K)

My mom will die tonight

Check what?

>Dunston thread
>Dunston gets dubs
of course

This whole movie is a metaphor for niggers.

more like DUBston

nice, I'll just check myself.

Attached: Check3.gif (360x270, 1.64M)


I'm going to have a romantic relationship with Maggie.

Dunston give me blessed digits.

I will get the much foretold "dubs"

Attached: 1565583781660.jpg (1280x720, 215K)

I got dubs last time and no one congratulated me :(


Congratulations, user.

I heard a song called "prisoner Christmas" and it mention "dunston wishes he had never check in" and now I see where the reference came from.