Why yes my favourite directors are Orson Welles, Stanley Kubrick, Ridley Scott, David Lynch, David Fincher...

>Why yes my favourite directors are Orson Welles, Stanley Kubrick, Ridley Scott, David Lynch, David Fincher, Taika Waititi, and Denis Villeneuve

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So what you're saying is that onions boys have good taste?

>actually yes, i do believe steven soderbergh is the greatest figure in american film, how did you know?

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Not OP, I don't think those directors are bad taste at all but they're definitely entry level(Nothing wrong with that though, all these filmmakers make great movies). There are definitely Directors who do something similar to all the ones listed above who are better in many ways, but I'm not gonna clown on someone for not devoting all their time to watching movies.

You forgot Tarantino in that list. Those faggot love hacktino

>Denis Villenueve
no, cucks hate BR 2049, but they love shit like Once upon a time in jewllywood so, Quentin Hacktino

>haha, i posted the funny open mouth glasses man again!
>that means i am right and you are wrong

>Why yes I'll come up with random directory names I know and create a post so everyone will know I'm a giant retarded fag

most soi posters are repressed sois who think not doing things they enjoy will turn them into an ebin masculine man. it won't. you'll just become jaded and blackpilled about everything

Orson Welles was at his best when he was near death and voiced a fat robot


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b-but my favorite film of all time is a lynch film...

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>I only watch A24 and Criterion films

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Fine, but those fish sticks. OH YES!

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self inserting op?

>Why yes, I do have a large collection of hot sauces at home. How could you tell?

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>Makes entertaining solid movies
>didn't go to film school
stop seething